Monday, February 27, 2012

Still Not Getting It

Andrew Sullivan reacts to my post here without acknowledging it:

Santorum Exposes The Real Republican Party

This has long been the theocon argument; it was the crux of what I identified as the core Republican problem in "The Conservative Soul". It is not social conservatism, as lazy pundits call it. It is a radical theocratically-based attack on modern liberal democracy; and on modernity as a whole. It would conserve nothing.

Wrong, wrong, ludicrously wrong.

The worlds's most famous gay, Catholic, Tory Conservative absolutely will not accept the simple fact that the American Conservative movement to which he has lent so much of his time and talent has, in fact, been working tirelessly for centuries to "conserve" and promote a set of values, traditions and institutions which have deep and powerful American roots.  It is a social order...

...based on the conservation of the absolute hegemony of straight, white fundamentalist Christian men within a social hierarchy based on the supremacy of the white race. 
...which has been ordained by Almighty God and is therefor beyond debate. 
...which believes it has been under relentless attack by the forces of Satan and his secular Liberal Marxist elite minions, who are to blame for every problem in American society. 
...which Conservatives believe must be conserved and restored at all costs lest we risk the wrath of God.

To preserve these "traditional institutions", Conservatives have been at war with the larger American culture for centuries.

Mr. Sullivan appears to be is completely incapable of facing this simple fact.

Why not email him at "The Daily Beast" at "" and ask him why?


Anonymous said...

God is vital to the mix because to many in the USA are conditioned to never question Christian authority. As a non-Christian (yet theist), I try to tell people who try to convert me that one of the largest issues those of us on the outside see is that Christians never censure their own. Ministers can spew racist, sexist, homophobic bilge and the reaction is always, "Oh, well, he does *other* really good work!".

So, without God, you are being a mean spirited sadist bully.

With God you are doing the Lord's work and "How dare you question my faith!!!".


blackdaug said...

You have to love watching this epic implosion though. In his way, Santorum is such a perfect Frankenstein of the right. Lumbering around spewing cherry-picked bumper sticker nonsense pulled from sources he is barely acquainted with: the bible,the constitution and any high school history text.
Doubling down on the constantly discredited idea that the framer's were Christians trying to create a theocracy. Trying to twist Kennedy's words on the off chance that just the mention of his name will appeal to some yokel who hates all those "godless, liberal elitest, college educated intellectuals".
Clumsy, blunt stabs at triangulating his base: Obama wants college for everyone...what a snob.
Frankenstein seeking the support of the zombies: Brains are bad, only good for eating!!

Jay said...

to Blackdogg: Everything you say about Santorum is true, or near enough, but you neglect the bigger problem. There will always be a thousand Santorums waiting in the wings; religious nutjobs aren't that rare. But what does it say about America that so many people are listening to this one?