In which, now that I’ve decided to put together a book, I worry briefly about the whole “fuck” thing, right up until Tom Brokaw and David Gregory decide to generously use their baton-passing moment on the “Meet the Press” platform to preemptively blurb my upcoming opus.
Brokaw: …everyone is paying attention now, in a way I can’t wemembew since waaay back in Nineteen and Sixty-Eight. We are in vewy, vewy difficult times and people want to participate in their own destiny. And of course when I say “participate”, I mean sit back passively and watch as we here in the Stenographic Division of the corporate media give hot rock massages to our fellow employees over in the Politics Division. And so it makes Sunday Morning across all these networks – and especially here on “Meet the Press” – ah, ah, critically important time in American life , isn’t that right teevee’s David Gregory?
Gregory then gives one of the finest Sarah Palin, Pageant-Word-Salad responses I’ve heard in, well, at least several hours:
I think the country is in such a difficult place right now, such a challenging place, people are so engaged… And we just saw it, and what an important interview with the President-elect of the United States on Sunday Morning in a way, on this program, uniquely, can provide insights and answers and ask tough question. To explore the nature of leadership. In Washington and the country and the world. And to hold leaders accountable. As Tim always said to me, as you’ve said to me…
Brokaw: …this show is especially important beyond the Potomac, beyond the Hudson Rover in New York City. uhhhh, across the country. I have been very struck by how important this broadcast is to people as a regular appointment to them.
Gregory then sledgehammers home how indispensably vital the Mouse Circus is to “the people” by presenting difficult issues so that “they can understand it, they can digest it, and they can make it part of their own decision-making and opinion-making in their own lives.”
To: Mr. Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman of the Board and CEO, General Electric
Dear Mr. Immelt,
Despite what you may have heard from certain Dirty Fucking Hippies quadrants, the poor benighted savages of “Nebraska”, “Colo-Radoh”, “Funk’s Grove”, “Six Flags” and the rest of the largely-unexplored interior of the American continent who buy GE light-bulbs, microwaves and electricity still think we’re relevant, and still believe the thought-pudding we trowel into their heads are actually their own ideas and opinions.
Please don’t fire us!
UR doin it rite!
Dave and Tom
But ain’t that also just the sad fucking truth?
*Damn, I said it again*
A long time ago, my blogfather and hero -- the late Steve Gilliard -- asked me why I was
That those opinions were more and more turning out to be lethally toxic formulations concocted by Karl Rove in some Neocon Chiba City lab at the behest of his Tessier-Ashpool plutocrat paymasters that were, years after maddening year, going entirely unchallenged by any of Sunday Morning’s overpaid haircuts.
That what I wrote three years ago is as true now as ever:
Left Blogylvania tracks the Sunday Mouse Circus like the mineshaft canary that it is. This puppet show where trial balloons are floated and talking points run around the track is now almost immediately sighted for range and distance by giants like Crooks & Liars and then shelled to dust. This beetle-riddled tree where hacks like McCain and Lieberman nest and preen and regurgitate their smirky horseshit is now routinely used for target practice...
Earlier on MTP, President-elect Obama said “Turns out, premising your economy on 'Greed is Good' and 'What’s in it for me?' isn’t good for anyone. And that spreading the benefits of the economy more equitably means that everyone does better.”
Which is rational and correct, but almost wholly lacking in entertainment value.
However later, just before they blurbed my book-to-be, Brokaw introduced former-understudy-now-Stah! David Gregory as the new Chief Flapjack Flipper at the Mouse Circus with such delightfully awkward, tooth-gritting hostage-reading-a-forced-confession formality that one could not help but wonder what was really going on
in his head.
Gregory, in case you are unfamiliar with his oeuvre, is the one playing “Dawn #2” to Karl Rove’s “Tony Orlando” here:
Dance, baby, dance.
On “Face the Nation”
Senator’s Chris Dodd, D-Central Casting., and Jeff Sessions, R-Dyspepsia talk like adults about the economy and the auto industry.
Then, Tommy Friedman -- dressed in full Sans-a-belt Ninja – unspools his vast,
short-circuiting-robot-handed-Mr.-Wiggles-electric bugaloo-gesticulating
wisdom across the land.
Because the combination of an international banking collapse and massive terror attacks in India just screams
“Show Me A Boob Trick”, don’t you think?
