Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Terrorist Mastermind Convicted

Red State Republicans announce 30 days of mourning for their Fallen Hero.

(OK, not quite. Not yet.)

Here’s a snip of the story from the NYT…

June 21, 2005
Mississippi Jury Convicts Ex-Klansman in 1964 Killings
Edgar Ray Killen, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, was found guilty today of felony manslaughter in the killings of three civil rights workers in Mississippi four decades ago. The verdict, delivered on the 41st anniversary of the deaths, was less severe than the murder conviction that the state prosecutors had sought.

Mr. Killen, 80, who had been free on bond, was immediately taken into custody. He
faces up to 20 years in prison. A date for sentencing was not set.

Relatives of the victims said at a televised news conference that the trial was an important step but that the lesser conviction demonstrated the need for justice for the victims of crimes committed during the civil rights era.

"The fact that some of these jurors have lived all these years, and could not bring themselves to recognize that these were murders, indicates that there are still some people among you who choose to look aside, who choose to not see the truth," said Rita Bender, the widow of one of the victims, Michael Schwerner.

So what if Bin Laden was somehow, miraculously, nailed, and brought before the bar, and was only found guilty of felony manslaughter because he never actually flew any planes into any buildings?

And what if he had walked around, free and unmolested, in plain view, until he was finally convicted on September 11, 2042?

How would you feel about that?

Because we need to be very clear about this: This was a war crime, and Killen is a war criminal.

As sure as Hideki Tojo, as sure as Adolph Eichmann...Killen is war criminal who committed his State Sponsored atrocities by directing terrorists, and is as guilty of murder as Osama Bin Laden. And whether or not he pulled the trigger, or just acted as an Assistant Minister of Southern Justice and coordinated the murders…what happened during the Reign of Terror in the Apartheid South was a war, and he was an enemy combatant.

And what is it we are saying about enemy combatants these days?

Saying in our foreign and domestic policy.

Saying about our predicate for making war.

Saying every time Bush slips in the polls, and rolls out the War on Terror Speech.

That if you aren't with us, you are with the terrorists. That if you provide the ideological, or economic or theological framework for terrorists...then you are every bit as guilty as those that pack the trunks of cars with explosives and detonate them in the middle of crowds.

So what was George Wallace but Mullah Omar with a Bible instead of a Koran?

And what is Killen but a mid-level Al Qaeda functionary with an Mississippi accent?

And what, pray tell, are our own, modern-day corn-fed Wahabi Southern Christians but the prime example of what happens when you don't rip out the whole terrorist ideological and religious apparatus root and branch -- and then salt the ground -- when you have the chance, but let it fester and grow and survive and rebuild for a generation or two?

Let it hang on and conduct the Civil War 2.0?

The flaws and warts of the Modern Democrats are many. We go all wobbly and weak-at-the-knees too many times when we should be righteously pounding the shit out of the GOP with a snow shovel. Some of us have been, in the past, too quick to governmentize too many problems, and too slow to understand that innovation creates wealth, and that wealth creates revenues that can be used to fund the social programs that we really do need.

It’s about balance.

Roger. Got it. Message received.

So some days it can be hard to be a Liberal or Progressive. But not, by God, today.

Today shows, when you cut through all of the rhetoric, the elemental difference between the GOP and the Democratic Party and why, for all of its faults, it is so fucking easy for me to say proudly that I am a Democrat.

Why, for a person of conscience, there’s really no contest. It's not even close.

Because unlike the Republicans, my party does not court and cultivate and lay out the fucking welcome mat for monsters.

My Party hasn't sold its immortal soul to hate-mongering theocrats like Jerry Falwell and James Dobson, who, in every word and deed, aggressively seek to annihilate the very principles for which my Party supposedly stands.

In my Party, the worst and basest impulses of the American heart do not find a happy home and a well-laid table.

In my Party, a sickening number of senior members did not need to duck for cowardly anonymity and cover when it comes to something as simple as condemning lynching.

In my Party, we look on the Reign of Terror that the Klan conducted while wearing a judge’s robe and a cop’s uniform as despicable. As one of the darkest and most shameful chapters in American history. We do not look on it with fucking nostalgia. As some halycon, Lyncher’s Happy Days, where Jesse “the Fonz” Helms is idolized as a cool-kid role model.

You “Moderates Republicans” want to talk? You want to discuss Social Security and Medicare? National debt and tax reform?

Fine. But first kick the gargoyles that run your Party the hell out of your Party.

Because unlike the GOP, my Party does not negotiate with terrorists...or with those that aid and comfort and admire them.


Anonymous said...

Oh, another Mary, well I will be Other Mary.

So now you can see why, while we find torture utterly repugnant, BushCo has no problem finding Americans who are more than willing to TORTURE FOR A LIVING. They are the grandchildren and great grandchildren of a proud American tradition, the ones smiling for the lynching pictures.

The Christian Progressive Liberal said...

Driftglass, where's your tip jar? Keep on preaching, bro - I have your back...

driftglass said...

need to make one, little tweak to this post to make it just...so.

Anonymous said...

These awful times are so much more resonant (and painful) because of what they make us remember. Not only the despair of Vietnam as we watch Iraq go up in flames, but also, as you have just evoked, the time when we had state-sponsored terror in this country, and by extension, how civil rights legislation and the Southern strategy helped get us to where we are now. We do need to recall the courage of the Democratic Party in finally awakening to the immorality of racism and in starting to pull this country out of the moral tar pit we’d inhabited for so long. They pushed for civil rights legislation even though they knew that by doing so they would forfeit the South politically, possibly forever. Let’s not forget that this is why the South is Republican these days: Many Republicans refused to leap out of that tar pit and instead rushed in to claim the racist vote.

