Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Me At Last! Me At Last!

Thank Fox Almighty, it's all about me at last!

From AlterNet:

Glenn Beck to Hold Tea Party Rally on Anniversary of MLK Speech: How Conservatives Are Trying to Hijack Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream

Only a few weeks after whitewashing the entire slave trade by falsely claiming our Founding Fathers were both black and white, Glenn Beck is on another mission: the Fox news host is planning a massive “take our country back” Tea Party rally at the Lincoln Memorial -- on the anniversary of the day Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech.

Beck's publicity event pulls the rug out from under civil rights champions who planned a rally honoring King’s memory on that day, but they are organizing to fight back. “We're going to get together because we are not going to let Glenn Beck own the symbolism of Aug. 28, 2010,” said National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial. “We need to collaborate and bring together all people of good will, not just black people, on Aug. 28 to send a message that Glenn Beck's vision of America is not our vision of America.”

Can we all finally get over the idea that there is some sludgy, hate-ridden depths to which the Wingnut Leadership Caste will not sink, and for which the Pig People will not wildly applaud them?


Ichabod said...

I like your style.

There are many good Republican and Democratic people. Both sides have intelligent arguments for many of today's ills. Unfortunately many of these people are of the silent type.

People like Beck and Palin and Limbaugh, are entertainers who appeal to a certain mindset and they will sell their souls to be on the pedestal that their lackey followers love to idolize.

Unfortunately there are many of them and even though they talk tough, they are ruled by fear, which makes them dangerous.

If all the smart people would ignore this, maybe it would go away.

Anonymous said...

Excellent writing, excellent Photoshop.

When Beck says he wants to take "our" country back, he's not including me or you in that. And I think the tea drinkers mean to take it all the way back ... before them women and coloreds had the right to question "our" entitlement.

Beck might self-destruct by his own repulsive idiocy, but in the meantime, he really needs some strong Democrats to (rhetorically) punch him in the face a whole lot more often.

Denny Smith said...

I dunno'. I beleive we are losing the war on this. As Drifty said, you can dump a metric ton of data on these whack jobs and it will change nothing. Appeals to their reptilian brain is the only thing that works (Limbaugh, Beck, et al), and we do not, and will not do that. The ignorance is staggering. The only real tactic against the flood of nonsense in the comm channels is the Internet, (like DGBG, C&L, etc.. and even that is vulnerable to being destroyed by the corporate greedheads throught the Net Neutrality ruckus.
We're in trouble.

Matt said...

Ignoring these types will not make them go away any more than ignoring a malignancy will send a cancer into remission.

driftglass said...

We tried the polite, compromising, trade-away-Liberal-values-to-mollify-the-Right, "just ignore the crazies" strategy already.

It was called "The 90s".

In return for playing nice and ignoring the thugs we got the rise of Limbaugh/Gingrich/DeLay/Falwell politics. 7 years of bullshit hearings and smears. Impeachment. And Bush.

Greendayman said...

Agreed Drifty - no more mr. nice liberal for me.

In the bizarro world where Beck thinks he's channeling MLK, do you think the bizarro James Earl Ray will show up? And if so, won't he be very confused?

Kathy said...

"Intelligent People" ignored Limpbag but He didn't. go. away.

See: the stupids LOVE limpgag and Blech and that creep hannity. They think Coulter is sexy.

I'd would mind them if they did not so obviously mind US: they HATE us, and they will destroy the USA if they are allowed to.

Gay Veteran said...

over at John Cole's place there is the theory of "peak wingnut"


The only thing the reich-wing has to offer is Hate and Fear, and those are 2 powerful political tools.

The ReThugs would rather see America burn if that was the only way to get back political power.

Cheyanne said...

Hey Driftglass,

I heard you on Danny Scheter's radio show today and decided to follow your lead and write my own blog about ME AT LAST, ME AT LAST.
I've changed the title though To ME AT LAST.... ME AT LAST....GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY I'M FINALLY MAKING MONEY OFF, ME AT LAST, as a mockery of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and the D.C. Rally.

In our Blog Against Theocracy Day that we all take part in each and every year, you have been very kind the other lowly bloggers like myself, so please consider my blogpost that was sparked by your blogpost a tribute to you and our likeminded tribe.

Thanks Driftglass