Saturday, October 07, 2006

Guitar, and a little History.

Rhymed and narrated by Tom Todd Snider (thanks to ombudsman for the correction)


Anonymous said...

I cheerfully admit to being a pessimist,(is that oxymoronic?) but I suspect they'll find some way to wiggle out of this, too. Our country's politics during my adult life has taught me never to underestimate the dull-wittedness of a significant portion of my fellow citizens.

Also, someone is leaving a huge spam-turd on some of the earlier threads, about "debt consolidation".

Anonymous said...

The artist's name is Todd Snider. OhBoy Records.

Anonymous said...

"Support torture and sexual predators: Vote Republican"

You left out wars of choice, budget deficits the size of Jupiter, pissing away our industrial base, letting scientific and technical education go to hell in a bucket, vote fraud, conversion of the presidency into an emperorship, and ignoring massive environmental damage.

Now, I wonder what I left out? :)

driftglass said...

Same here. A comprehensive list would require lifetime to scrimshaw in .005 Ariel font on a wall the size of Texas. And for the purpose of pithy snaps, gotta keep it around haiku-length.

And I am new to Mr. Snider. Just heard him on the wireless last week.