What if she just said, “No Tail For You!”
This is a week that has produced, in quick succession, a bill to all-but-ban the right to choose in the People’s Republic of Mississippi, a Republican Supreme Court that has ruled that anti-choice mobs have the right to terrorize women and girls when they visit their doctors, and the revelation of a mash note from Sam Ailto’s to wingnut Mullah James Dobson that made Harriet Myers' paean to her Big Swingin’ Dick of a President look positively…actuarial…by comparison.
So if anyone had any doubt about who really runs the Republican Party, put them to bed without supper.
The Confederate Right has always been led by weak, flaccid, little men who cower behind John Law and Judge Lynch and beg them to protect their inadequate manhood and freeze-dried egos from the predations of vibrators, strong women and every Black Man who every lived. They have had a hard-on for re-institutionalizing the Divine Right of White Men to treat woman and brown people as chattel since the traitor army of GOP v 1.0 surrendered at Appomattox, so since The War on Your Bikini Area is definitely on, let me humbly offer the following.
First, a quick action plan for making the Mole Rat Right uncomfortable.
1. Strap a cross to the roof of every, single Family Planning Clinic in America.
2. Get a friendly pastor to call it a church, and fully exert the rights extended to every other religion.
3. In every town with a conservative, pro-Republican church, have a loud mob show up every Sunday – carrying very graphic signs showing dead Iraqi children and lynched African-Americans. This “Operation Rescue Sweet Baby Jesus” should loudly insist that they have the right to “educate” the parishioners about the true dangers to their immortal souls of worshiping at the anti-Christian cult of Falwell and Dobson.
Second, this scathing, passionate update on the Lysistrata strategy via my favorite erotica bloginatrix, the indespensible Susie Bright, who asks this very reasonable, maddening question:
So why do women just take it? Why do I surrender so often myself? Why isn’t there a Lysistrata-style uprising every time we’re up against the wall? Why are the bullies the agenda-setters every where I turn?
Here’s the full-throated cry to which Ms. Bright links from this LiveJournal entry.
This is not about abortion.
If you read the article in its entirety, I think that much is obvious -- this is not about abortion. If this were about abortion -- specifically, about fewer abortions being performed -- then those interested in reducing that number would hop all over this bill. So I'll say it again, this is not about abortion.
This is about women having sex, and who gets to be in charge of that sex.
Well, really -- that's what it all comes down to, isn't it? At present, there is a movement in place to make sure that (to lift a phrase from Dan Savage) men have orgasms, and women have babies.
There are people in this world who very firmly believe that this is the natural order of things: men have orgasms, and women have babies. This is a sacred balance, whereby a man is made happy for two minutes and a woman spends the next nine months serving as host to a life-threatening parasite, then the next eighteen years held legally, morally, and fiscally responsible for the health and well-being of that parasite ... while the man is free to wander off or stick around at his leisure.
This is a balance that many, many people -- many of them in positions of power -- are willing to go to great lengths to enforce. Never mind that many (but not all) of these people are men, and are therefore unlikely to be held accountable for any parasite more complex than a tapeworm ... for some strange reason or reasons, these people want to make sure that it is very, very difficult for your average American woman to manage her reproductive system.
Most of the people who object to the wide, easy availability of birth control are men. These men have the luxury of assuming this position because they have no reason to believe that they, personally, have anything at stake. I find this baffling.
The solution is so obvious that it can be boiled down to three words: stop fucking them.
That's right. Stop fucking them.
If your man doesn't understand that if he's entitled to an orgasm, you're entitled to an unoccupied uterus -- stop fucking him. If he can't get it through his thick skull that his fleeting pleasure poses a mortal threat to you -- stop fucking him. No handjobs, no blowjobs, no orgasms for him whatsoever except by his own hand, until you can be completely assured of a baby-free future, at your discretion.
These men do not deserve access to your pants. Stop fucking them.
