Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hey Look. Yet Another Never Trumper. Hawking Yet Another Book.

There's a brand new scam, but it's not very clear
That people from Bush World are running this year
It's loud and tasteless and I've heard it before
You shout it when you have a new book to whore...

 Twelve years ago, the late Steve Gilliard accurately described Max Boot as a man who:
...writes middle class war porn. Why would anyone take him seriously?
Twelve years later, Max Boot is joining the legions of Never Trumpers who are making a profitable second career writing Woke Beltway Conservative porn.  Yes, now that the Rise of Trump has definitively proven that the Left has been right about the Right all along, there is suddenly a bull market in life-long, go-along-to-get-along Republicans selling credulous Liberal's their own words back to them for $20 a pop in hardback:

All of Mr. Boot's Very Special Beltway friends are fully on-board --
“Max Boot came to America as a young refugee whose parents fled the old Soviet Union. A conservative inspired by Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, Boot now finds himself a political refugee rightly offended by the excesses of Trump’s Republican Party and the continued collapse of American conservatism. His latest work is an important must-read for anyone hoping to better understand where the right went wrong and what the future of American politics has in store for us all.”
- Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe

“In this searching and heartfelt account of his personal political evolution, Max Boot has given us a particular story with universal import. In this chaotic time, his sane and sober voice is a vital one, and his story is testament to the battle our better angels must wage against the insidious forces of darkness.”
- Jon Meacham, author of The Soul of America

“Max Boot mixes lively memoir with sharp analysis to make an important argument about the state of conservatism in America today. This is a book conservatives are going to have to reckon with and that all of us can learn from.”
- William Kristol, Founder and Editor at large, The Weekly Standard

-- and the blurb is priceless. Apparently Max Boot personally discovered that his Republican Party was full of Republicans and this historic discovery is hailed with the kind melodramatic gaudiness usually associated with the Soviet Department for Agitation and Propaganda announcing a new Five Year Plan.

Attention comrades!
Warning that the Trump presidency presages America’s decline, the political commentator recounts his extraordinary journey from lifelong Republican to vehement Trump opponent.

As nativism, xenophobia, vile racism, and assaults on the rule of law threaten the very fabric of our nation, The Corrosion of Conservatism presents an urgent defense of American democracy.

No longer a Republican, but also not a Democrat, Boot here records his ideological journey from a “movement” conservative to a man without a party...
So of course Max Boot is now an "Independent", but just what what kind of Independent is he?

The heroic-as-fuck kind!
While 90 percent of his fellow Republicans became political “toadies” in the aftermath of the 2016 election, Boot stood his ground...

And yet, Boot nevertheless remains a villain to some partisan circles for his enduring commitment to...

It is from this isolated position, then, that Boot launches this bold declaration...
And how does this bold, enduring, ground-stander plan to stop the run-amok monster machine that he spent his entire career bleeding life into?

By leading (sing it with me now) a Glorious Centrist Revolution! (with emphasis added):
With uncompromising insights, The Corrosion of Conservatism evokes both a president who has traduced every norm and the rise of a nascent centrist movement to counter Trump’s assault on democracy.
No Trump supporter will buy this book, nor will it change the mind of a single reprogrammable meatbag Republican voter.  What it will do is guarantee Mr. Boot a round of fawning interviews and regular guest appearances across cable news, fluffy columns of praise in America's flagship newspapers, a place at the table on "Meet the Press" or "This Week", a book and speaking tour. a seat next to Bill Maher on Real Time, a glowing interview or two on prominent Liberal podcasts which should know better, and all-in-all a steady and healthy source of income doing what one vituperative foul-mouthed blogger of the Left once described as:
Repeating as breathless epiphany stuff thoughtful Liberals have been saying for 30 years.
Turn to the left 
We are the goon squad and we're coming to town 

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Ghost writers must be in such high demand for those on the right. Trump going to sign an executive order allowing mome H1B visas for foreign writers to work cheap. I mean to fill the need. Which is probably the same thing for them.

bowtiejack said...

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

The Kraken said...

The bad faith con men who feed the authoritarian followers their gruel have always been resourceful and adaptable in the face of decent society figuring out their bs and threatening the game. Going back at least to 1968 when they rebranded oligarchic authoritarianism as rebellion against the liberals, they have stayed one step ahead of truth and maintained profitability. First they leeched off of sympathetic robber barons to build the wingnut welfare noise machine. Now there’s been a split, one faction of dedicated provocateurs tapping Russian intelligence assets to keep the con going while the other pretends to rebel against it. DG you have totally earned a hundred “I told you so’s”. Keep up the great work!

Pagan in repose said...

As I try to tell my Democratic party friends who say they've switched to being independents, there is no functioning Independent party. There is only voting Democratic or Republican. So to all the Independents out there, especially the so called ex-republicans, if you really want to change the current decimation of our Republic you only have one honest choice, you have to vote Democratic. That's all, or there won't be any more Republic to to vote for.

Max Boot, I don't care about your fucking book or your switch to Independent, you only have two choices to vote for as a citizen of this Republic, so put it up or shut it the fuck up.