But even acknowledging that acting on the good side of humanity sometimes leads to real improvements, it’s still painful to think about all that’s transpired since then. We (Democrats and Republicans) indulged in a bloody misadventure in Vietnam. We trained, funded and covered for state terrorists in Central and South America. We used and still use sadistic regimes as our proxies and clients the world over when it’s convenient and when it’s no longer convenient, we’re quite content to spill whatever blood it takes to make it convenient for us again. Underlying all of that bloody realpolitik was/is a racist assumption – that non American lives are worth a lot less than American lives. So cheap they can be wasted on a whim without a twinge of conscience.

The hit the Democratic Party took in supporting civil rights and ending American Apartheid was a noble sacrifice, one it’s still being punished for. But, Lord, how that pales in comparison all the moral crimes that might have been avoided if only there had been more Americans who understood the authentic moral argument underlying those actions during the forty years since.

Anonymous said...

since dixiecrats were in fact democrats (but are now republicans), i suggest you write about dems in the present tense.

otherwise, superb as usual.

driftglass said...


That's why I said "Modern Democrats", and I believe that my verbs are all conjugated in the present tense ("does not" not "did not".)

However, to your broader point, if it were 1955, and Ike were in the WH, and the Dixiecrats still infested the Democratic Party, I would sure as shit be a loyaly Republican.

Anonymous said...

tonight in my local supermarket I heard a checker and a customer talking about how "awful it was for that poor old man!"

Apparently it was "a long time ago"
Yeah, for the families of the people dead "a long time ago" is forever. They made the mistake of assuming I'd agree: I told them calmly that I think they should send him to the chair. That shut 'em up. (by the way, I don't know if Mississippi has a "chair" and I'm no fan of capital punishment but hey, it was 5:15, I was tired and I'll enjoy the look on their faces until *I* die!)

And, yes, I'm in a southern "red state"

drumwolf said...

In my Party, a sickening number of senior members do not need to duck for cowardly anonymity and cover when it comes to something as simple as condemning lynching.

Or resort to the "three D's": Distort, Deny and Deflect.

Such as stressing the fact that (as Anonymous above pointed out) the Dixiecrats belonged to the Democratic Party, while selectively omitting the fact that (also pointed out by Anonymous) they jumped ship to the GOP after the Democratic Party rejected racism.

Or such as pointing to Senator Byrd, who joined the Democratic Party during its previous incarnation (see my previous paragraph) and is one of the few old Southern Dems not to bolt to the GOP.

Anonymous said...

Nice work to the two Ds: dutchie and driftglass.

Recently, I heard a black preacherman rail on and on about how badly Dems treated blacks through history and how Reps were just soooo supportive. He did not admit until well into the Q&A afterward that he meant the dems and reps PRIOR to the Southern Strategy flip-flop. The most significant flip-flop in our history....

Anonymous said...

As for current state terror, it seems Dick Durbin has now wimped out on the torture thing. Or maybe just bowed to the reality that for the Moron-American demographic, "you would have thought this was the Nazis or Soviets" is identical to "this is as bad as anything the Nazis or Soviets did."

The Dem/Rep difference here is that while Democrats often don't take a strong moral stand that conflicts with the prejudices of the reptiles among us, Rethuglicans actively whip up those prejudices and gladly profit from them. And whatever he may have suffered as a POW in North Vietnam, John McCain now appears to be OK with torture, as long as it's inflicted on the Designated Other. (He's one of those who demanded an apology from Durbin.)

Jeff (no, the other one) said...

Watch your comparisons there, about George Wallace and Mullah Omar, remember the facts don't matter, it's the outrage at unfair comparisons! Right, Dick Durbin?

Killen's just one of the guilty being served up in an appearance of justice. What will they really do to an 80 year old man in poor health? If Killen should point the finger, he may want to watch his back.


Others seem to be getting away and may never be tried.

Anyway, speaking as an Alabamian, appearances have changed somewhat in the "New" South, but a lot more things seem exactly the same.


drumwolf said...
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drumwolf said...

Anyway, speaking as an Alabamian, appearances have changed somewhat in the "New" South, but a lot more things seem exactly the same.

Yeah... what's changed is that the Right's "acceptable" scapegoat isn't blacks anymore but gays (along with Muslims and Mexicans).

That's not to say that they actually LIKE blacks, though.

driftglass said...

I could do nine posts, single-spaced on the virtues and values of Progressive and Liberal politics...including my own version. And I'd be happy to debate them with my GOP friends...ONCE they kick the crazy, hatemongering douchebags who run their party OUT of their party.

Until then, I have nothing to say to them. This is as absurd as a man & wife arguing over family finances while there's a rabid wolverine in the baby's crib with its jaws clamped around Junior's throat.

No: FIRST get rid of the rabid wolverine. And if they won't, there's no point in even having the conversation.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. My loathing for the jackals on the right is nearly balanced by my cringing ambivelence for the pantywipes of the left.

Anonymous said...

Human nature being what it is, it seems that just as soon as decent people with a conscience drive their party to do "the right thing", the other party sucks up to the scum (Dixiecrats) to build their coalition.
I am a Democrat because the Republican assholes are worse and more numerous than ours.
Drifty: You might want to review the words of the Carpenter's Kid. While it is not my place to throw people in Hell, the Christ did warn of false profits, and mentioned that he doesn't even know many who call him "Lord, Lord!" Note he got along better with the Romans than with the chiselers and perverts who were misleading the church 2000 years ago. Some things haven't changed much.

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