I don't know what you think you owe them, and I don't care how badly they whine or beg. I don't care if they're wonderful boyfriends otherwise. I don't care if you're married to them. Stop fucking them. It is still your body. It is still your call. Clearly, they do not understand this. So stop fucking them.
They will not die if you do not fuck them. Stop fucking them.
Remember: You can hold out longer than they can. I promise. Your sex toys are better,* your self-control is superior, and your stakes are higher. Stop fucking them. You deserve better. You deserve someone who is aware that your body is your domain, and who respects that. If he doesn't respect that, stop fucking him.
Just stop. Stop it. You deserve better, and he deserves a cold shower if he thinks he is entitled to control over your vagina and how you manage its daily operation. Stop fucking him if he thinks that someone other than you should determine what hangs around inside you. Stop fucking him, because he would sooner masturbate with a corkscrew than let you dictate how he receives his prostate exams.
Stop fucking him if he refers to birth control as your problem, then helps vote in legislation that makes it your really big fucking problem. Stop fucking him if he thinks that your inability to prevent conception should in no way prevent him from having sex with you.
It's not that complicated.
Stop fucking him.
Stop it. Seriously.
Overall I'd agree that women have a lot more power en masse than they tend to exercise and a whole lot of nonesense in this world would come to a screeching halt the day after it was announced that sex would henceforth be directly tied to being a decent man, but I am troubled because it seems to me, on some level, the question itself is subtly sexist.
By casting women as Superior Beings who have failed and fallen in some way, instead of flawed sinners who are as likely to be as noble or base on any given day as anyone else, the premise itself objectifies women in a very specific way.
Still, given that the now-emboldened Uterati have decided to turn this from a Cold War into a Hot one, it seems that different times demand different tools and, as Dear Leader says, "no options should be taken off the table."
Just brilliant. See also Lysistrata Project
Thanx for sharing this magnificent rant and fine strategy.
That said, the line "your sex toys are better" really got my attention. I feel sorry for any woman whose experience has led her to that conclusion (or any man for that matter).
Fine post, Drifty, except one thing caught my eye (and dragged it 15 feet, as Emo Phillips would say). Alas, the Founders did NOT make it clear in the Constitution whether or not the Federal Union was a sovereign entity, over and above the states, or a federation of sovereign states. From their own viewpoint, the Confederates were being loyal to their "countries", because they saw their home states as their countries. Your use of the word "traitor" illustrates an odd intensity of emotion about an event that occurred a century or so before any of us were born. I thought only diehard sore-losers down here in Dixie still felt so passionately about the War of Secession. My attitude is "We lost. Get over it."
From the swamps of Arkansas, Ivory Bill Woodpecker
I completely overlooked the fact that "The Poon Nazis" would be a GREAT name for a rock band, particularly an all-female punk band.
Brava!! Thanks for highlighting Ms. Bright today. I've always wondered why we feminists have never brought men's part of the pregnancy equation into the abortion debate. I always thought they were a half of it ignored.
US Blues: I took that line to mean our sex toys are better than men's sex toys, not better than men. You gotta agree with that, don't ya? Susie can send you to some great sites to prove it.
Wonderful post. Great rant.
to me, you are preaching to the choir. why would any decent liberal have anything to do with jerkoffs who think women are vessels for their precious bodily fluids. --and yes, this is about an attitude that thinks women having sex is wrong unless they can afford a child as an outcome.
the funny thing is that in this so-called christian view that just loves pregnant women, they apparently hate women with children, as far as economics and social opportunities are concerned.
however, I really find the use of the term parasite highly offensive. The dramatic effect of your entire post is lost in the offputting labeling of a child as a parasite. jmho.
but then, this post isn't intended for me, it seems. It's geared to men with the graphics, at least. the notion of women on a pedestal vs simple human beings as a form of objectification is also sort of lost with the graphic.
maybe a photoshop of Ralph Reed, Dobson, and Alito as 8 mos preggers drag queens would be more apropo. but that's just me.