On “Fox News Sunday” as history’s righteous judgment closes over the Worst Administration Ever like a mile-deep mudslide, there she was – Condi Rice -- desperately dragging those goalposts down field one more time. Frantically shaking the Great Etch-a-Sketch of Reality as if it were still the glory days of 2004 when one arched “How dare you question the Dear Leader!?” eyebrow from the White House was enough to still the pens and silence the questions of every mother’s son and daughter in the Big Dollar Media, leaving only a ragged chorus of Dirty Fucking Hippies out on the fringe screaming “You’re being lied to” onto the great abyss where the free press used to be.
Rice: [Iraq] Sure, we can go back now and argue over who did what, who got shit wrong, who outdid who in blood-and-treason points, but that would
It was all “intelligence failure”.
Rice: We have now reformed the system by which we gather information.
Translation: Comrade Cheney not longer has the keys to the shredder, and we’ve taken away the special edition “Fourth Branch O’ Government” Crayons he used to cross out “there are no fucking weapons” and write in “Saddam = 11 Hitlers who have sharks with frikkin' lasers beams on their heads” when the intel wasn’t sufficiently pro-bomb-the-crap-out-of-everything..
Rice: I still think that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein will be a Net Teh Awesome -- because we now have a young democracy. A multiethnic, multiparty, multiorgasmic, multichannel, polymorphously perverse, multiconfessional Iraq.
noun multiconfessional state; multiconfessional states, pl. A country, usually of a multiethnic population, which allows worship of any form of God…
Rice: Iraq is a “trade up”...
Rice: Murderous dictator...
Rice: Invaded his neighbors...
Rice: Used chemical weapons...
It was, in other words, the 1000th tired rerun of every other relentless “catapult the propaganda” operetta which Wallace, for the 1000th time, lets her jabber vehemently out virtually uninterrupted.
Later, Republican Richard Shelby was asked whether or not the GOP would filibuster the Detroit-based American auto industry into oblivion for the benefit of the Confederacy-based Asian auto industry for which he works.
Shelby: Ah thinks we need to debate it and that’s what filibuster is all about. Christmas is a’comin’ and people want to get home.
Wallace: So you’re going to hold Congress hostage?
Levin: Every country that makes cars gives loans to their auto companies.
As regards the billions in unfettered cash already fecklessly thrown at the banking industry, Chris Wallace asks Democrat Carl Levin: Gonna make them grovel a little bit?
Levin: I don’t want anyone to grovel. I want them to prove up and show that this will help people who are losing their homes, small business people. We made the auto industry do it and rightly so, and now the bankers need to do it.
Maybe working for the Murdoch Empire has something to do with Wallace not being able to comprehend the difference between groveling and doing your damn job.
UPDATE: Make that "the Murdoch/Cheney Empire" and a big to h/t Nicole Belle @ "Crooks & Liars" for spotlighting this sweet ThinkProgess audio grab of Wallace on The Mike Gallagher Show:
WALLACE: Let me ask you this, did the Vice President say to you, “thank you so much for defending the president and yes I’m going to be giving you a special exit interview in a couple of weeks?”
GALLAGHER: Did he say all that to you?
On “This Week”
Condi Rice continued her “Resume-Builder Final Farewell Victory Grand Tour-Alooza 2008 Fest”, again talking up the “The intelligence problems” of September 11th, and that given what they knew, “The Intelligence didn’t permit any dissent” in the Bush White House.
driftglass: The biggest intelligence failure of 9/11 was a bint named Condoleezza “No one could have anticipated” Rice.
Rice: Before we invaded Iraq, there was a worldwide consensus that Saddam Hussein had bad, scary weapons.
driftglass: Worldwide?! Wow! You mean the Philippines? Argentina? All 22 members of the Polish national intelligence service? Guam? Burkina Faso? All of the countries who learned about Iraq by reading Judith Miller’s regurgitation of Dick Cheney’s lies in the New York Times?
Rice: You don’t have that luxury. You can sit here and play mind games, but 2003 was a post-9/11 world.
OK, you shut up and go away now.
Then, after last week's exciting installment of “Three Conservative and one Donna Brazile”, the “This Week” panel bravely follows up with “Three Conservatives and one E.J. Dionne”, with George Will reprising the role of "Angry Old Man", and Peggy Noonan playing the part of “Bizarrely Affected Pile of Lumber”.
Lastly, with topics like “When does Obama lose his new car smell?” ”The Chris Matthews Show”

continues its inexorable descent into the goofball speculation depths of

Bill Swerski’s Superfandom.
Next week, Matthews will be asking his team of crack reporters...

Where is Joe Biden hiding his secret map to Atlantis?
