In lieu of diving into the toxic Mouse Circus gazpacho and reporting back once again that, yes, our media is owned by soulless corporations who put well-paid humanlike husks in front of the cameras to guard against anything remotely resembling the shattering blasphemies of unvarnished truth to accidentally leak into our public dialogue...
...I took a birthday break to go to church and watch my wife read the liturgy and receive a much-deserved public pat on the back for being one of the community's most stalwart doers, watch the girls sing and stomp, stand with the family as middle child was given her own Bible, then ice cream, presents and teaching the girls a few of the finer points of blackjack.
Later, our horde will descend on a local theater for something G-rated, after which there will be some home-made cake.
I also want to thank you all for your many kindnesses, support, emails, comments and well-aimed jabs.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and today I took the one less traveled by Dick Cheney, David Gregory and George Will.
And that has made all the difference.
I've had a birthday or two celebrated in similar ways; hope it's a great one. And welcome to the 50-plus years, in which nobody expects anything and so you can actually do that. Anything. Looking forward to watching you.
Good for you Drifty! I hope your Sunday was supremely pleasant! And for certain, you did not miss a single thing on the mouse circus!
A most Happy Birthday to you,
Sir Driftglass
and many happy returns
Good on you. I've frequently worried that watching the Mouse Circus for us will kill your soul. Fortunately, it continues to be intact. Belated Happy Birthday!
You didn't miss much.
The Right is rallying to defend truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain from a blistering coordinated MSM attack for promoting -then not- abortion, not promoting -then promoting- cigarette smoking, and then accusations of sexual harassment of his workplace bitches.
But I suspect this rally of The Base will fizzle when evidence appears, as it surely will, that truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has been using a teleprompter.
That will have been too much for them to bear.
At which point Newt! will take his turn.
Happy Birthday!
And that computer is awesome!
So... In a House of God, you taught minors to gamble at cards... and I find that in no way surprising and had to laugh! So, when your wife started to read from the Bible at Church, did you ears start to ring and your vision go dark? I'm sure some of us are... placing bets^H^H^H^H just curious....
Happy Birthday, and thank you for all you write.
And forgot to sign the above:
happy birthday, drift. no one deserves a day off more than thou.
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