Once again, the ghost of Lee Atwater has risen over another Republican election like the Great Klansman, flying though the night to dance on the bones of Abraham Lincoln and promise to restore the rage-drunk, inbred remnants of the Confederate South to their former glory, but only if they are sufficiently sincere in their hatred of the usual suspects -- gays, Negroes, uppity women and, of course, the Liberal media which spreads their terrible lies.
And thus does a corrupt, thrice-married adulterer, race-baiter, serial liar and amateur paleontologist

win the most important GOP primary to-date.
From the New York Times:
Gingrich Wins South Carolina Primary, Upending G.O.P. Race
By JIM RUTENBERG Published: January 21, 2012
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Surprising his rivals and upending the highly unpredictable Republican race for the presidency, Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary on Saturday, just 10 days after a fifth-place finish in New Hampshire left the impression his candidacy was all but dead.
Mr. Gingrich rode to victory by winning a plurality of voters among a wide swath of important Republican voting blocs, outperforming the rest of the four-person field among evangelical Christians and Tea Party supporters, men and even women, who had been expected to vote by comfortable margins in favor of Mitt Romney, the man who was presumed to be the front-runner as of just a few days ago.
So congratulations, Pig People!
You and Baron Grifthausen -- the man who wrote the operating system for your Pretty Hate Machine --
absolutely deserve each other.
The good "Christians" who screamed about Clinton, and "Character Counts", and demanded that the Bible be brought into all parts of American life, just voted for a thrice-married, staff banging serial adulterer and diamond appraiser to represent them before the world.
There is no better proof that they are world-class, lying, self-delusional, hypocrites of the first order, than this election.
And can we now put to rest the myth of "Republican Family Values"?
A. J.
It's South Carolina, this is par for the course for them. They were first to secede sparking off the civil war after all (John C. Calhoune was from there after all), and they encouraged the rest of the south to follow them into madness. Remember, they are "too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum"
No way we can get so lucky.
Well, he does represent their real lack of values and morals rather well, you have to admit.
I wonder how david fucking brooks is going to spin this?
"Powerful men have had concubines since the beginning of time. This shows Newt Gingrich is a powerful man, a force for leadership the democratic party sadly lacks..."
I can't help but suspect that the male voters of SC are "high-fiving" Gingrich for having the stones to suggest that "open marriage" stuff to his wife.
Perhaps more troubling than Newt being a serial adulterer and leaving 2 of his wives after they told him they had life threatening illnesses...(begin lengthy list of his other horrible, hell worthy antics here..) is that Newt Gingrich could actually convince 3 different women to have sex with him.
Whenever I see him appear on my screen, all I can hear in my head is a long drawn out: ewwwwwwwww!!!
Yes, apparently the "amoral, pudgy ugly white man vote" is certainly a bloc to be reckoned with....
@blackdogg: Yes, and Exiled.com editor and writer Mark Ames figured this out eight years ago and named them spite voters.
You've REALLY have gotten very good at photoshop Drift... BTW:The podcast on Friday was hilarious... I can't imagine what is gonna be here tomorrow after your favorite talking head let Newt grudge-f*** audiences today on the teevee machine...I've un-plugged mine...
@ Mr. Roboto. Yep, I remember when I realized the Newt wasn't just your ordinary sociopathic, opportunistic southern strategy shill. It was when that women drove her kids in to the lake, and the pudgy scum bag used it as a sound byte op, to blame Clinton, and the liberal world in general, for lowering the "moral standards" of America.
It takes a special kind of mind twist to see that sort of tragedy as an opportunity to score some cheap political points with the orcs...
I mean, he is a sad, sick, soul less son of a bitch....and worse yet, he is what passes for an "intellectual" among the repubs these in these strange times. Kind of makes you long for the days of W.F.Buckley. At least he wasn't one good psych exam away from a padded cell, which is a lot more than can be said of "they turned me in to a Newt".
Does anybody else here find Rep Michelle Bachman hawt!!!!
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