Could Obama outwrestle an 11-foot, nunchuck-wielding Jesus?
And, if Bill Clinton had a time machine, would he risk cosmic catastrophe and alter the course of the Civil War by giving AK-47s to William Tecumseh Sherman just so, 100 years later, Marilyn Monroe could marry Cassius Clay and give birth to a daughter which he – Bill Clinton – could have sex with when she grew up and became a hot Clinton White House intern?
Later I caught the last 20 minutes of “Galaxy Quest” in which credulous aliens get themselves into deep, deep trouble by mistaking overpaid actors in a lame teevee science fiction series for real heroes with real answers.
Please, David Gregory
You are our last hope!
Probably a lesson in there somewhere.
a book a book a book a book a book!
We knew you when....
Dost mine eyes deceive me? A book! Can we pre-buy copies, or would that be too much pressure? Hurry, dammit.
And by the way, I have the gift of channeling Mike Royko. He set down his beer and poker hand long enough to give you a message -- don't edit out the f-bombs. Write it real.
All good, Drift! And, as usual, Condi WAS in excellent form as bush's house warpimp...
But what was so interesting about that kaffeeklatsch with George Staphanopolous, is that BlueTex got onto it at FDL, and ripped her good, but we didn't see that the EXACT same interview also contained Condi effusively praising Hillary as "terrific", etc., etc., ad nauseum...
And that part of it (along with Limbaugh's endorsement of Clinton for SecState, and some other random asshats joyfully seconding the installation of the Clinton's at State...) for some strange reason, just didn't make the thread-cut at FDL. :o)
There's an old bluegrass tune called:
"I'll be all smiles tonight", and everytime I see one of the progressive einsatzgruppes covering Hillary's AIPAC-ass, it applies to ol' tb.
Also on Sunday, at FDL:
Heeere's Jane Hamsher:
"Her leadership could have been really helpful when the rest of us were getting the stuffing beaten out of us by a very well financed rightwing for the past 8 years. But when things got tough, she was nowhere to be found."
For a moment, I thought:
"Hey! Jane gets it! No more "Hands off Hillary!" policy.
Alas, she was talking about......
Caroline Kennedy...as she scourged Kennedy's possible appointment to the NY Senate seat being vacated by Obama's Clinton rehab project.
Why, I don't know, except that Caroline DID come out for Obama in the campaign.
Anyhoo, there's a little irony deficiency evident there, for someone whose blog, when they had Clinton on way back in the primaries, wouldn't let her readers ask Clinton about her vote for the war. :o)
"Stay on topic!" was the order of the day...and the topic was powderpuff politics and sweetheart queries. :o)
"And, if Bill Clinton had a time machine, would he risk cosmic catastrophe and alter the course of the Civil War by giving AK-47s to William Tecumseh Sherman just so, 100 years later, Marilyn Monroe could marry Cassius Clay and give birth to a daughter which he – Bill Clinton – could have sex with when she grew up and became a hot Clinton White House intern?"
I want to pre-order your book yesterday.
Always so thankful that you're willing to endure the neck-deep wade through TEH TRIPE for us less intrepids.
Gregory will have a decent fast ball by 2012, and Palin will have perfected her g-droppin' eye-winkin' throat-gaggin' ooze-politick -- well enough to keep the fleshy parts of the redumblicans engorged and the dumbocrats outraged. Moving. on.
So glad to hear about the book!
I hope you know about createspace.com.
It's fast, inexpensive, and top quality. And your book's automatically on Amazon, so we can all go get it.
Good for you, Dg. I'll be the first in line (if it starts in NC) for a signed copy.
Take a look at Lulu too. I published there in 2006 and they did a first-rate job. It's free for the publishing effort and you determine the price of the books, with a special deal for being the author, so you can buy at a discount for your friends (their formula reimburses them first and it's very reasonable).
Tanbark, kudos!
NY Senate seat being vacated by Obama's Clinton rehab project.
I'm going to steal that meme from you if you don't mind my plagiarism (but you know I'll give you credit).
Once again, great Mouse Circus rehab, Dg. Still overwhelmed by your virtuoso performance.
Suzan! I'm glad you liked it. Welcome to anything that I scribble, anywhere on the 'net.
I hate to be negative on the big guy's choice(s), but we need to do our little part to remind ourselves why he was elected, and to remind HIM that it was the progressives who graded the bed and laid the track that ran straight to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I am certain that when he begins to make substantial drawdowns in Iraq, some things which are not going to be user-friendly to amurka will rear their heads, big time. And I do not trust Clinton and the designer State Department that she's installing at Foggy Bottom, to be on board with the realities of Obama's ending bush's petro-crusade, any more than I'd trust Lieberman to do it.
