Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ron Fournier is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

Like most professional media frauds, Ron Fournier -- America's Sad Clown of Centrism -- has no problem accommodating his principles to the prevailing breeze.

And, when I say prevailing breeze, I mean "What the Beltway media is paying hacks to sit on panels and say this week."

For example, here is Ron Fournier less than two months before the 2016 election (emphasis added):
Clinton Was Wrong to Generalize About Trump's Supporters
Clinton’s remarks played into the perception among GOP and independent voters that Democratic Party leaders are hateful and smug.

SEP 10, 2016

First, what went wrong: The political world lost its collective mind when the Democratic presidential nominee said this at a fund-raiser last night:
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables’. Right?” Clinton said to applause and laughter from the crowd of supporters at an LGBT for Hillary fundraiser where Barbra Streisand performed. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.”

“And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up,” she added.
Generalizing is almost always a mistake for leaders, and the savvy ones don’t intentionally unleash gross generalizations. Half of Trump’s supporters represents about 20 percent of the voting public, or nearly 30 million Americans.

Politically, it was a stupid move. Clinton played into the perception among GOP and independent voters that Democratic Party leaders are hateful and smug...

Like Mitt Romney and his “47 percent” theory, Clinton’s “Basket of deplorables” threatens to become a damning shorthand for the worst of what those voters think about her.

...Clinton needs to look inside herself and at her staff and ask why she would grossly generalize about such people.

And here is the same Ron Fournier today:

As you may recall, during the 2016, the arc of the Beltway media went as follows: first they were 100% confident that Donald Trump could not possibly win the nomination, then they were 100% confident that Donald Trump could not possibly win the election, then they were 100% fucked.

And as I wrote last year ("The Candidate Who Has Fallen Under the Weight of Her Stone") it was precisely because the Beltway media was completely invested in the illusion that Hillary Clinton couldn't possibly lose -- because she was the unbreakable, load-bearing pillar that was going to support their cloistered, privileged little world no matter what they did to her -- they felt free to treat her as their own personal stash of career advancement rocket fuel.  A limitless natural resource they could plunder forever, strip-mine forever, shit on forever...and then toddle safely off to bed knowing that however much they sliced her up during office hours, she would would still be on the job long into night, sweating over the details of the plight of the poor, the hungry, the uninsured and the unemployed.

Enter Ron Fournier, professional Both Siderist, who, working in harness with ABC News chief political analyst Matthew Dowd, spent the entire 2016 campaign season literally doing nothing but toddling from one cable news panel to the next, yawping "Both Sides Do It!  Defeat The K'rupt Duopoly!  Disrupt Everything!" over...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

... and over ...

...and over  again.

(Sorry for the sledgehammer, but sometimes when you're trying to drive a point into the fossilized remains the the American political media, a sledgehammer is the only tool for the job.  Also know that this represents less than half of the posts I wrote documenting Mr. Fournier's perversity.)

(And good luck to the poor, dumb Libtard blogger who tried to warn them over and over and over again that the toxic lie they were being paid to pump into our politics could have the direst of consequences.)

So what is the thoroughly disgraced and discredited Ron Fournier up to these days?

Well, because for the Beltway media the past simply does not exist and accountability is always for other people, Fred Hiatt keeps handing him real estate on the Washington Post op-ed page where -- like most of the media trash who helped lower the bar just enough to make it possible for Trump to be elected -- Mr. Fournier now sees fit to lecture Democrats on how best they should go about cleaning up the mess that Mr. Fournier helped to make.
Will impeachment backfire on Democrats? Not if they do it right.
And of course any time Mr. Fournier pops up in the same paper that continues to syndicate Megan McArdle, Kathleen Parker, Max Boot, Marc Thiessen, Michael Gerson, George F. Will and Joe Scarborough is a good time for Joe Scarborough to give Mr. Fournier a seat at the Morning Joe table so he can read his column aloud while Joe and his flunkies nod in earnest agreement.

The last paragraph is the kicker:
Heeding the right lessons of 1998, a Trump impeachment would ensure that no future president considers him a proper precedent. While the Senate would almost certainly acquit, history would not.
If history were still an active force in American politics, then by now the thoroughly disgraced and discredited Ron Fournier would have been forced to change his name to "Fun Pornier" and spend the rest of his days eking out a marginal living selling "vintage" tee-shirts and "marital aids" at local flea markets.

But instead America's Sad Clown of Centrism is still a member in good standing of the Can-Never-Be-Fired-No-Matter-How-Fucking-Wrong-They-Are Pundit Guild.

Circle of life, people.

Circle of life.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Waiting for Ron to get out there and talk with those forgotten coal miners. Better yet, Talk with those people who showed up to the Trump rallies in which they were invited on the media trusted group. Invited by Goocifer 2.

Why didn't HRC find these folks and give them $10,o0 each for their vote?

Go to the Fascist rallies and convince the NAZIS she would use government to punish people they hate. If they would vote for her.

Come on Ron.

Coal miners aren't forgotten anymore as they have been in the news. But still unemployed.

Robt said...

Ron F. may be in hopeful ambition for his decathlete words of enabling the right extremists at the expense of the Left and vague center.

That he may get that Nobel Prize nomination.

The amazing ability Ron has to look at NAZIS and anti fascists. Determine the anti fascists are so extreme and wrong. How they need to meet in the center in front of the ovens.
Come to bi partisan agreement. Like allowing the the workers at the human ovens to leave the oven door open to hear the voices from the flames. But, for those that do not care to hear those free speech voices from the flames.

Ear plugs will be provided.