Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ruh Roh

But he's so cute and furry and...


Never mind.

From The Atlantic:
Odd Couple Of Norquist, Hamsher Call For Investigation, Rahm's Resignation

Grover Norquist and Jane Hamsher are not often on the same side of anything, beyond both usually being in the Western Hemisphere. Norquist is a leading voice of fiscal conservatism as head of the anti-tax group Americans for Tax Reform; Hamsher is a leading voice of the digital left, whose blog Firedoglake has taken on influence in speaking up for progressives during the health care debate and in pressuring lawmakers through its activist arm, FDL Action.

There are plenty of issues over which Liberals and old-line Conservatives can, should and do find common ground: hell, out in the meat world I do it every week.

But Grover Norquist is not an old-line Conservative. Grover Norquist is the plutocrat's favorite demolitions expert, whose fanatical purpose is to destroy the federal government, and whose fanaticism sometimes leads him to do things like compare the estate tax to the Holocaust.

Because he is a lunatic with the moral sense of a nail gun.

And while nothing can be done about moral imbeciles like Grover Norquist running wild in the streets, somebody really needs to remind Hamsher that this sort of collaborating-with-thugs-for-political-convenience bullshit is exactly how the Southern Strategy started.


knowdoubt said...

What the heck is the "Southern Strategy"? I'm a prisoner (live or just try to survive) of the South and if they've got a strategy I can't find it, just me, me, me.

Anonymous said...

Drawing a comparison to the Southern Strategy is a cheap shot. When both major parties are battling to show they are the better corporate whores, one has to build issues-based alliances to bring attention to injustices. Was Gore heading down the Southern Strategy slippery slope when he worked with Bob Barr on civil liberties advocacy? With parties like these, blind loyalty will end up drowning our democracy in the bathtub.

res ipsa loquitur said...

I'm sure she thinks her little alliance "interesting". The only thing that's interesting about it, though, is the lead-balloon-like thud with which news of it has been greeted.

Dogs. Fleas. Etc.

Merry Christmas, dg.

Asian-American Pundit said...

Brilliant! I must say the eggnog is treating you well because this is spot on.

Happy Holiday/War on Christmas/ New Year!

2xFooled said...

Nice touch with Janes "Demon" eyes. I don't believe you don't have a Red Eye Tool in your box.

Happy Hollidays Drifty.

Kathy said...

Having survived breast cancer, Ms. Hampshire very likely knows that poking around writing letters and 'hoping for the best' is not a good strategy (for liberals) these days. Time to be bold, aggressive, and unorthodox.

Obviously, the Good Old Ways aren't working very well.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

I'm very troubled by her behavior the past couple of days. Hooking up with Grover and going on Fox and Friends was bad. But the bridge too far is attempting to "call out" Bernie Sanders of all people. Bold and aggressive to he who is the most unapologetic liberal in the Senate is just burning the people's grain. But hey, she got our attention. We're talking about her. And she gets to be the wingnut blog left's representative for Fox.

mahakal said...

She and Grover are asking Holder to investigate Rahm. I think perhaps she's gone over to the crazy side if she thinks that's going anywhere but the circular file.

karen marie said...

I'd like to see Rahm out as chief of staff, but putting up a petition to have his past association with Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, or whatever, is straight up retarded.

This is no time for peeps on the left to lose their minds.

Myrtle June said...

its the hillary 2012 kickoff.

Mr. Natural said...

A-FUCKING-MAZING! HOODA THUNK IT? I thought J. Hamsher was a progressive hero. NONE of my heroes will even SPEAK to a republican, much LESS fucking GROVER NO-TWIST.

Happy, merry, whatever...

Peace, eh?

driftglass said...

I'm guessing it was a kid's show in 1977. The Southern Strategy Superfriends.

Whoever said I was anything but cheap and perverse?

res ipsa loquitur,
Merry Christmas to you too

Asian-American Pundit,
Same back at you.

I kept the eyes exactly as they were in the original & changed Grover's eyes to match. The reasons were purely photographic verisimilitude.

