Saturday, April 10, 2010

Joke On The Water

Joke on the Water
"Hello Stupid White People!"

From the scene of one of her Party's most catastrophic failures, The Queen of Pig People addressed her subjects yesterday.

She hosed 'em down good with her trademark golden shower of anti-science, anti-gummint, anti-reality glossolalia which Charlies Johnson describes adequately here (and don't think I don't realize how fucking strange the Universe has become when the same goof who rose to prominence running one of the most swinishly strident, pro-Bush, warblogging wingnut knocking-shops can find himself -- less than six short months after his "epiphany" that the Conservatives with which he has been consorting all these years are, y'know, evil goons -- tapped to write anti-Republican screeds under the same editorial roof as Matt Taibbi.

Almost as if there is some sort of club...


Palin’s Anti-Science Word Salad

In her speech yesterday to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, anti-science dim bulb Sarah Palin referred to the CRU scandal as “Gore-gate” (even though Al Gore had absolutely nothing to do with it), and said there was “snake oil science involved over the data collection there,” a strangely garbled sentence ending with her trademark “there.” (Which never seems to describe a real place.)

The scientists of the CRU have been vindicated by two independent investigations now. But cynical, stupid people like Sarah Palin are still lying about it, and pumping up the GOP base with nonsense they know is not true.


Needless to say, there was much rejoicing.


Anonymous said...

I just want her to shut up and take her clothes off.

US Blues said...

While Sarah is out making bank left and right, husband Todd stays home in Alaska drinking beer and smoking fat J's of "Matanuska Thunderf*ck." Smart boy.

Cirze said...

It's hard to believe that she's improving their chances, isn't it?

Maybe she's working for the CIA.

That would make more sense somehow as she's just involved in confusing the issues (and they can't pay enough for that).


Anonymous said...

This woman is retarded.
And has anyone ever bothered to point the fact that even if we do let oil companies drill off the coast of America and the Alaska wilds, theres nothing in their contracts that states that oil STAYS HERE!

Distributorcap said...

in a more normal era she would have made a great Carol Merrill

i swear she is wearing Nazi boots.

lostnacfgop said...

Why is the Party of "the great communicator" consistently unable to find candidates who can speak in complete sentences?