Dubya’s New Plan for Victory? Apparently it's the Hobart Phase.
All book review quotes courtesy of this site.
In 2003 – “Mission Accomplished”, baby! The war was fucking OVER.
"In this 1967 novel, Counterclock World, author Philip K. Dick writes of world where there has been a reversal of time. The Hobart Phase, named for the scientist who first predicted its existence, causes the normal flow of time to reverse itself. The dead are born again from the womb of the grave and regress through life to the point where they must seek out a surrogate womb to "die" in."
In 2005 – There was a “plan for victory”.
"Dick focuses on eating and smoking as two examples of the Hobart Phase in progress. Cigarettes are smoked in reverse, beginning with the butt and concluding with a complete unused cigarette. Eating involves a complicated process of regurgitating food into whole form and returning the "fresh" food to the original packaging."
In October 2006 -- we’re winning. Definitely. “Absolutely, we’re winning.”
"Also key to the novel and the reversal of time are the "Erads". A group of powerful librarians the "Erads" are responsible for eradicating chronologically all copies of written works as time progresses backwards. The Erads' motives are never made clear. Whether it's a by-product of the Hobart Phase or whether the group is using the Hobart Phase as a convenient excuse to carry out their form of censorship is not resolved."
In December 2006 -- “We’re not winning. We’re not losing.”
"As with much of Dick's writing the destination of the journey is not the be all and end all of the story, but rather the terrain that is traversed throughout the course of the journey. Counter-Clock World dwells on many of Dick's hallmarks namely paranoia, religion, dark-haired women and drugs."
So Dubya did not lie us into Iraq, did not completely fail to plan for the morning after the Shock and Awe Party was over, and we are not losing.
We are obviously just moving backwards in time. Which is strangely reassuring.
Because soon the GOP will un-impeach Bill Clinton, a certain jizz stain will go flying off of a certain blue dress and back to home base, and the globe will grow cooler and more ice-cap friendly.
Coming soon: “The Republican Time-Slip” and "The 'Tard in the High Castle".
1 comment:
I do believe Bush is in the Dick Phase right now.
Happy New Year, drifty.
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