Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Matthew Dowd is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

So apparently it's OK to call any liberal of any denomination a "libtard" but when you start throwing that shit at Principled Conservatives Heroes like Charlie Sykes or Bill Kristol then, by God, you have gone too far!

Also there are no principled Conservatives anymore.

There is the overwhelming majority of Conservatives.  Reprogrammable meatbags who are all in for President Stupid and are delighted to dance in the flickering light of the fascist bonfire into which President Stupid and his GOP henchmen are feeding everything decent about this country.

And then there are minority, fringe Conservatives.  Professional public havers-of-opinions like Charlie Sykes and Bill Kristol and Matthew Dowd who were only too happy to make a career out of building a Republican Party depraved enough to whelp a monster like Trump and who are now using their elite positions in the corporate media to build yet another armada of lifeboats on which they and their cronies plan to sail away -- unmolested and unrepentant --from yet another Conservative catastrophe for which they share much of the blame.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


dinthebeast said...

No Matty, they are not "libtards", but we have laid out the terms under which they can achieve "honorary libtard status", none of which have been met by your little list of prospective libtards.

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

What , too much said?

As Dowd slips in his universal acceptance of denigrating "Libtards to polish the tarnish off the republican turd. That just does come off no matter how many libtards are used as buffing rags.

Didn't Gates provide you with the understanding of the pitfalls of denigrating people as "Nerds" in the good old days of putting people down teach you nothing? As the Nerd inherits the Earth (of science and prosperity) the knuckle dragging inheritance dumb ass babies apply their greed to cash in on other peoples work?

Hitler's lost boys in hiding in Brazil are still responsible for their actions in Germany. So to are Sukes and Company. Even if they did not make the last round of the Republican Brotherhood Purity Purging.

Dowd's attempt to inflate other life preservers as Sykes (Et Al). is Dowd's self interest in his own inflation.
This is not moving the goal posts in favor of the GOP vs Dems.
It is Rats infected with plague that killed everyone on board the GOP slave ship and is rocking back and forth into the rocks of the rocky coast. Rats not wanting to drown. Have no self thought of the plague they carry. That killed the shipmates that that provided them with trickle down crumbs and refuge. Now desperately seek a another ship to feed and make home. With no awareness or conscience of the cycle they will restart with their plague in their new surroundings.

How long before Dowd tosses Alex Jones a life preserver? Why does Dowd fear that if tables are turned (which they are and he is oblivious) Will Alex Jones toss him a life preserver?

I want them to know, I do not require Dowd and his ilk to speak out in heroic form with liberal overtones.
As it is, Tweety finds ways to make exceptions of normalization of Trump.
Isn't that enough???
That Dowd and cronies should put that republican rugged individualism in effect and stand in the midst of their party cesspool and scream for regulations to have clean water.

* What is still missing from the conservative hearts where ever they are. Is the atonement. making Amends.
Not simply disagreeing with someone who rules your party, that discarded you, shuns you. Pointing out that your republicanism is better than the other republicanism does not equate to a remedy.
Especially when your (Dowd's) republicanism ran a rapid straight line into the present republican obyss of vile.

Let me end this with a note for Dowd personally.
As you God told you. You shall not serve two masters. You still ignore and believe otherwise.

You concluded sometime ago, that putting the republican seal on religion makes it better and makes it your's to preach and blaspheme at will.
A Libtard Factoid beyond Republican comprehension lies the notion.

You can have religion and you can have Government.
But you cannot combine them and freely have both.
Until republicans can attain some sense of acknowledgment of this. There shall always be a shortage and a great demand for life preservers.
And, never was made a life preserving flotation device to keep afloat a republican with a 10 ton ships anchor chained to their ankle. pulling them down near Davey Jones Locker.

or not enough said?

Neo Tuxedo said...

Professional public havers-of-opinions [...] who were only too happy to make a career out of building a Republican Party depraved enough to whelp a monster like Trump and who are now realizing that, just because you're one of the guys who trained leopards to eat people's faces for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, that doesn't spare your face when the leopards get hungry.

Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper tree
In the cool of the day, having fed to satiety
On my legs my heart my liver and that which had been contained
In the hollow round of my skull. ) said chirping:
Because of the goodness of this Lady
And because of her loveliness, and because
She honours the Virgin in meditation,
We shine with brightness. And I who am here dissembled
Proffer my deeds to oblivion, and my love
To the posterity of the desert and the fruit of the gourd.
It is this which recovers
My guts the strings of my eyes and the indigestible portions
Which the leopards reject. The Lady is withdrawn
In a white gown, to contemplation, in a white gown.
Let the whiteness of bones atone to forgetfulness.

-- T.S. Eliot, "Ash Wednesday"

jim said...

Some might argue that in fact Dowd along with the lily-white mob of ethical cretins he cites & all their creepy kindred, by their cynically aping humanism & rationalism while pimping the same old atavistic barbarian sludge as ever, can be said to constitute an Axis of Weevils gnawing at the very sinews of the Republic.

Robt said...

I didn't watch Shithole SOTU. I am counting on you to deliver your special text of it.

I am well aware I will not escape the pundits desperately reaching for ways to announce the greatest pivot in history.
Hoping for normalizing that which is not possible to normalize.

The Divot Pivot.............?

Why doesn't Comey get any mulligans?

Anonymous said...

Barbaric - I looked up the definition. They, are it.

Robt said...

Dowd is torn over the likes of Sykes and kristol being called "Libtards"

Someday (when he has nothing else on the stove), perhaps he can address the dehumanizing of the actual Libtards by his supremacist republican Brotherhood.

Because only a republican can speak out on republicans are anointed to speak out on issues. It is right there in the Republican constitution, the right of republican free speech. Now known as the GOP 1st Amendment (revised 2018).

Chan Kobun said...

Brave Matty had not blocked my new account, so i told him what I thought of his little epiphany.

I haven't checked yet but I assume Brave Matty has blocked me by now.

justsomeguy05 said...

I would love to see a word bubble of the SOTU and have it compared to speeches by Hitler & Mussolini. Numerous usage of emotional words and phrases "flag", "protect", etc

The Republicans standing and chanting "USA USA" may as well have been at a Nurenburg rally.

Rodnchance said...

I always thought the the word 'libtard was shorthand for lib-tardarian, well I guess I larned sumptin today.