Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wingnut Fanfic

I tossed off this post last Thursday.

And Blue Gal and I spoke about it extensively on the podcast we recorded last Wednesday.

It appears there is something in the air:

He’s My Favorite Fictional Character!

Fundamentalists of every sect are, pretty much by definition, strongly committed to the literal truth of all of their scripture. But the garden variety “believer,” I suspect, may often be more accurately thought of as a “suspension-of-disbeliever.” (Somewhere in the back of my head is that CollegeHumor video about religion as a species of fanboyism.) When you think about the actual functions that religious narratives serve in people’s lives, literal truth or falsity is often rather beside the point, and yet suspension of disbelief is a necessary condition of immersion in the story.

Of course, it won't be MFA-ready until include a lot of spiffy graphics like these
The Wearing of the Costumes

The Upholding of the Shared Values

The Scolding of the N00bs Who Don't Know the Fucking Score

The End

I whipped up in preparation for a much longer treatment of the subject from a political perspective (Working title: "Hating Down the Bones".)

Also you'll need to use the word "semiotics".

A lot.

Still, nice job Julian.

1 comment:

Monster from the Id said...

Klingons or Teabaggers?

If those are my only two choices, I'd rather be ruled by Klingons. At least the Klingons are honest about being belligerent, authoritarian imperialists.