I also thought that referring to a fetus as a parasite was over the top, but to be fair, that's Susie Bright's quote - not Driftglass'. One could endorse the concept of a General Sex Strike Against Theocratic Males without necessarily subscribing to the rhetorical language of all its proponents.
I suspect that such a strike is redundant, though. For one thing, when was the last time a major Republican got embroiled in a sex scandal? I mean one involving women past the age of consent, that is.
And besides, if all the women boycotted Republicans we'd just see a phalanx of new Jeff Gannons in the White House press corps.
Ah, see - I can tell you guys don't get "IT". As someone who would almost certainly qualify as a "Theocratic Agent of the Patriarchy" (White male Catholic, degree in Catholic theology, wife who stays at home and raises our 5 kids, we want more children, I disapprove of *artificial birth control*, etc.)the goal is, really, to make sure that sex is not isoalted from its consequences.
You say "Hey, I don't want kids so you don't get to have sex" and I say "Finally! They are catching on!". All birth control eventually fails, so if you don't want kids (whether you think they are parasites or not) *at all* - don't have sex.
So, I fully support the Lysistrata Option - heck, I'll promote and endorse it!
Well, why the hell isn't anyone here looking at the 'protest' aspect. The rant about putting the 'religious' onto the planned parenthood facility, and protesting at 'christian anti-choice' locations! This is brilliant. The supreme court has sanctioned this kind of protest. It should be no trouble at all to pull this off. I realize that, as 'liberals', it is offensive to think in terms of playing a seemingly cruel and offensive card but, hey, what 'choice' do we have at this point? Desparate times call for desparate measures.
Thanks! Got anymore poon pictures?
I'm embracing my outer "Poon Nazi"
I (or my partner) have employed various birth control methods (except for abortions) since I started at age 18. Now I'm over 40. I have been with scores of women. I never impregnated a woman until I (we) intended to do so. I've settled down now (ahem), and my new wife and I have a baby due in June. I disagree with Mr.thought that all bc eventually fails (maybe for clueless idiots, it does.) I'm not calling you an idiot, Mr. Thought, I understand that you have your own lifestyle.
I, obviously have mine, too. Live and let live and all that, but you are wrong about the effectiveness of birth control when applied by intelligent, rational human beings.
I have no problem with, and even respect DT's point of view. It's when self-righteous, self-appointed, arbiters of other people's behavior start forcing it onto everyone else, that it becomes a problem. I don't think my belief system is for everyone, but somehow my beliefs aren't invalidated by others' lack of adherence.
ditto. Although we have to disagree over the efficacy of bc when propoerly used, I have much respect for DT's choices, as I will respect anyone's that doesn't endanger others, aggressively evangelize, or harm children.
Way to go, Deep Thought; sounds like y'all would set a merry table at Thankgiving :-)
your comments are a model of what respectful debate sounds like. thanks.
Let me introduce to a little thing called Google...
Other Anon,
It alwasy seemed to me like we were missing a huge bet by not getting comfy with the language of faith. We have faith in the future, faith in our fellow man, faith in the creative side of our species being able to save uf from our draker side...so why should we apologize or take a back seat to anyone when it comes to being people of faith?
Other, other anon,
I enthusiastically enjoy looking at attractive woman. That'll never change and I would never want it to.
us blues,
It is sad, but that's the world we live in. Also it is esp funny that so many guys are actually jealous of the little devils. They don't savvy that Mr. Hmmmmm is your friend.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker,
If the ghosts of Gettysburg would stay buried I'd be happy to let it all go once and for all. But millions of the Sons of Jeff Davis rise back up like so many, uh, White Pride Zombies (sorry, couldn't help it) every couple of decades to try to violently reconstitute their Segregationist Empire.
When they stop trying to relight racial hatreds and rebuild Dixie, I'll stop punching them in the head.
