Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and the fuckin' consultants jammed face-first right in your crotch every fuckin' minute or they'll bleed you dry.
Also stab anyone who looks at you funny in the fuckin' neck with a fuckin' pencil.
Except for fuckin' Mike Madigan; that bastid's got a neck stabbin' pencil of his own that reaches all the way to Chicago.
Gotta respect that.
Background: Background has been "aggregated" from an eponymous Godzilla site run by a Greek lady:
Mike Madigan's 'Republican' Opponent: State GOP Holds Fundraiser For P.J. Ryan
Thursday evening, the Illinois Republican Party is hosting a fundraising event for Patrick John Ryan, the challenger to Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan.
One might imagine the state's Republican establishment getting excited at the prospect of taking down the all-powerful Speaker. In a year with ticket-topping Republicans running well in Illinois, and a nationwide movement energizing the right, it wouldn't be hard to imagine a movement coalescing around Ryan.
If anyone could find him.
Patrick John Ryan has officially raised zero dollars in his bid to unseat Madigan. He has not started a political committee. He did not respond to surveys from the Sun-Times or Tribune about his positions. He does not have a website. His campaign headquarters is his parents' home, where he apparently lives. The one fact that public records verify about him: Ryan has voted in the Democratic primary every year before this one.
Instead of a viable challenger to the leader of a desperately unpopular House, Ryan appears to be the latest in a series of Madigan-picked patsy opponents, chosen to provide token opposition to the Speaker.
For many years, the role of paper tiger was held by Terrence Goggin, another long-time Democratic voter who got on the ballot as a Republican, then politely refused to run a campaign. Goggin, unsurprisingly, lost four consecutive landslide elections to Madigan; in 2002, the Tribune wrote that "Goggin has long been a wholly owned subsidiary" of the Madigan empire.
One very important reason Daley held his office for so long was that it suited Mike Madigan's purposes.
Who will suit Mike Magidan's purposes now?
Tomorrow, Lesson Seven: Job Stress
Great point as usual. Who will back up the bastard in laws this cycle?
If it pays anything, people have been standing in line to get that job ever since.
And the line today must be around the corner . . . .
Thanks, Dg!
You rock.
in 2002, the Tribune wrote that "Goggin has long been a wholly owned subsidiary" of the Madigan empire.
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