Sunday, May 29, 2011

Standing Up for the Existence of Atoms

From Paul Ryan's Very Serious Port Moron Statement to whatever Fox-approved drivel has escaped Michele Bachmann's foam-flecked lips this week, discussion on the Right long ago stopped bothering with even a fig-leaf of pretense that what they want are shared sacrifices to be borne by all in order to save the nation.

No what they have made absolutely clear by their every word and deed is that they consider America's poor, weak, and anyone unlucky enough to have lost the American Birthday Lottery to be expendable.

Ryan's budget and the Conservative ideology it attempts to codify into law is not a budget or even a "political document" as we have come to conventionally understand such things.

It is a declaration of war; war in an evolutionary sense.

It is a public declaration of a doctrine that has been an open secret on the Right for more than a generation now: that they no longer consider us to be one people, one nation or even one species any more.

Once the oligarchs have completely locked down the resources, media and political machinery of the United States, they will have no more use for us than Homo Sapiens had for the Neanderthal.

The brighter and more entertaining of us will make a fine servant class, but as to the rest of us (to whom they refer so charmingly as "moochers" or collectivists or welfare queens) the plan is that we will simply fade from history -- not because our extinction won't be tragic and bloody, but because those who own the media will make sure it goes unrecorded. If a thing doesn't appear on teevee, it isn't Serious or Important and so, two generations from now, the American poor and Middle Class will have become just another, barely-remembered aboriginal tribe who couldn't hack the competition, couldn't keep up with the March of Progress and who died in some scuffle or another outside of their global gated community.

Which is why, every single fucking time they get within grabbing range of the levers of power, they immediately move with fanatic speed to
  1. Slash taxes for billionaires, and
  2. Annihilate Social Security, Medicare, labor protection and anything else that diverts one pfennig away from their coffers and into programs that makes life bearable or sustainable for anyone not of their tribe.
And to accomplish this we are being methodically sold into extinction by our own kind:
Capitalism's kapo tool kit who have been promised a high place in the Shiny New Corporate Jerusalem that is to come.

Left in the hands of the anti-atomic Right and their Villager enablers, this is our future, and it is up to each of us to decide whether we go gentle into that dark night, or stand up for our right to exist.

I know which one I choose.


Hester Prynne said...

You are spot on! Thank god I found your website.Stickpins are hilarious. But it's really not funny.I am a metalsmith. A dead art. Well a dying art. Lol So appreciate your website and opinions.

alise said...

You said it, brother! But following recent events, such as the reception of the Ryan plan at recent town hall meetings and the results of the special election in New York, I'm beginning to have hope,a glimmer of hope it's true, but hope nonetheless that finally, finally people will begin to understand the consequences of the Republican policies and just what is being perpetrated on them in the name of fiscal responsibility. It's a travesty and a lie and the Republicans will lie and lie again to yet again convince people to vote against their own best interests. It's way past time that we fought back. Maybe we're seeing a start. One can hope...

mark hoback said...

We know that they're tools, but admit it, wouldn't they make mighty nifty swizzle sticks?