Well for awhile there in the mid-90s it seemed like every week another moralizing prick was resigning after being caught cheating on his wife, but overall I take your point.
"White Pride Zombies"--under General Rob Lee Zombie? ;) Although actually, General Lee counselled against bitterness after the war; too many of my fellow sons of Dixie either never heard that advice or refused to heed it.
As for me, I see my paleness as being nothing to be proud or ashamed about; it's not as if I had a choice about it.
I`m on your side on these issues.
But, did she say we "wouldn`t" die without sex? Damm, all those years.
Not to make light of a serious subject, I`m just out wandering around the neighborhood, looking in here and there.
There is an old joke - the plural of anecdote is data. *You* may have not suffered a failure of artificial birth control, but that doesn't mean that that is because you are smarter, more rational, etc. than people who do suffer B/C failures. For example, I have a 1st cousin who had a girlfriend on the pill and habitually used condoms - they had a pregnancy. Now, she is a Planned Parenthood certified teacher of safe sex and he's a biologist; were the dumb, or victims of statistics?
The point always comes back to personal responsibility. There seems to be some sort of disconnect among the fundies about this. They have some deep seated (no pun intended) issues with sex. I know someone who works in the obgyn field and often the fundies are infected with clymidia (sp?) They can't control themselves when it comes to sex so they have to make it as dangerous as possible to themselves & their familes to engage in it. You think they don't f**k like rabbits every chance they get? Holier than us they may be, but not any less human.
They need to have help keeping themselves from jumping the church secretary, and lets face it misery loves company. Everybody should abstain. Suffering on earth will lead to heaven. (where there is some question about the availability of poon...)
This may be painting all of them together with too broad a brush, though the loudest ones are often the ones, as someone pointed out, caught with their private parts where god has ordained them not to be. "all birth control fail..." granted, but i posit that the issue is not about birth control, its about being responsible for your actions. Consenting, responsible adults are entitled to a choice. Fundies would have the 14 yr old meth adicted dumpster residents carry their children to term and then chastise the mother for not being a responsible parent. What are the chances of that child making an appropriate decision about toothpaste, not to mention child rearing? I have children and often come into contact with the poor, unwed mothers and their miserable underfed, uneducated, malnourished children. Why should the unwanted child suffer for the sins of the mother? Why do fundies love embryos more than children?
Hate to burst your bubble but as another poster pretty much said, the goal is to make women say no. The goal for a lot of these clowns is to stop women from having sex which means stopping men from having sex. Traditional morality was enforced by punishing women for straying. Women in turn got stuck with regulating male behavior. Lysistrata is the plan.
It's not that I think all pro-lifers are really just hostile to women or that there's nothing to be said for traditional morality. I just find it odd that pro-lifers will discuss legal strategies and moral theory ad nauseum, but seem supremely uninterested in the practical question of which societies have the lowest abortion rates and why (hint, France does better than the US.) Likewise, I'd like to see cultural conservative tackle how to support traditional morality without focusing all their efforts on punishing women. I can dream, can't I?
And you guys say people like me have issues.
PwapVT: an ObGyn that talks about his/her patients, their medical problems, and suppositions about their religious views (after all, does he survey them for their level of religious devotion?). That is real classy and the height of professionalism. Hope the women commenting here have ObGyn's as considerate as that guy!
You are right, though - it is about being personally responsible for your actions. Here is a pop quiz: what is a possible outcome of sex? Answer: pregnancy. What is the usual outcome of a pregnancy? Answer: a child. This isn't rocket science here, folks.
Here is the "fundie" viewpoint - you knew what the possibilities were, but you don't like the results. Not uncommon. Howeer, your answer is not to refrain from sex (horrors!) until you are "ready", nor is it to place the child for adoptioin. It is to terminate the life of a human being because you find the consequences of your actions too much to bear.
That's pretty much it.
Oh, and here is a newsflash - how do you think we get all those kids we have? That's right, the old fashioned way.We obviously know what sex is and how to do it and to have willing partners. Where are the hangups?
