Monday, September 11, 2006

Chancellor Dubya

To address nation tonight


To address Chancellor Dubya in two months.

Should be an interesting Fall.


Anonymous said...

The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away! Fear will keep the systems in line! Fear of this battle station, er, War on Terror!

Anonymous said...

Voters ... To address Chancellor Dubya in two months.

Voting machines ... to reflect votes cast?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I wonder the same thing that Cakesniffer wonders. Why can't they just steal this election, too?
Do the Dems have any contingency plans this time?

Anonymous said...

Kid Charlemagne--

Well, there's the legions of lawyers ready to paradrop into sketchy precincts at a moment's notice, that Kerry/Edwards had lined up for 2004. The paralawyers should be ready and rested, since they didn't actually do anything last time.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if the machines are rigged if us whiny-pants liberals don't get off our asses and into the polling place.

Best Buy or Target or Blockbuster or somebody should offer a free DVD to each customer who comes in with a receipt for voting. I know It'll NEVER happen, but it's one thing that'd get the younger voters off of their couches.

Doug Bennett said...

Fingerman: “Mercy?”

V: “Not tonight.”

Warning: spoiler ahead!

Here at Casa del Monty, we must have watched “V For Vendetta” four times. A great, highly relevant plot, ass-kicking action, and superb visuals. The domino scene is one of the most stunning things I’ve ever seen in a movie. My 18 year old son had his own agenda, pronouncing a burr-headed Natalie Portman as “beyond hot’.

But what has stayed with me is the ending. Although the regime had its soldiers in the street, and the guns were cocked, in the end not a shot was fired. The whole fascist enterprise had become so corrupt, so rotten that with only a slight push, the whole thing fell apart. The snarling tough guys, so threatening coming from a television screen, turn out to be sniveling cowards. It gave me hope, because it’s happened before, you know: the seemingly impregnable fortress, filled with apparently hardened warriors is revealed to be nothing but a con, a pathetic little man behind a curtain.

Re: Natalie Portman. If you’ve never seen her Saturday Night Live rap video, it will make you smile.

Anonymous said...

Monty - tanks for the Natty link!

that. rocked.


Mister Roboto said...

Cleter and KC:

One thing's for sure, the Dems have never had an opportunity as they've had right now (1992 is the only comparison that even comes close), and if they take another dive or let election chicanery slide, I'll be through with those jokers for good.

Why do I feel like Carla Tortelli from "Cheers" saying this time she's through with the Boston Red Sox for real?

Doug Bennett said...


The only thing I can figure is that the Dems are following the "don't murder someone who is commiting suicide" philosophy, but I'm not sure that'll be good enough.

Anonymous said...

I WILL vote anyway, but I wonder if it will be counted accurately, now that we have those criminal touch-screen abominations in my district. My only real hope is that enough members of the elite will decide that Bu$hco is a threat to THEIR interests that they will prevent the election theft, or at least subsidize the necessary media platform for calling "Bullshit!" effectively. (I suspect that sort of thing is why Nixon was finally run out.)

isabelita said...

There are always pitchforks and ax handles...

Anonymous said...

Haha thats funny, Bush as Chancellor Dubya! :)

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