Saturday, February 16, 2008

So Senator Clinton

has a brand new ad.

Which is being roundly mocked from one edge of the blogospehere to the other as awful on do many levels.

Still, probably not as bad an idea as this

early draft.


Anonymous said...

that's really a tv ad? Wow, glad I don't have cable.


Anonymous said...

Spot on, there.

Rena said...

It looks like it was done by supporters, not by the campaign itself, so, in all fairness, they can't be blamed for it. But someone(s) should definitely be held accountable.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

OFF TOPIC--My PC's hard drive is behaving erratically and I suspect I will need to replace it shortly, so don't be surprised if y'all don't hear much from me for a while. :(

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I loved the old Motown sound, and the song was very much that. I can't hate or dis on the song. Yea, it was silly and trite, but dammit it was fun. "Yes We Can" is a much better song. But hell, what do I know? I grew up in Memphis listening to Sun and STAX. But, yea, I refuse to dis H.Clinton or her followers. I've been voting since 1980 when I turned 18, but I've been very politically aware and active since even before '72, though that was my first presidential campaign. I'm just saying as a long time political junkie that I have never ever heard of an unafilliated group of musicians, singers and actors getting together a few days after an event, so inspired to create a song commemorating the event. That was a momentum/ movement change for me. And I am totally ignoring the Kampuchea, Live Aid, Band AID,Tsunami and Katrina stuff, or the Al Gore /Global Climate Change concerts this past summer.Not even Woody/Arlo Guthrie wrote these kind of songs. And after Will Rogers, he's my favorite Okie.

I hate that the supporters of both of our candidates seem to be burning man and bridges.KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE, people. If only for the judiciary, we must have a Dem president. Hell, I'd settle for competence in delivering government services. A FEMA that worked and provided. An FDA who decided science was better than religion...

Hell, I've started boycotting some of my favorite left web sites, and it's not because they are pro-Hillary, it's because they are adamantly anti- Obama.

I voted the way I voted for very good, valid and empirical reasons. I didn't vote anti-anyone.

Anonymous said...

What LM said:

"Up with people!"

(Joan Rivers' finger-down-throat-induced-gag gesture....)

lostnacfgop said...

That was worse than watching Ann Coulter skin Alan Colmes alive during sweeps week on Fox News Sunday. And when will "the Jacksons" sue for copyright infringement for lifting "A-B-C (easy as 1,2,3)" in that wretched production

CMike said...

Thanks for the news flash Driftglass. The "brand new" Clinton video was posted on YouTube September 28, 2007.

Springtime for gonzo at blogspot, the fear and loathing is in bloom.

Anonymous said...

oops, i must be here at the cool place by mistake. neat video, though...gentle video.

great for my 61 year-old self.

and god help me, i've been boycotting some of my favorite left web sites, and it's not because they are pro-barry, it's because they are adamantly anti-hillary.

but tonight i just couldn't quit you, then upon arrival i saw the awesome hipness just lounging around all over, and realized i still wasn't cool enough to bow down and kiss your feet.

go, hillary! yeah....

Batocchio said...

Haha. Yeah, I already featured that Hillary supporter video, although that was made by a supporter, not commissioned by her campaign, I believe.

And man, I haven't seen House of Games since I rented it on VHS.