Apparently Democrats wanted the negotiating table to be round, but were willing to hold their collective noses and settle for square...or semi-circular...or oval...or rectangular...or a parallelogram...and were also cool with scattered seating, or beanbag chairs, or cafeteria-style, or simply sitting around a campfire, or even just letting Republicans dial in on Skype from their homes, nude, during the few moments they can spare in between their marathon group "Atlas Shrugged" jerk-off sessions.
Republicans, on the other hand, insisted on burning the negotiating table to the floor, nuking everything in a 100-mile radius, and then being served the remains of any widows and orphans that weren't seared to ash in the initial blast as Safety Net Tartar on toast points.
I look forward to watching David Gregory unhinge his jaw so that he can manage to swallow what just happened in its entirety and still poop out little trademark "Both Sides Do It" pellets on Sunday.
"so that he can manage to swallow what just happened" ...
What just happened? Do you mean the Norway attacks (front page of CNN)? The url you link to is about an event that happened in the 1970s. A little less metaphor and a little more context would be helpful here.
I was shocked when Barney Frank said yesterday: "[As horrible as it would be,] there are worse things than default". Then I thought: "By God, he's hit the nail on the head."
When Dems will do absolutely anything to avoid default (or whatever), and the Repugs know it, they will make us "pay and pay and pay", until we hit bottom.
With Obama, they always know it: he's weak, he's a terrible poker player (I play poker rather well myself, and I'm telling you straight.) His little 'walkout' the other day was a pitiful little failed bluff; Boehner even imitated it yesterday to drive home the point.
A few months ago, however, there were a couple incidents back-to-back (within a day or so of each other). I can't recall the exact circumstances (perhaps dg or bg can); I think one involved Biden (for whom I have lots more respect than most people seem to). In them, the Democrat in the negotiation said: "Fuck no, this ain't happening, get outta here", and it was obvious to everyone it was no bluff (or if it was, they were extremely good bluffs.) The repugs could see it too, and immediately folded (with little punk whines, as I recall.)
The incidents were in the news those nights, but they just flew by and were forgotten; I found them very interesting though, and was disappointed that no one analyzed their juxtaposition or significance, in the midst of all the coverage of what obviously bad negotiators the Dems have been and continue to be. A missed opportunity.
Repugs are despicable thugs and extortionists. They are pretty decent poker players, too, (as some thugs are.) As long as they can push that fear button to get what they want, they will. By now, it is pretty clear the lengths they will go to.
I hate war. I'm afraid we've reached that point, though, where the only solution is to lose the fear, to stand up and say "Fuck no" and mean it; to go to war.
We pray that the repugs fold; they have the worst hand, and should fold, and probably will; but they might not, and they just might draw out on us. And I also know this is no game (or rather, it is an extremely serious, high-stakes game.) That means that, even more than ever, we must play our best; sometimes that demands going all-in and taking great risk.
But one more thing: if it comes down to that, we should do all we can to make it clear exactly who put the world economy down the shit-hole. (BTW, in the international press, it is already quite clear; only here in Amerika are people 'confused' (read: stupid fucking idiots, propagandized by Fux Noise and the GE Nightly Nudge)).
Repugs have such shit for souls they probably _would_ torch the whole thing if only they could maneuver it so it looks to dumbasses like it was the Democrats who balked. Dems should submit a bill to raise the debt ceiling with no other strings attached at all, and say "sign on, repugs, or we'll all know who threw it away, and what your names are, and where you live, motherfuckers."
Ha ha, Dg.
I'm awaiting the pooping myself.
And don't fear folks.
The rethugs know who pays them. (Wall Street who would take the losses hard.)
(And there will be a debt ceiling deal. The question is will the Dims give them ANYTHING for it.)
My wish is no.
But my experience says "Oh hell, no you didn't!"
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