Thursday, December 07, 2006

You may think you know

what's going on Mr. driftglass.

But I assure you, you don't know.

This via Americablog:

BREAKING: Cheney's lesbian daughter Mary is pregnant!
by John in DC - 12/06/2006 01:31:00 AM

Oh, man, is this gonna be fun. Just watching the religious right try to bite their tongues and not slam the vice president's family. I'm very happy for Mary and Heather, and in their own way they're breaking new ground and making a difference for gay people in this country, finally. But still, this is gonna be priceless just to watch the collective heads of the religious right explode.

Mary Cheney, the vice president's openly gay daughter, is pregnant. She and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, are "ecstatic" about the baby, due in late spring, said a source close to the couple.

It's a baby boom for grandparents Dick and Lynne Cheney: Their older daughter, Elizabeth, went on leave as deputy assistant secretary of state before having her fifth child in July. "The vice president and Mrs. Cheney are looking forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of their sixth grandchild," spokesman Lea Anne McBride said last night.

And get this. They live in Virginia, where a new state constitutional amendment pretty much guarantees that Mary's baby is screwed.

In November, Virginia voters passed a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions; state law is unclear on whether Poe could have full legal rights as a parent of Cheney's child. The circumstances of the pregnancy will remain private, said the source close to the couple. This is the first child for both.

Oh, but Virginia law was already far worse than that. Virginia had already set up new Jim Crow laws targeting gays two years ago. Those laws may vitiate any legal agreement between the two, period, about anything. The law ensures that Mary's partner has no legal rights whatsoever in their child, or in what happens to Mary (or vice versa), such as if one partner has to go the hospital, the other can't visit. The law may even nullify any wills that Mary and Heather write regarding each other, and it may make it impossible for gay people to go to court to resolve any difference about anything - the courts can't recognize gay unions, so they can't make any decisions that would imply recognition (custody, hospital visitation, wills, etc.) It's beyond ironic that Virginia's new law, one of the most hateful, bigoted laws on the books, is now targeting the vice president's own daughter and soon-to-be new grandchild.

Read more here, it's chilling the extent to which Virginia has slipped back into its racist, hateful path.

Oh, and by the way, who's the daddy?

If this were any other couple that I knew of vaguely -- same sex or not -- I'd probably spare 'em a good thought for happiness and a healthy child and forget about it. Maybe send a card. So I wouldn’t give a good God damn about Mary Cheney, her sexual preferences or whelpling were it not for the ugly reality that:

A: Her father is an incarnation of distilled Evil on the material plane.

B: He and his junta of globe-slagging monsters rose to power on an explicitly gay-bashing agenda that did not simply tack with the prevailing breezes from Gehenna, but actively and deliberately stoked and cultivated the loathsome darkfires of intolerance and hate.

C: He and every other smirking prick who flies his colors rely entirely on the fact that the yokels who make up the base of the GOP (and who apparently vote by getting a good, running start and then ramming their blunt head into the touch screen monitors) are actually too stupid to notice that the "All Queers Hating All The Time Party of God" is happily stocked to the rafters in every aisle with Teh Gay.

Oh well, enough about that.

Hey, how about we talk a little cinema? Because on a completely unrelated note, did you know it’s the 32nd Anniversary of “Chinatown”?

Man, I love that movie.

I especially love this scene:

So dark. So malevolent. So Roman Polanski.

It's also the 38th anniversary of Polanski’s “Rosemary's Baby”.

A genuinely terrifying film, with a theme that’s oddly similar to “Chinatown”: a woman who gave birth against her will to the child of a monster, although in “Rosemary's Baby”, Polanski takes the theme to a supernatural conclusion.

There, we know the child, too, is a Beast when we discover:
"He has his fathers eyes".

Anyway, just talking a little cinema here.

Nothing to see here. Just move along.

Also no, smart-ass "undisclosed location" jokes. You're better than that.

Just forget about it, Jake.

It’s Cheneytown.


BitterHarvest said...

Oh, the sweet irony. Mary has always been so supportive of her dad. Even though he, you know, is a leader of the party that has obliterated her rights as a partner in a gay relationship and as a mother to a child in a gay relationship. But that's no big deal. How important are your rights as a mother to your child?

Mwaahaaahaahaha! That will teach ya, Mary! Now smile for the cameras and talk about how supportive your parents are of your sexual orientation! Dance little monkey dance!

Seriously, how must it raise the bile of the Christian fundies that the VP has an openly gay daughter in a gay relationship who just mothered a child. I want to hear Dennis Miller crack a few jokes about Mary Cheney's turkey baster baby. I want to get a response from James Inhofe and Falwell. In fact, I want Inhofe to look Mary Cheney and Dick Cheney in the eyes and redeliver that speech he gave in the Senate a month ago about homosexuality being a "disgrace." Think about it: most of the GOP congresspeople think Mary Cheney is a disgrace. I want to hear them chirp about how disgraceful Mary Cheney is. I would bring it up in every single debate on gay rights in Congress for the next couple years.

Will Divide said...

Wow. You get a head of steam going and it's "Mary, bar the door!"

Anonymous said...

forget about it, Jake.
It’s Cheneytown.


Anonymous said...

sweet, inspired stuff. once again, you don't disappoint.

Anonymous said...

Mary and Heather should go up to Canada to get married...
God bless them and their baby.

Anonymous said...

God is dead! Hail Satan!

skunqesh said...

Who's the father? uhmm..

If they're looking to please the fundies then maybe this little number might satisfy their wishes

Anonymous said...

There may be hope for us yet if Cheney comes into the light. Uh, on second thought, maybe we'd better if he stayed where he is.

Anonymous said...

Not even Polanski could turn Cheney into art, and he's the best we've got in this territory. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Cheney and people like him, and they are legion, rich and arrogant and hateful, don't have to sweat anything like gay rights, kids being born out of wedlock, etc. They are just satisfied to have heirs, more little creatures to bring up in their hoofprints.