The testicles of the rich and powerful will always have a parking garage.
In today's airless, pointless, paean to Donald Trump: the King of Money, David Brooks pens yet another entry in his in his creepy, ongoing, "Rich, Obnoxious Daddy-Figures Under Whose Cruel Lash I Desperately Want to Find Meaning now that William Buckley is Dead" public memoir:
"These supremely accomplished blowhards offend some but also arouse intense loyalty in others. Their followers enjoy the brassiness of it all. They live vicariously through their hero’s assertiveness. They delight in hearing those obnoxious things that others are only permitted to think."
In addition to his ingrained masochism, Our Mr. Brooks' obsessively dishonest Fake Centrism was also on full, pornographic display today as he carefully paired Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh with "Howard Stern and George Soros" to help his tiny coterie of wealthy, Reality-Impaired readers continue to pretend that Both Sides Do It.
In fact, David Brooks would appreciate it very much if we could all just agree to pretend his Conservative Movement never existed, because while Mr. Brooks correctly identified the characteristics of poisonous soil from which the Trump phenomenon has sprung...
"There has always been a large clump of voters who believe that America could reverse its decline if only a straight-talking, obnoxious blowhard would take control."
"...he is actually riding a deep public fantasy: The hunger for the ultimate blowhard who can lead us through dark times."
"Now he spouts birther nonsense and calls Obama the worst president in American history. Now he leads rallies that make Michele Bachmann events look like the League of Women Voters. Even angry American voters want some level of seriousness, prudence and self-control.
But I do insist that Trump is no joke. He emerges from deep currents in our culture, and he is tapping into powerful sections of the national fantasy life. I would never vote for him, but I would never want to live in a country without people like him."
...he takes very conspicuous pains to avoid mentioning the name of the farm on which this toxic soil is located.
At no point during this complete waste of another 800 perfectly good units of the King's English does Bobo deign to mention the inconvenient fact this consarn "birther nonsense" is firmly rooted in and a pure product of David Brook's very own Conservative Movement.
In fact, at no point does Bobo bother to mention the words "Republican" or "Conservative" at all, nor the fact that the cultivation and of this grotesque crop of hate, bigotry and ignorance -- this methodical hate-iculture of the dark side of the American soul -- has been a the mainstay of David Brook's very own Republican Party for as long as Mr. Brooks has been alive.
No mention made of the billions poured into the Southern Strategy over the last 40 years by the same political forces that made Mr. Brooks' career possible. No mention of Fox News as a delivery system for Republican lies. No mention that this is all a rerun of the Clinton years with different inflections and accents, but featuring the same oligarchs playing the same fascist siren's songs for the same rubes and gas-sippers, but with the amps now cranked to 11.
Of course, when he was making his bones cheerleading the various lies, crimes and catastrophes of George W. Bush (Chapter IX of "Rich, Obnoxious Daddy-figures Under Whose Cruel Lash I Desperately Want to Find Meaning now that William Buckley is Dead") Our Mr. Brooks never had the slightest trouble whatsoever identifying Bad Americans by name and political affiliation.
And of course, exactly like Dubya's Excellent Iraqi Adventure, now that yet another Very Bad Conservative Idea has broken out of the Lee Atwater Memorial Moran Research Facility and is rampaging across the countryside smashing buildings and killing peasants, Our Mr. Brooks' prose has once again suddenly gone all gooey and soft and bipartisan, and the Trump phenomenon is suddenly the product of a group called the "public" and their "national fantasy life".
This is because David Brooks is America's Leading Conservative Public Intellectual.
And making a fine living by fucking up everything they touch, then lying about it, and then ducking out when the Devil finally comes for His due is what Conservatives do.
And the most unbelievable result of the last 30 years?
They still have no problem in selling themselves as "conservative."
To idiots.
Thanks, Dg.
It's always grand to read truly intellectual essays.
making a fine living by fucking up everything they touch, then lying about it, and then ducking out when the bill finally comes is what Conservatives do.
Glorioski! That's some pungent photoshop.
David seems to have extraordinary insight into the fantasy lives of "they" who spend sleepless nights imagining running their fingers thru the Donald's grotesquerie (sic?)of a haircut. Also, w/o reading the rest of the column (notgunnadewit), I am at a loss as to exactly what benefit the US of A is reaping from these "powerful sections of national fantasy life" that David has been researching.
Even Bobo is bored by Bobo. Look how he just tacked George Soros onto that list; he's not even trying. BTW, who even can remember what George Soros sounds like? A blowhard? Not even close. Bobo was too lazy to remember Michael Moore or Alan Grayson, the closest (albeit ridiculously distant) things to making his false equivalence.
Zesty! Looks like he could take ten inches - of column space, natch.
Does it come in a blonde model for Arizona Republicans, too?
There is something truly heinous about Our Mr. Brooks. His tepid good-natured centrism is as big a lie as they come in that it masks the callow cynicism of what has become of the Faux Conservative movement today. Now that the entire conservative ethos has been boiled down to its essence and the tide has receded from the wreckage of Dubya and his cronies, the shore is laden with the flotsam of a totally bankrupt political philosophy, lying about like fish gasping for air, we are left with nothing but sheer opportunists who see that merely mouthing the 3rd generation Randisms that now make up the bulk of the Republican playbook will get them noticed by the network cameras trolling the landscape for the loudest, most obnoxious survivor on what has become our national reality show. And now that the whole thing has been exposed for the shameful, destructive fiasco that it is, David is left praising the "character" of a giant, self-centered, self-promoting vulgarian like Donald Trump. I gotta ask, what is worse? and does David not deserve this?
That p-shop is a three-run homer.
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