Monday, March 03, 2008

Green Salt Nuke Sham

I do not buy your Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your Green Salt Nuke Sham.

A snip of the straight version, from the Asian Times (emphasis added):

The 'laptop of mass destruction'
By Gareth Porter

WASHINGTON - The George W Bush administration has long pushed the "laptop documents" - 1,000 pages of technical documents supposedly from a stolen Iranian laptop - as hard evidence of Iranian intentions to build a nuclear weapon. Now charges based on those documents pose the only remaining obstacles to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declaring that Iran has resolved all unanswered questions about its nuclear program.

But those documents have also been regarded with great suspicion by US and foreign analysts. German officials identified the source of the laptop documents in November 2004 as the Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK), which along with its political arm, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is listed by the US State Department as a terrorist organization.

There are some indications, moreover, that the MEK obtained the documents not from an Iranian source but from Israel's Mossad.

In its latest report on Iran, circulated on February 22, the IAEA, under strong pressure from the Bush administration, included descriptions of plans for a facility to produce "green salt", technical specifications for high explosives testing and the schematic layout of a missile re-entry vehicle that appears capable of holding a nuclear weapon. Iran has been asked to provide full explanations for these alleged activities.

Tehran has denounced the documents on which the charges are based as fabrications provided by the MEK, and has demanded copies of the documents to analyze, but the United States has refused to do so.

The Iranian assertion is supported by statements by German officials. A few days after then-secretary of state Colin Powell announced the laptop documents, Karsten Voight, the coordinator for German-American relations in the German Foreign Ministry, was reported by the Wall Street Journal on November 22, 2004, as saying that the information had been provided by "an Iranian dissident group".

A German official familiar with the issue confirmed to this writer that the NCRI had been the source of the laptop documents. "I can assure you that the documents came from the Iranian resistance organization," the source said.

The Germans have been deeply involved in intelligence collection and analysis regarding the Iranian nuclear program. According to a story by Washington Post reporter Dafna Linzer soon after the laptop documents were first mentioned publicly by Powell in late 2004, US officials said they had been stolen from an Iranian whom German intelligence had been trying to recruit, and had been given to intelligence officials of an unnamed country in Turkey.

The German account of the origins of the laptop documents contradicts the insistence by unnamed US intelligence officials who insisted to journalists William J Broad and David Sanger in November 2005 that the laptop documents did not come from any Iranian resistance groups.

Despite the fact that it was listed as a terrorist organization, the MEK was a favorite of neo-conservatives in the Pentagon, who were proposing in 2003-2004 to use it as part of a policy to destabilize Iran. The United States is known to have used intelligence from the MEK on Iranian military questions for years. It was considered a credible source of intelligence on the Iranian nuclear program after 2002, mainly because of its identification of the facility in Natanz as a nuclear site.

The German source said he did not know whether the documents were authentic or not. However, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)analysts, and European and IAEA officials who were given access to the laptop documents in 2005, were very skeptical about their authenticity.

The Guardian's Julian Borger last February quoted an IAEA official as saying there is "doubt over the provenance of the computer".

A senior European diplomat who had examined the documents was quoted by the New York Times in November 2005 as saying, "I can fabricate that data. It looks beautiful, but is open to doubt."

Scott Ritter, the former US military intelligence officer who was chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, noted in an interview that the CIA has the capability to check the authenticity of laptop documents through forensic tests that would reveal when different versions of different documents were created.

The fact that the agency could not rule out the possibility of fabrication, according to Ritter, indicates that it had either chosen not to do such tests or that the tests had revealed fraud.


And the Seuss Version, from me…

Scary Islam!
Scary Islam!
You must be afraid of
that Scary Islam!

So will you buy our
Green Salt Nuke Sham?

I do not buy your
Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your
Green Salt Nuke Sham.

Would you fear them
here or there?

I will not fear them
here or there.
I will not fear them
I do not buy your
Green Salt Nuke Sham.
I do not buy your
Islam Scam.

But they’re coming to
Burn your house!
They’re coming to
Kill your spouse!

I do not want
To lose my house.
I do not want
To lose my spouse.
But I will not fear them
here or there.
I will not fear them
I do not buy your
Green Salt Nuke Sham.
I do not buy your
Islam Scam.

So can we bomb them
Just the same?
Can we bomb them
In your name?

No, not just the same.
Not in my name.
You cannot scare me with my house.
You cannot threaten my beloved spouse.
I will not fear them here or there.
I will not fear them anywhere.
I do not buy your
Green Salt Nuke Sham.
I do not buy your
Islam Scam.

