"Goin' to the Chapel" Edition.
Button, Button, who's got the Button...

You do, if you take advantage to the chance to pick up this mint-condition memento of the final days of the Mainstream Media, available at Blue Gal's Cafepress Store (and keep listening later in the year for an opportunity to win one). Also too, the Podcast Donate Button Button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!
Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic at the ProLeft website and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget, our archives are available for free with no downloads at Professional Left.
IIRC, Bluegal doesn't live in Chicago. Are you going to live in Chicago or Bluegal's town? Emo-doomer that I am, I don't think big cities will be the nicest places to live in the near future.
Congratulations! Is the bride in troulble? (kidding)
she's in big troulble. :D
Congratulations you two, my your futures be bright.
That is fantastic news! Congratulations to you both!
oh happy day!
congratulations you two!!!! I'm so happy for both of you!:)
Holy guacamole!
Can we get a big "AWWWWWW" all up in this bitch? Yes ... yes we CAN.
The libtard Hart & Hart?
The left's Bonnie & Clyde?
Progressives' own Macmillan & Wife?
Condolences on your impending exile from living in sweet sweet sin, & congratulations.
Best wishes dg-bg.
I knew something was up when bg started opening up and cussin' like a veteran on the podcasts. You could tell she was getting to like it. :-)
What, exactly, would the bizarro carville-matalin couple look like? Just sayin. Seriously, Congrats to the both of you....and don't argue too much!
Congratulations to both from the shambler community.
Much love to both of you from a young fan
You chose to announce this on the Alaska Dingbat's forty-seventh birthday. Now she'll think it's about her!
Oh wait, she would have thought that anyway.
Mazel tov!
Congratters! What happy news!
in the meantime,
O'Reilly and Washingmachines
Kathryn in MA
Congratulations and brightest wishes to the happy blogging couple.
Congrats and best wishes to the two of you. May your futures be happy and prosperous. Happy Valentines Day and more.
The great cosmic muffin must have been working overtime. For you two crazy kids to find each other...
I have to put my vote in for you to remain in Chi-town, or at least the metro area. The advantages for the children alone make it the logical choice. Plus I'm not seeing you keeping your edge if not feeding on the urban vibe.
Have your people call my people...
PS: Congratulations and felicitations and all that. :-)
A rather extreme, but completely effective method of beating problems with Skype audio compression. But if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing.
Best of luck to you, BG and the kids. Libidinous liberal lasses everywhere will shed a silent tear.
Wow, I'm happy for you.
Glad you're going public. Glad we don't have to keep in quiet any longer. Now, what about the anonymity thing?
Very happy for you both.
Congratulations!! I knew you guys were a couple!! I agree with KatieB, what about the anonymity thing DG? All I want is a picture.... a nice wedding picture is a great introduction to your fans.
Is it wrong that I thought the first thirty seconds were a setup? Does this count as a workplace romance?
Congrats kids :-)
The real nice comment got left at BG's. Guys don't need that but a sincere congratulations for you is in order for damn sure.
What some people won't do to come up with a good Netroots Nation workshop topic.
Manys the time I have rolled my eyes while listening to the podcast and thought to myself "these two don't need to get a radio deal, they need to get a room." Little did I know.
What happy, happy news.
Mazeltov, you crazy kids!
Thanks everyone.
My replies here ...
Congrats just heard the news! Way to go!
Late to the news (I can't listen to the Friday podcast until early the next week), but I am glad to hear your happy news! Mazel tov x 1,000,000!
And here I thought the special P-shop was just for Valentine's Day...
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