who nobody understands anyway, a little visually encrypted Photoshop paronomasia.
'Cause who loves ya, baby?
(Update: If you think you know the answer to the puzzle, drop me a line at driftglass00 AT yahoo DOT com. First correct guess wins a post of your very own. Write up whatever you want about whatever you want and as long as it's not patently offensive [by my own wildly idiosyncratic standards], under 250 words and does not advocate the violent overthrow of anything, the floor is yours.
Hell, I may even bang together an appropriate Photochop if I can manage it...)
Somehow the guy with the ball made me think of Machiavelli, which in turn led me to think of Karl Rove. So there.
BTW- When you open your on-line store, can I get a signed 1st Edition of this print?
¿Deed Gene Hackman do sometheeng surrreal lately?
Hoosier Daddy? That's the Mona Lisa, isn't it. She sure gets around.
Hoosier Dali? (Noting the goatee and moustachios on Mona.)
Driftglass, your mind is too beautifully deviant, and I only had a public school education.
I got nothing (but admiration).
Riffing on Chataqua and Prof. Fate, Hoosier Dada? Drifty, that's who!
Not Dali, Duchamp.
"She is hot in the ass..."
Haven't figgered out the connection to Hoosiers yet, but I's a-workin' on it.
From Crooks and Liars.
Oops. Bad badger for hotlinking John's videos, I got what I deserved.
Try this.
250 words?
I'm not competing. I just saw the picture and the first line and died laughing - if I could delete that comment I would.
Apologies. -_-
US Blues,
Actually, I'm looking around for copyright advice. I've got about 30-40 images that would make fine coffee cups or postcards, but I have no desire to get sued by Francis Ford Coppola or the NYT.
terry of the C.A.,
Just deviant.
ice weasel,
Give or take. c/b more, just not "Atlas Shrugged."
No apologies required.
there's a 'dirty sanchez' joke in that photochop, somewhere, just gotta have a filthy mind to dig it out...
I'm not much of a sports fan, and have never seen Hoosiers, but let me guess -- it's a treacly film about a group of losers from the wrong side of the tracks who, with the help of a scrappy badass of a coach (and maybe a preppy pom-pom girl or two), turn them around and push them until they win the Coveted Golden Corn Ear Basketball Trophy!
And you have taken the movie poster and Frenchified it.
Not a bad idea, for we all now know that the French have become the new tough guys to beat, a sort of Shaquille O'Neal (sheesh -- you don't even have to Frenchify that name) for the international bubble bouncing community.
Yes, the French are our Saviors now. They have left their bottles of eau de yellowstreak with airport security, and will make everything right in Lebanon, even if the rival coach tries to get their team's head cheerleader to seduce the Hoosiers' star forward and get him to throw the game! With their new cachet of magnifiqueness, why, the French have even managed to reclaim their nom de plume from the scourge of Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast! Sacre bleu! I expect that the Paris Business Review will soon report that they have created a word for entrepreneur!
So well done, dirftglass, and well done France. Soon the whole Mideast Conference, er, Middle East, will reek of elderberries!
Elle a chaud au cul. So could it be some sort of dada-Baba Hershey reference?
or how bout this?
Tagline: They needed a second chance to finish first.(from IMDB)
Hoosier daddy? Lamont? (but Lamont's not from there,is he?)
Hell, I give up.
Thomas Hart Benton background?
L.H.O.O.Q by Duchamp in the leather jacket, although it is a mirror image of the readymade.
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