Would you? Could you?
Torture some?
Beat them! Drown them!
‘Cause here they come!!

I would not,
could not,
torture some.

You will fear them.
You will consent.
When a Scary Muslim
Is President!

I would not, could not torture men.
I don’t consent; not now, not then!

I do not buy your Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your Green Salt Nuke Sham.
You cannot scare me with my house.
You cannot threaten my beloved spouse.
I will not fear them here or there.
I will not fear them anywhere.
I do not buy your Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your Green Salt Nuke Sham.

A waterboard! A waterboard!
A waterboard! A waterboard!
Would you let us
with a waterboard?

Not with a waterboard! I will not relent!
You may not torture. I do not consent!

I will not approve preemptive war.
I will not permit it you crapulent whore.
You cannot scare me with my house.
You cannot threaten my beloved spouse.
I will not fear them here or there.
I will not fear them anywhere.
I do not buy your Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your Green Salt Nuke Sham.

In the dark?
Here in the dark!
Can we spy on you in the dark?

I would not, could not,
in the dark.

Would you, could you,
in a secret jail?

I would not, could not, in secret jail.
Not in the dark. You will not prevail.
Not with a waterboard. I do not okay.
I will not see my country end up this way.
Quit lying to me you evil wingnut whore.
Quit trying to scare me into another damned war.
I will not let you here or there.
I will not let you anywhere.

You do not buy our
Green Salt Nuke Sham?

I see right through
Your Islam Scam.

Would you let us
Lie on Fox?

Would you let us
Spawn a dozen Iraqs?

I could not, would not, listen to Fox.
I will not let you breed more Iraqs.
I would not, could not, in secret jail.
Not in the dark. You will not prevail.
Not with a waterboard. I do not okay.
I will not see my country end up this way.
I would not, could not torture men.
I don’t consent; not now, not then
You cannot scare me with my house.
You cannot threaten my beloved spouse.
I do not buy your Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your Green Salt Nuke Sham.

You do not like us.
So you say.
Try us! Try us!
And you may.
Try us and you may, I say.

What about this
Don’t you get?
Your lies aren’t working
Your end you’ve met.
Your siren’s song
Now a heap of dung.
Just fascist whispers
On a traitor’s tongue.

You cannot scare me with my house.
You cannot threaten my beloved spouse.
I will not fear them here or there.
I will not fear them anywhere.
I do not buy your Islam Scam.
And I do not buy your Green Salt Nuke Sham.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Can I buy you drinks for the rest of the year?

Anonymous said...

Lookout blogworld, driftglass is on a roll!

Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of John Murtha, speaking in congress to one of bushCo's house-liars:

"Why should we believe YOU?"

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me, tb.

Anonymous said...


Anonymoustache said...

Yet another brilliant post.

Anonymous said...


Angel Of Mercy said...

Truly inspired, Mr. Glass; one of your very best!

Anonymous said...

Again with the brilliance Drifty.

Anonymous said...

Drifty, this is still old news, and it won't ever be accepted for anything else.

But we fart on. *G*



Anonymous said...

Iraq: A Hopeless Cause

It has been far to long and I am sick and tired of our country fighting a war we don't need. With all the problems in our country, why are we concerning ourselves more with others. It has been 4 1/2 years too long and we need to take action NOW!!!! The Bush Administration needs to take a closer look at their Bible, "remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:5) While America has been paying attention to every other country, the U.S. has been experiencing economic problems, unemployment, a stalled housing market, and a growing deficit. Every day we fight this war all of those problems listed worsen, and as they worsen our country fails it's citizens more and more. If we don't end this war now it will never end. The world is moving to fast for us to waste time on meaningless conflicts.

Anonymous said...

ahHAHAHAHAHAHAA ::spews coffee::

Thanks. I needed that.

Frank said...

Superb. I'd love to see a video/audio version.

Myrtle June said...

""Oh the thinks you can think! Think and wonder and dream! Far and wide as you dare!"

You're a true Gift, Dr. Driftglass ;-)

Mauigirl said...

Oh this was wonderful! I am so glad I found you, I am going to put you on my blogroll!

I found you, by the way, through Brilliant at Breakfast. And I forget how I found her! The blog world is amazing...

Anonymous said...

But none so amazing as Sir Driftglass who honors Blogtopia with his presence.

Please pass me the Green
Salt Nuke Sham

Sad I am

To pass this Sham

Without saying "Bam!"

Sham sham sham

WE (US) am am am.


Welcome to Pottersville

Anonymous said...

Really special!

Anonymous said...
