Monday, January 29, 2018

Dear Abby For Wingnuts


Dear Abby For Wingnuts,
I'm a 70-year-old racist who listens to Hate Radio all day, watches Fox News at night and patriotically Facebooks everyone who hasn't blocked me about the Terrible Libtard Conspiracy.  Recently I have noticed that the lies I need to prop up my fragile ego are falling apart faster than Sean Hannity can replace them.  What should I do? 
-- Independent Conservative Patriot Christian MAGA.

Dear Independent Conservative Patriot Christian MAGA,
Pick a prominent black person and start yelling about them.
Or Hillary.
Or Hillary and a prominent black person.

That'd be sweet. 
Do that.
-- Abby For Wingnuts

Behold, a Tip Jar!


trgahan said...

Dear Abby For Wingnuts,

I'm a 38 year old white male who works in (insert skilled labor/professional technical field here) and I just KNOW I'd be a millionaire by now if not for that fucking FICA tax and all those government regulations my boss, who should be allowed to work me like a serf, has to deal with!

I WORK for everything I get and I'd REFUSE that welfare others have become so dependent on if I lost my job.....but I'm only getting $80 out of the tax bill, my State Health Exchange premiums are soring ever since they passed that Obamacare, the Indian Carrier Plant was a key customer, and if my state puts that work requirement on Mediaid Papa is going to be living with us.

How do I handle my increasing anxiety about my economic situation until the Democrat's stop holding America hostage over all these illegals in (insert town/suburb/state that is 99% white) and let our president gets his infrastructure bill passed?


Faux-Libertarian and Strict Constitutionalist

Robt said...

Dear Abby for wingnots (hairy wingnuts)

I was stunned when I heard that Mexico won't pay foer the wall. You think Trump will out of the change left in his Trump Tower sofas and by taking all the tips his employees take in. Because of the new employer tip taking law.

I watched intently as a mother and child at the airport watched their father be deported back to the shithole he came.

I broke down in tears Abby! It is painful to watch this deportation after all this time donating and voting GOP to deport them.
But now, I find myself very sad.

Please Abby, tell me . Wouldn't it be more cost effective and better for our economy if they just rounded up all the immigrants and gave every American his own slave?


If Dear Abby responded to a most vile and ugly writer to her.

If Abby advised someone like that to seek help. Go to Republican rehab.

Would that be like a pro lifer giving referral to an abortion clinic?

I think Dear Abby for wingers might refer a pregnant woman to a puppy mill first.

Anonymous said...

"Strict Constitutionalist..." :)