Saturday, July 29, 2006

Feel. Better. Now.

Commenter montysano offers the following cure for a wistful day:
“I miss him too, DG. But today's vinyl prescription for feeling better: Steely Dan's "The Royal Scam", and turn it up real, real loud.”

Now I cannot dispute montysano’s wisdom in this matter. Fine band. Fine song.

However, on a sweltering Chicago afternoon, there is really only one first choice for the Tune Most Likely to Get Your Blood Thumpin’.

(101st Chairborne of supporters of the most disastrous mannish-boy President in history are especially advised to listen up as Muddy not only explains what it means to be a man…

…but actually spells it out for the slower children.


Anonymous said...

Preach it Brother!

Anonymous said...

That was the SHIT!!! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

I fucking dig the October 'fro on the Relevant Man! I actually saw him front row at my college shortly not that long before he died. It's burnished into my soul.

Anonymous said...


Oh, and can we start a thread to discuss the difference between having something burnished into your soul, and burned into your soul?


Anonymous said...

Oh, and can we start a thread to discuss the difference between having something burnished into your soul, and burned into your soul?

My soul don't do burned.


Anonymous said...

Nice one, DG. Look up "Music For Fucking" in Wikipedia and "I'm a Man" should just start playing.

Very odd, though, to have Muddy and George W both visible on my monitor at the same time.

Angel Of Mercy said...

As ever, DG, you display your impeccable taste. Muddy was the one who taught all those young snots like the Stones and Clapton how to get it done.

It was my pleasure and privilege to see The Man not long before he died...and Johnny Winter was in the audience. (He wasn't playing, just doing his homework.)

Thanks for that...

Anonymous said...

Yesssss, Drift...

Muddy's my man.

"I got a axe-handle pistol on a graveyard frame...

That shoots tombstone bullets wearin' balls and chains...

I'm drinkin' TNT;
I'm smokin' dynamite;

I hope some fool wants to start a fight.

'Cause I'm ready..."

He was, too. :o)
