Monday, March 25, 2019

Glenn Greenwald Doing His Glenn Greenwald Thing

Longtime readers might remember that  Bolshi Freedom Troll Glenn Greenwald blocked me long ago.  Back in the Olden Times before we all lived in the Upside Down, when I was one of two or three drooling jackbooted O-bot tools of authoritarianism writers in the entire blogosphere who had the temerity to point out that, in addition to putting a truly heroic amount of effort into being an insufferably unpleasant asshole all the time every day, Mr. Greenwald also lies rather a lot, and very loudly demands that everyone else measure up to journalistic and ethical standards which he himself has never gotten within a country mile of meeting.

But when he does cross into my field of vision, I always learn something.

For example, I did not realize until Mr. Greenwald explained it, that "appearing on cable teevee any fucking time you please on any fucking network you please" was actually an inalienable human right.

I shall have my lawyers dash off a memo to Phil Griffin demanding 14 years of back pay immediately.

Meanwhile once again watching the rest of the world catch up to where I was long ago when the world was young just never gets old:

As for me, now that this argument has escalated to fight among titans on the mountaintop, I'm just gonna sit over here at my itty-bitty blog, quietly whittling, contemplating my upcoming 14th blogging anniversary while trying to find out whether I can score some cool, free public domain art and music for our soon-to-be-launched "Science Fiction University" podcast.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Andrew Johnston said...

Watching the reaction from Greenwald (along with Matt Taibbi, who has apparently been moving in a similar direction the past few years, and a few others), I'm getting hints of some kind of behind-the-scenes score settling going on. That GG hates MSNBC for not having him on as much as he'd like is not a secret, but if you go to Twitter you'll also see him going after specific figures with his usual mean-girl maturity and charm.

So...what the fuck? Yeah, these are mostly "alternative media" guys who built an identity around hating the press, but I hate our press - I still wouldn't take Trump's side to hurt them, are you kidding? Sometimes people turn spiteful if they feel like someone was standing in the way of their success, but that obviously didn't happen here. From the outside, GG stopped appearing on MSNBC because bashing Obama quit being popular on the left and that's kinda all he had.

So in the end, this feels less like a noble political stand against modern McCarthyism and more like he's pulling a Nelson Muntz with some people who snubbed him.

Fritz Strand said...

I watched Democracy Now last night and recalled a debate between James Risen and Greenwald. In each debate Greenwald seems to be saying that there were no grounds for investigating if Trump had a tacit or working relationship with Russia.

I don't get it.

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

Glenn Greenwald decided, before the election even took place, that Hilary Clinton was more neoliberal Barack Obama and that she would lose because America wanted more of what Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange were selling. When Trump won, he went on a massive "I told you so" arrogance tour, screaming to high Heaven that Trump won because Clinton was a terrible neoliberal candidate, and the Democrats needed to pick whoever Greenwald wanted next time if he wanted to win. Since he couldn't admit he was WRONG about this, he immediately dismissed the Russia investigation as an attempt by the evil neoliberals to cover for how awful Clinton was. And now he's back on yet another arrogance tour.

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

"* Because MSNBC, to protect its profitable scam, purposely banned & still bans all dissenters from its airwaves"

Or, far more likely, because everyone has figured out that you're a FUCKING FRAUD, Glenn. So the only place that will bring you on is Fox Spews, and only because you claim to be a liberal, but you agree with all of their bullshit lies. Which makes you convenient for showing that their lies are so "common sense", even an evil liberal like Glenn Greenwald can see how logical they are!

Basically, like your idol Julian Assange, you've shown yourself to be a complete fraud and charlatan.

Robt said...

Not too concerned with any senseless, mindless Sarah sinning lies Glenn may bring to the FOX.

Now that Paul Ryan is on the FOX board of directors. Only he can fix it and we know, it will be a tax cuts, a pay scale cut to contributors (like Glen).

One thing for sure, Ryan was right about tax cuts creating jobs. As the FOX now has the bucks to welfare hire Pauly.

Note to Glenn. Sorry I won't be available to watch you. I am busy and always will be too busy.

Unknown said...

I'm not a lawyer. But I've played doctor.

So lemme know if you need me on that memo to Merv.