Friday, April 12, 2019

Chris Hayes Goes Full Driftglass. Sorta.

Well good for him.

John Yoo and Jay Byee are indeed despicable ghouls who deserved to be driven from civilized society and not given cushy sinecures at respectable institutions.

I already know that, and so do you, and so does Mr. Hayes.

You and I also know that Yoo and Bybee are safely located on the other side of the continent from Mr. Hayes so there is no danger of any uncomfortable moments among them when they accidentally run into each other in the Men's Room, or in line waiting for a Howard Shultz skinny Centrist latte.

But here's the thing.  You and I and Mr. Hayes also know damn well that for years now one could not swing a dead marmoset MSNBC, without hitting some Bush Regime Dead Ender who was there getting his or her reputation nipped and tucked and rehabilitated and burnished.

And none of those asshole has ever apologized for a fucking thing either.  Hell, its a minor miracle if you can get one of the to acknowledge that the Bush Administration ever happened all, or that their already-depraved Republican party was reduced to gibbering, public, racist madness by the election of the Kenyan Usurper.

So since you and me and the little man behind the tree all know all of this already, I kinda wonder who Mr. Hayes' very pointed comments were very pointedly aimed at.  Of course, I have theories which very neatly fit the facts, but since MSNBC employees are apparently sworn to secrecy about the dark magyks that go on up in the executive suites, I can to little more than --

In 2005, NBC CEO Jeff Zucker appointed [Phil] Griffin senior vice president of NBC News and in 2008, president of MSNBC.

In 2013, Griffin said he wanted MSNBC to be more of a lifestyle brand than a political hub...

He has said his idols are former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, and television news executive Andrew Lack. "I am one of the few people in television who never wanted to be on-air," he told The New Republic in 2013.
--  speculate irresponsibly.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

I saw this Hayes clip. I was startled to see it even on the MSNBC.

Meanwhile Cuomo with his 25 uears of BFF with the KellyGirl gives her exactly what hayes points out.

Think about this,
House GOP was fine with Micheal Cohen's first round of hearings lies.
When Cohen returned to Democratic majority hearing. How they chanted he was a , "LIAR and cannot be trusted" Lock him up"

As their Dear Trump hires in Elliott Abrams who was convicted of "LYING" to congress. As the Venezuela special envoy.

So how does the convicted liar (Abrams) now trusted get his security clearance?

Potomacker said...

War crimes? Does the United States judiciary even concern themselves with those legal precedents any more? Yeah, Yoo, *Bybee et alii certainly are unindicted war criminals but they committed war crimes for good reasons, evidently. And perhaps that's why Hayes can accuse those monsters with such charges, because the ruling class are so confident of their impunity.