"Today's "conservatives" would use the impeachment provision to oppose an elected president's fiscal policies. If you want to to grasp just how much contempt they really have for the Constitution and the institutions of government - something actual conservatives care about - absorb that fact." - Andrew Sullivan
"Today's "conservatives"?
2d Session
House Resolution 611
Resolved, That William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited...
Introduced December 15, 1998
Let's see now...January 2012...minus December 1998...carry the Y2K problem...equals...a long ass time ago, Mr. Sullivan.
More than enough years of Conservative treachery and treason clearly visible as far as the eye can see for anyone with a functional cerebral cortex and a conscience to figure that the GOP is an irredeemable shitpile of bigots, Christopaths and plutocrats, who will never stop hag-riding this country from one disaster to another until they are driven to political extinction.
i suppose there's no chance of getting the japanese to substitute reichtard for whale meat, is there? the former being inedible and all...
seeing as caesar ronaldus maximus was still alive during the impeachment proceedings, i guess that made it implicitly ok, because, great moral arbiter that he was, he would certainly have halted the process if it had had the least taint of contempt for government institutions.
Something about a river in Egypt.
Now, isn't it time for another glowing post in praise of the totally-not-racist Ron Paul, Mr. Sullivan?
Some lawmakers have tried to jump ship, but not hard enough, and they're basically just whining that it's So Hard To Get Removed From The Pledge. [image] http://bit.ly/waXDEE
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