Now what?
This from the NYT...
Dictator Who Ruled Iraq With Violence Is Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity
BAGHDAD, Saturday, Dec. 30 — Saddam Hussein, the dictator who led Iraq through three decades of brutality, war and bombast before American forces chased him from his capital city and captured him in a filthy pit near his hometown, was hanged just before dawn Saturday during the morning call to prayer.
The final stages of Mr. Hussein’s life came with terrible swiftness after he lost the appeal, six days ago, of his death sentence for the killings of 148 men and boys in the northern town of Dujail in 1982. He had received the sentence less than two months before from a special court set up to judge his reign as the almost unchallenged dictator of Iraq.
His execution was announced on Iraqi state television and was confirmed by a senior American official in Baghdad and a Bush administration official in Crawford, Tex. No details were disclosed and Iraqi officials had said it would not be shown publicly.
Andrew Young tells the story of a eulogy that the famous Reverend Vernon Johns once preached over a man for whom he had little regard, but for whom the family and deacons forced him to conduct a funeral service:
"So and so lived a trifling and worthless life.
He went around Montgomery daring someone to cut his throat. Saturday night somebody obliged him.
He lived like a dog; he died like a dog.
Undertaker claim the body."
Pure poetry, and that’s about all in the way of words that the passing of murdering tyrant and longtime United States ally Saddam Hussein deserves, but his hanging makes not one iota of difference to the situation on the ground either way.
Like a quarterback doing an end zone dance when his team is losing 105-6, this was the closest thing George W. Bush will see to a victory lap until they plant him, mocked and unmourned, once sunny day many years from now.
Dubya had one more card to play in the only game at which he ever excelled: executing people. And he was going to play it as big and loud as possible, and scripted to make all the Year End lists and talking head shows.
Saddam’s trial -- far from the sober, impartial and meticulously serious affair the world should expect when a truly murderous dictator has been deposed and has fallen into the just hands of the last superpower -- became both bloody and buffoonish. It transformed what should have been serious proceedings with international implications into farce, and the tyrant into a clown. And so in this most anticlimactic death of a cartoon villain since Boba Fett, the only reaction I have is “So what”?
I mean, great. Bad man dead. Good. But other than being the unsurprisingly small, brutish and creepily personal denouement of our own small and brutish Ahab-In-Chief’s private Moby Dick, can anyone fit this into a larger context that sheds any fucking light whatsoever on the only question that matters?
Why are in Iraq?
If it was regime change, we’re done. Boy howdy, are we ever done. Regime changed…with extreme prejudice.
If it was to roll up all of the House of 52 Cards in the famous, cutsie war deck, well aren’t they all gone now?
If it was to get rid of those WMDs, well they ain’t there.
They weren’t “…in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”
We have not found them on a boat.
We have not found them with a goat.
We have not found them near Saddam.
They were not there. It was all a scam.
So in the end all we had was Saddam in a cage and now he’s danced his Danny Deever for the twitchy satisfaction of George W. Bush
"What makes the rear-rank breathe so 'ard?" said Files-on-Parade.
"It's bitter cold, it's bitter cold", the Colour-Sergeant said.
"What makes that front-rank man fall down?" said Files-on-Parade.
"A touch o' sun, a touch o' sun", the Colour-Sergeant said.
They are hangin' Danny Deever, they are marchin' of 'im round,
They 'ave 'alted Danny Deever by 'is coffin on the ground;
An' 'e'll swing in 'arf a minute for a sneakin' shootin' hound --
O they're hangin' Danny Deever in the mornin'!
and is as dead as Dillinger.
Way to go.
Mission Fucking Accomplished.
Can we leave now?
Oh, no, boy-o. We're not done yet. This is but a bubble burst on the foaming sea of hatred that is Iraq and our stupidity there. I think the most amazing thing about Saddam's death will be how little difference it makes. You nailed it. Once again.
And are we proud to be part of a hanging, even of such a one as him? Personally, I'm not.
In a just world Bush would be next.
OK, let's recap.
Osama still runs free.
We still lose troops in Iraq every day.
Our planet simmers in its hyper-carbonated atmosphere.
Millions of our fellow citizens live in poverty.
Our misruling class of right-wing morons has borrowed godzillions of dollars to finance their witless war for petroleum without their having to pay taxes; this leaves us in a situation where the Chinese own our genitals, and not in any happy fun way, either.
[A "godzillion" is a number as big as Godzilla.]
But hey, we can still hang a has-been bargain-basement Stalin-wannabe! YEEE-HAWW! YOO-ESS-AY! YOO-ESS-AY! TEAM GOP FUCK YEAH!
Flying. H. Spaghetti Monster.
I do wish that the usa would have imprisoned saddam and his two sons for life,, so the world could watch them grow old and grey and crazy like that german fellow at Spandau,, and saddam could have written books about his relationship with the usa,, give the proceeds to the poor in Iraq,, but thats just me.
"...this most anticlimactic death of a cartoon villain since Boba Fett..."
That's sheer genius, Maestro Drifty.
So, indeed, what's next?
More dead Americans coming home in boxes we aren't allowed to see.
More Americans wounded in body, mind and soul that will not receive the care they should from an uncaring government.
More dead Iraqis, so many that they cannot be counted.
A binding, blinding cycle of hatred and retribution directed at US and the West.
I blanched at the eulogy provided Nixon by Clinton.
I don't intend to sit idly by should I outlive Bush. I'll organize victory dances from the nursing homes, if necessary.
I'm not a vindictive guy, but he's such a vicious bastard that I can do that as a political refutal of everything he's done to destroy the better angels of this country.
What should have been Bush's finest hour as Hussein goes to gallows must go down in history as one of most embarrasing. Mobile phone footage shows the final moments of Husseins life and an evil dictator is taunted right up to the final seconds.
This should have been done more professionaly to show that we are a good nation and not as barbaric, as the evil we are trying to squash.
Anyoutsider could easiliy see this as just as barbaric as the hangings Hussein himself ordered.
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