Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Strike shutters Preznit Medal of Freedom Factory.

Traitors must settle for cash…

…or Chalabucks, redeemable only in Iraq, GOP Fundraisers and the NYT Gift Shoppe.

‘cause traitorin’ is hard work.

It’s hard!

This via The Stakeholder…

Rove Gets a Raise!
Posted by jesselee
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 9:35 AM
Top Bush Aides Get Small Pay Boost [CongressDaily AM]

The top pay for senior White House aides, including Chief of Staff Card, Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and Legislative Affairs Director Candida Wolff, was boosted to $161,000 at the beginning of July, according to a list sent to Congress and obtained by National Journal.

(Comment added by poster): Amongst the others receiving the bump: Stephen Hadley, Scooter Libby. The era of personal responsibility is dead! Long live the era of personal responsibility!

Ok, it’s not the kind of Visa Plutonium Card money that Cheney and the Chenettes are raking in.

Not the kind of Big Pimpin’ war profiteering bling you get looting entire countries, “mislaying” billions of Iraqi reconstruction dollars, and generally toe-dancing over the bodies of dead Americans and across the terrorism-and-depleted-Uranium strewn, Hieronymus-Bosch-landscape they have created to take another trip to the Operation Bottomless Mendacity ATM.

Which is exactly what makes this story worthy of note.

Because most people work for a living, and most people understand what a raise means.

Most people can't relate emotionally to Halliburton plundering their Treasury, or hired mercs exempt from the chain of command and rules of engagement going Full Mad Max and killing at will in Amok Iraq.

Not that they don't get that it's bad, but it’s too big, too far away, and besides, based on the blur of daily headlines, isn’t every company in America ripping off the public? It just blends into the background. As immutably huge as God, and as part of the ecology as PBS running commercials or, if you live near the “el” in Chicago, the rumble of the trains as they roar by.

Stuff you swore you’d never get used to it…then you did.

But 161K? People get that.

It’s about the price-point at which every working-class guy I know would say, “Yeah, you pay me that, and I’ll never bitch again. Pay me that, and I’m set.”

Rich-ish, but not outlandish. Not impossible. You’re never going to be a millionaire, which is why you play Lotto, and you’re never going to be awakened by Rosario Dawson with an affable morning blowjob and fresh pancakes (Ok, I am, but you’re not.) which is why guys buy stroke mags (and watch the Food Channel)….although for the life of me why anyone does that when there are perfectly serviceable internets around still mystifies me.

Shit, maybe we DO like the articles?

So we know we’re probably not going to garner a lot more cash or a lot more Jennifer Garner than we already get, but 161K we can definitely feature.

We know that you probably have to work pretty hard for that kind of coin in the Real World. Long hours. Probably get yelled at by the boss, and all of your bills don’t just magically melt away.

Then we look at Fat Karl, who has a pretty interesting job already.

Karl’s job, when it comes right down to, its to fuck people over.

People who don’t deserve it. People who run the gamut from basically decent to genuinely heroic, and Fat Karl’s job is to take millions and millions and millions of dollars from douchebags and cowards and lunatics and use all of that money and all of his art to fuck them over so badly they wish they were dead. All in the slavish service of a feeble-minded waterhead dolt, who was a national joke before he became President and since his "election" has now upped the ante to international, pandimensional Shakespearean-grade-tragic…joke.

Fat Karl, who already rides in Jags and jets and never has to say, “OK, then how much without the fries.”

Fat Karl, who can get anyone on Earth to take his calls, and can have newspaper subscription cold callers killed.

Fat Karl, who, given the leather-slave GOP Cult of Personality that treats this silty dregs of the ethical barrel as if he were Quetzal-Fucking-Coatl, could spend the rest of his life rolling from Coulter’s sodden, reeking crypt, to Mehlman’s Giant Race-car Playbunk, to Scotty’s Doggie-bed with nary a moment when his evil wick wasn’t being eagerly dipped in some Republican cum dumpster.

Indoor work mostly, a lot of deference, and not much heavy lifting.

Stealing a billion dollars we cannot fathom, but a guy who gets to live a little bit like James Bond, we can kind of understand, and envy and we might think it’s cool, except…

…that he’s also the guy who blew the actual James Bond’s cover.


Working in our government? Working for Bush? Outing a CIA Agent?

That we hate, and that we want punished. Screw the legalese; some pudgy little pig-poker who already has it made thinks he can fuck with an American spy for laughs?

And now he’s hiding behind Bush like a little pussy, who’s hiding behind McClellan like an even littler pussy, who’s hiding behind “the ongoing investigation” like the littlest pussy in all the land.

Man, we really hate that. I mean, back when the GOP worshipped Reagan and made Clint Eastwood mayor of Carmel...didn't they used to get all apopleptic over pasty governement bureacrats all drunk on their martinet's power who screwed with honest Americans AND over criminals hiding behind "technicalities"?

Shit, what is Fat Karl but the perfect two-fer?

But you know what we hate most of all?

When in the middle of the scandal, while the men who were so brave when they were sending other people’s children off to die for their lies are suddenly, serially skulking one behind another like so many nested, Russian-puzzle-Coward-dolls, the President decides that NOW is the perfect time to actually reward the little pig-pokin’ cover-blowin’ rat-bastard with a raise.

Global war on whateverthefuck we're calling it today, that we might find a little hard to get our arms around, but giving a traitor a raise?

Shit, we understand perfectly what that means.

Which is why it’s a pretty good story.


Anonymous said...

Huzzah!! Righteous rant brother, don't let your foot up off their throat.

Anonymous said...

Fat Karl must get paid by the lie.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes-I haven't forgotten you.

Love, Karl

P.S. Muwahahahhaha.....

jurassicpork said...

>to Scotty’s Doggie-bed with nary a moment when his evil wick wasn’t being eagerly dipped in some Republican cum dumpster.<

Very good. I used to read The Rude Pundit every day but now I find myself coming here more than once a day and I haven't the Rude One all week long. As I'd said in my Driftglass post earlier this week, this place is like literary crack. Still, the Rude One's influence is apparent here. I could tell by the "leather slave" quote.

"Get the gimp."

Anonymous said...

drift: nicely done, again, but Karl is nothing compared to this shit:

jurassicpork said...


Have you seen this in your local paper?

Looks like Bush doesn't have to fire Fitzgerald, after all. All they have to do is stall until October and wait for his appointment to expire. Then, they'll pull a Carlton Fisk on him and not tender him a cotract.

Terrible said...

Great post! But I do have to disagree on one statement - Fat Karl can't get ME to take his cal.

scott said...

Great post. But fresh pancakes? That may be too optimistic.

Anonymous said...

Im new around thse parts, but I've been soaking up the ambience and really digging it.

Drifty, can I call ya Drifty? Um, no? OK.

Dude, If you aren't getting paid to write somewhere, there is no god, no justice, no heaven.

keep on keepin' on.


Anonymous said...

Great post, I enjoyed reading it.

Adding you to favorites, Ill have to come back and read it again later.

Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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