Non sequitur ("it does not follow") -- A statement that does not logically follow from what preceded it; a conclusion ("poking around writing letters and 'hoping for the best' is not a good strategy") that does not follow from the premises ("Having survived breast cancer...").
"Non sequitur": Read it. Learn it. Use it in a sentence.

Fran Langum / Blue Gal,
Well I'm just glad I could play my small part in our ongoing, national media nervous breakdown

Since it'll be a glorious show trial, I wonder who they'll cast as "Disturbing surprise witness #3". Pleaseohpleaseohplease let it be Christopher Walken!

karen marie,
It is getting freaky out there.

Myrtle June,
Hillary looks pretty happy doing just what she's doing now.

Mr. Natural,
I frequently work with old-school Conservatives on local issues. When things turn to politics, they push and I push back. Often, the only thing they know about "liberals" comes direct from Rush's ass and it's disconcerting for some of them to meet a proud Liberal who doesn't look or sound anything like the bogeyman Rush has been warning them about for 20 years.

Unknown said...

Actually, I think Jane is right on. Rahm Emanual for those of us paying attention was the first clue that Obama was just like the others. Rahm is not "change" of any sort - a very upfront corporatist and such an excellent recruiter of Blue Dogs that I stopped giving money to the DCCC several years ago.

Are we supposed to let Democrats take a pass because they're Democrats?

Perhaps if other "progressives" had joined Jane she wouldn't have needed Grover's help in getting attention.

I don't agree with everything she has done or has said, but I like where she's coming from and that she's transparent - and frankly, the folks who do watch Fox need to see and hear from people other than the usual suspects.

Rev.Paperboy said...

I don't have any problems or issues with going after Rahm, but I think Jane needs to remember that "the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend"

Anonymous said...

Jane is an effective, respected liberal activist. One of the reasons liberals are so easily dismissed is their refusal to fight fire with fire. Liberals tend to cower in the face of the mildest opposition. Jane is entitled to use whatever method she likes to draw attention to the hypocrisy of President Obama. He has quickly fired any actual liberals in his administration for the slightest whiff of questionable behavior, out-of-context comment or even unfounded accusations. But neocon, corporatist assholes like Rahm, Geithner, Summers, Bernanke, Gates, Clinton, etc. get free passes.

tanbark said...

I thought that Hamsher was smart and ballsy to go on Faux. She did a good job dissing the health care shuck, and reminding anyone watching that REAL reform would benefit both liberals and conservatives.

AND! There was zero rebuttal. She got off a good rant and NO one was there to call her on any of it. The idea that Faux was "using" her on that, is nonsense, and I posted so, on the nearly 900-shot firing-range of a thread that her appearance on Faux caused.
Oddly, on FDL, Hamsher's stuff is all I can post on; on all the rest, I'm still banned :o) ...I guess it's the residue of those months of regularly pointing out that triangulatin' Hil was giving hand jobs to the right wing, and that she had (and still has) that "Property of AIPAC, Inc." tatt on her rump.

Having said that, I think Jane brainfarted on this one. Holding hands with Norquist, who, as Drift says, is a bonafide neo-con/racist, up to his nostrils in helping create the problems which we're facing, and in helping prevent Obama from salvaging something from them. (To be honest, it doesn't seem to be TOO difficult a job to prevent that..)

As for Hillary and her...options...I make it about 50-50 (and heading for 75-25) that if Obama's numbers are seriously tanking in 2011, she will find that situation irresistable and will make a "principled" bail out of SecState to run against him.

I'm not going to claim "you read it here first" because I"ve been saying it ever since he picked her for State. Now, in his first year in office, given that he seems so charmed by the notion of himself as a duck with one leg, and knowing that american voters do not like presidents who seem to be in perpetual deferment to the jellyfish herd in congress, I think the odds of his popularity being so low that the situation will resemble to some extent, LBJ's passing on a second term. I don't think Obama will willingly go, but the chances that he will be seriously vulnerable are going up almost by the day.
Also, I think we'll get hammered at the mid-terms, and since he's done so little with some decent margins in congress, what's he going to do when the majorities are down to being razor thin, or non-existent?

I've never really thought that a third party was a desirable option, but this time around, if Howard Dean makes a run, I just might put my grain of sand in his bucket.