Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fire Sale at

Big Rudy's Family Val-U Discount Warehouse.

Everything Must Go!

From the AP

Giuliani to exit presidential race

By DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer

Rudy Giuliani told supporters Wednesday he's abandoning his bid for president and backing Republican rival and longtime friend John McCain.

Rep. Peter King, a New York Republican and adviser to Giuliani, said the former mayor called him this morning to tell him of his plan.

Giuliani "will be announcing his endorsement today," said King.

"I expect him to be fairly active for McCain. There is a real friendship and respect between the two," he said. A similar call took place between Giuliani and New York Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno.

"I spoke with Rudy Giuliani this morning and he confirmed that he is dropping out of the race and will endorse Senator John McCain for president," Bruno said in a statement.

Once the Republican presidential front-runner, Giuliani suffered a debilitating defeat in Tuesday's Florida primary.

The former mayor finished a distant third to the winner, McCain, and close second-place finisher Mitt Romney. After the results, Republican officials had said Giuliani would endorse McCain on Wednesday in California.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in advance of the public announcement.

Speaking to supporters Tuesday night, Giuliani stopped short of announcing he was stepping down, but delivered a valedictory speech that was more farewell than fight-on.


Well, liquidation sales are always good for somebody, so for pennies on the dollar I'm sure some enterprising young go-getter will be snapping up deals like Chinese bankers buying up huge chunks of suddenly drossy American real estate.

A few boxes of heavily chewed campaign issues, for instance.

Or a somewhat man-juice-stained

love doll.

Or maybe even

some lovely rugs.


res ipsa loquitur said...

"Do not even think of selling my tiara."

--Judith Stich Ross Nathan Giuliani

Mark Lazen said...

Giuliani. Never was a campaign's self-image more inflated in relation to reality. Tomorrow morning, we'll have forgotten that it ever happened.


Anonymous said...

I believe it was the great HST who opined:

"Good riddance to bad rubbish."