Friday, December 10, 2010

Your Friday Podcast

"Animals are crapping in our houses and we're picking it up. Did we lose a war? That's not America! That's not even Mexico!"

-- Homer Simpson

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Did we lose the White House without an Election?

December 09, 2010

Great disappointment with POTUS. Why Christmas is a terrible time for a lame duck session, and we cheer ourselves with a reminder that it's Zappadan, a blog-based celebration of all things Frank Zappa (Dec 4-Dec 21). More at

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This mint-condition memento of the final days of the Mainstream Media is available at Blue Gal's Cafepress Store (and keep listening later in the year for an opportunity to win one). And the Podcast Donate Button button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget, our archives are available for free with no downloads at Professional Left.


Kay Dennison said...

I just dropped a dime! Are you watching/listening to Bernie's filibuster? I think it's important!!!!

SteveUpNorth said...

Holy crap!
22 year old listener here, took your advice to watch Frank Zappa on Crossfire, and DAMN. I mean, D.A.M.N.
This was aired two years before I was born, and it's striking to me how the right hasn't changed much in all this time. What happened to people like Zappa? Why don't we ever see them?
And why do all the heroes have to be dead....

jim said...

Laffer Curve: the most appropriately named economic term ever.

Tweez said...

I just had a dream that Driftglass announced he was quitting blogging because it was making him too angry and depressed. In the dream, I was so upset!

How gay is that?

Tweez said...

Also too, Zappa was kind of a Libertarian / Objectivist asshole. The only thing he hated more than Republicans were trade unions and welfare. He thought most people (even his fans) were lazy, pampered idiots as well, and while I agree with this assessment, I can't subscribe to his harsh condemnation of these folks as leeches upon the hard-working and successful. But I say peace be upon him in this holy season of Zappadan! Besides, his music was the best ever in the much-misunderstood genre of prog/art-rock. And he could play guitar like a motherfucker

jim said...

PS: A sincere AMEN to calling bullshit on the pearl-clutching of "golly gee whillikers, this will really make the GOP look bad" ... unless US drinking-water has been surreptitiously dosed with a sure-fire antidote to outrage fatigue.

I remain convinced that not even Bush's premeditated anal rape of the US Constitution & economy is as toxic as the heinous amount of (ongoing) damage resulting from just how far he lowered America's already moribund cultural & political standards.


StonyPillow said...

There is hope.

Kathy said...

Outrage fatigue! That's the phrase I've been looking for.

One just gets so tired.

Anonymous said...

"Did we lose the White House without an election?"

Does a wild bear shit in the woods?