Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ignorance Remains Strength

Film at 11...

...and a certain Ornery Bastard has more here.


Phil said...

And, we have always been at war with EastAsia.

Of course, I am not one tenth as eloquent as you are but I do believe with my in your face style, literally, I broke one off in the true believers asses tonight.

Sorry for the Blogwhore.

driftglass said...

Never apologize for taking pride in your own work, amigo.

double nickel said...


Larue said...

Drifty, thanks for droppin the props on Busted.

His Palin Rant was epic . . *G*

res ipsa loquitur said...

I don't know if there's any downside (from her perspective) to lying at this point. She knows she's not going to be president or vice president. She quit her job to go on wingnut welfare. She only talks to friendly media outlets. There's zero accountability in those venues. In fact, you get rewarded for spewing things that will piss off liberals. She's shaking her ass and getting paid.