In my view, *no one* is being "punished". Indeed, abortion is punishing an innocent person for the actions of its mother (I am speaking in general here).
Let me put it this way. I am very careful with my kids and do my best to protect them from harm. You know what? Sometimes they gotta' learn on their own. I told my oldest son again and again 'don't touch the stove, it can be very hot'. One day when he was 3 1/2 I was cooking and told him that again - he slapped his hand on the stove.
Aloe vera and some topical creams took away the pain, but he learned via natural consequences. There was no punishment involved; the stove did not 'punish' him, nor did I.
One of the natural consequences of sex is pregnancy. Sorry if that interferes with your plans, that's just how it is. you want to go to grad school and just *can't* have a baby right now? My advice is to refrain from sex. Single with no spouse to assist you and give ou emotional and financial support as you care for a child? Well, I guess you can assume my response.
Being 'unable to control yourself' is no excuse for striking your girlfriend, robbing a store, neglecting your responsibilities, rape, etc., etc. so why is it that being 'unable to control yourself' is the rallying cry of those who support abortion?
Careful - the nation with the lowest abortion rate is Poland. Also, France has a lower per capita rate, but Sweden has a higher. No, these differences are probably related to outlook as much as policy.
Traditional morality has never been about "punishing" women. And *all* morality is about curtailing behavior. Yes, those who violate popular morals in extreme, or extremely visible, ways are shunned and even punished. But that is true of both genders, and true right now as much as it ever was in the Regency Period.
Deep thought:
This person is not a practicing obgyn MD, and has incredible concern regarding the confidentiality of patients. In their position it doesn't take long to figure out where these people fall in terms of religious belief. We also live in a small town, so not much research needed there either.
But you failed to address my point. Which is that there are "moral" people who engage in "immoral" activities while claiming the mantle of purity, and demanding that other people, who may or may not share their "moral beliefs", comply with their view of the world, and life. Their 'morality' forbids them using contraception, and because every sperm is sacred, they open themselves up to STD's. Got that part? Address that issue.
Traditional morality has never been about "punishing" women
So that whole Adam & Eve thing in Garden of Eden was just some sitcom? Eve is punished for attaining knowledge. Knowledge is power and women are not entitled to that power. It's pretty simple.
There are many very religious families who home school their children, why? Because they don't want any differing views presented that might contradict their version of the "truth"
These children do not understand the basics of human life and reproduction. Sex is fun, if you do it right, and should be fun for both parties. Women are more than fundie factories, and they have every right to choose what goes into and how it comes out of their bodies.
yeah - having children is "punishment" for having sex. That's why fertility treatments are so very, very expensive and women and men spend fortunes to get pregnant. Those women sufferinf clinical depression from not being able to coneive are all just masochists, I guess. Silly them.
A child being aborted is being killed for her mother's convenience. Who is being punished that time?
So... you have second hand anecdotes that some people are hypocrits. OMG! Everyone who disagrees with you is discredited! Wow; crushing.
Yeah, some people who claim to be religious aren't. I have a "vegitarian" friend who eats burgers with me 'cuz I won't tell her boyfriend - does that mean all vegitarians are shams, or just some?
You need to re-read your bible; Eve was punished for disobedience, as was Adam. Not knowledge (that great meme of some secularist) but the decision to contravene natural law was the cause of expulsion.
You may be shocked, shocked! to know that I homeschool. My oldest boy almost certainly knows more about Islam than you do, unless you are a praticisng Muslim, as well as Judaism. We haven't gotten to the Eastern religions yet, but we will.
He's nine. A bright nine, but nine nonetheless. He actually refers to dinner as 'politics and religion time' because we discuss this around the table. Every day.
His many homsechool buddies are in the same boat, and the older kids (14-18) have a philosophy discussion group where they pick the topic and discuss it with input from experts as needed.
I apologize in advance for narrowing their worldview so drastically.
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