For most of the last decade (and a whole lot longer if you don't count the year one starts a blog as "Year Zero") , a small band of Commie Pinko America-hating, chardonnay-swilling Dirty Fucking Hippie surrender monkeys has been crawling over the barbed wire in Mainstream Media no-man's land to disarm -- one by one -- the endless, endless Villager Centrist landmines that the vast and infinitely-well-funded Beltway Machine has been tirelessly sowing there.
It has been an almost wholly thankless task performed by a mostly-volunteer brigade who have had to get used to being verbally assaulted every day by Defenders of both the Wingnut and Establishments Faiths flinging verbal feces-packed Pampers
that are often so vicious and berserk (and barely literate) that they'd make Malcolm Tucker
wince (NSFW)
But now that the Right is doing a very public end-zone happy dance over finally getting their hands on the "Destroy America" launch codes they've been frantically looking for for the last 30 years, it looks as if mindless dogmatic Centrism might be temporarily losing a wee bit of its Teflon inviolability, and the years of work by that tiny band of reviled Liberal losers might be bearing a little fruit.
Which is precisely why now, the same Joe "Jokeline" Klein who spent most of his career as a carbuncle on the ass of Conventional D.C. Wisdom, would like to hedge his usual Villager Centrist bets (this golden Jokeline Oldie from 2007 catches the nub of it)
"I have neither the time nor legal background to figure out who’s right."
and jump on the "Hey, maybe this one time, Both Sides Didn't do it!" bandwagon before it picks up too much speed:
Republicans’ Debt Ceiling Charade Is Downright DangerousHow about instead of more columns like this, you just go fuck yourself Joe, and we'll call it square?
By Joe Klein Thursday, July 28, 2011
And so, here we are. Our nation’s economy and international reputation as the world’s presiding grownup has already been badly damaged. It is a self-inflicted wound of monumental stupidity. I am usually willing to acknowledge that Democrats can be as silly, and hidebound, as Republicans–but not this time. There is zero equivalence here.
How about that?
Dear Joey,
Voters also have epiphanies.
PS: FYI - Epiphanies, like truth, have a liberal bias.
It'll never be square for his joker.
He has a lot to answer for.
YEOWEEE!!!! GREAT make-up for Joe Klein...doesn't he look like that all the time??? The faster David Brooks falls out of his office window the better.. AND, that leaves Boner and his bag of clanging monkeys..
It doesn't take much (although many can't) to take one step back from where you are and look around to see that these rethuglicons are completely out of control.. Internal descent like this hasn't been seen in a long time so more power to 'em.... Let them hit each other with chairs; threaten barbaric acts on the others families; act like evangelical wrath is going to strike the other dead in their tracks by lightening; Great hoards of barbarian Islamic, Muslim armies are going to sail into Chesapeake Bay and take over the capitol this weekend; and that Glenn Beck is contributing $20 million to a home at Bob Jones University to study human brain collapse syndrome (HBCS) and that ALL rethuglicon congress people (and staff) have to attend by presidential decree!
It's so fascinating to watch people dive, head first, off the edge of the grand canyon and regardless of what vantage point they decide to take the plunge, they believe there will be water below to catch them in their final moments.....HA! As Samuel L. Jackson once said as a closing line in one of the Die Hard movies, as the bad guys helicopter just crashed and burst into flame, Willis asks "shouldn't we try to get them out?" and Jackson reply's "Fuck 'em - let 'em cook"...
See ya Boner... you done...
BTW: The Malcolm Tucker stuff is hilarious... Also good podcast today..THANKS !!!
I was in a patient room for a while this evening, and holy F'ing crap, they are on frantic spin mode. The viciousness and full-bore speed of their slams against Obama for not having raised the debt limit "months ago" was frenetic and painful to listen to. And, yes, they were playing the victim card every 30 seconds or so. By their storytelling, Obama, Biden, Reid, and Pelosi are drunken barbarians insane from advanced syphilis who want to sell the citizenry to Soylent Green Co. Boehner and Cantor are the only two sane adults in DC who are trying to keep the barbarian liberal horde from destroying the country. It's absolutely amazing.
Unfortunately, I can't say to the patients, "Could you please turn that shit off while I work on your computer?"
Oh my, my cup runneth over. Joe Klein schooled. A great Daily Show segment. Malcolm Tucker, a Scot who's an artist with profanity. And I get to be the Commie in our merry band of America-haters. The world may burn, but at least I can spend it with fine company.
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