And if he doesn't make those drawdowns, then he will be a one-term president. And should be.
Collectively, for the past 8 years, we've had a bushCo penile-enhancement, using blood, hubris, and money. Voluntarily shrinking it is going to piss off some people mightily. Will Hillary (and Gates, etc.) support the surgery? Stay tuned.
A long time ago, my blogfather and hero -- the late Steve Gilliard -- asked me why I was [wasting my fucking time] spending my time and talent vivisecting the Mouse Circus.
Don't know whether you'll count this as validation or take it as a renewed challenge, but from today's NYT:
Calling this “a critically important time for the country,” Mr. Brokaw said on Sunday’s program that “more people are paying attention” to the weekly network Sunday programs than at any time since 1968.
In any case, I always look forward to Sunday Morning Comin' Down. Keep on keeping on. No disrespect to the memory of Steve.
Good news about the book! YAY :-)
Gregory.... omfg... that whole scene with him and tom made me practically vomit. ew. Gregory is such a patsy. He won't last. The viewship will go down so maybe he is the right guy.... force people to think for themselves and all like that.
Conidi - gah. I just love how they're all just continuing their allowing these people to lie their fucking asses off. And now that Laura won't be available she's prepping hrc as her next conquest. You'll see.
And Tanbark - What jane said about Caroline Kennedy was so far out of line and well, catty as all hell that I can't believe there's no one else calling bullshit on her... 'cept you of course. Who the fuck does she think she is anyway? Sure Caroline has never ever contributed such uplifting material to society as jane with Natural Born Killers, but honestly, why NOT Caroline Kennedy. Perhaps its because she endorsed Obama after all.... OR perhaps she just needs to drive hits over there to pay her mortgage. Regardless, useless drivel in my view. Thank you TB for being the ONLY one I've seen call this for what it is: bullshit.
MJ; thanks much for the kind words.
Jane and FDL have done some good work for our side, but sometimes she just gets out of her shorts, and dissing on Caroline Kennedy especially, with THOSE words, after all of the time she and her staff pissed and moaned about "pie fights" which were nothing less than a lot of good progressives disgusted at Hillary's truckling to and with, the very assholes who've gotten us to this exalted point in our history, was more than I could stomach.
As you talked about elsewhere, I'm keep waiting to see if Hamsher shows up in some mid-to-low level position in Hillary's State Department.
David Fucking Gregory...wow...he hasn't had a good day since the time he pissed off Bush at a joint presser with Francois Mitterand by asking Mitterand a question in French. Still, the MCM is slowly coming out of its coma and regrowing its spine. I figure the regenerative process will be complete just after Jan. 21, when open season on Obama will begin.
Dear Dave; true about the open season, but if Sturmabteilung-r-us wants to use the Supreme Court for the Obama hunt, they better do it pretty quick.
We ALSO won the right to fill the seats of the dying and decaying neo-con mummies with judges who have some interest in the term "justice"...that is, besides being addressed by the word. :o)
where's your blog, Tanbark? Responding more than once at someone else's place is a sure sign that it's time, and you wouldn't be the first, even at this very spot, who had his/her ass kicked by yours truly into clicking on
Jus' sayin.
Yay book!
And this scene from The Wire is best use of the F word ever
Blue Gal - Tanbark has a blog. It's listed over on the righthand list there.... Play On! And he puts up some good stuff up there too :-)
Blue Gal; thanks. Drift is the MAN! I been "with" him a long time now, since the days of Gilliard's Bar and Grill. :o)
Way back when, Steve and Driftglass were a 1-2 punch for firin' me up. Now, Drift's the battery charger for me.
And, Myrtle June, too, who keeps my computer running, bein' as how I'm the lowest-tech redneck in South Carolina... :o)
Here we go! Now, Obama has to decide whose leash to tug on; Susan Rice's, or Hillary's:
And since Rice was an old Clinton admin hand, who had the temerity to endorse Obama EARLY, and who has been among his staunchest supporters for his run to the White House, it should be an easy call. Why do I doubt that it WILL be?
I swear, folks; even if he pulled the plug on Clinton at this late date, it will STILL be less of a hit for him, than it will be once she and her gang have rooted in at State.
And Jane Hamsher continues to hammer on Caroline Kennedy, notably, for using her pull as a board member of a private school, to get Rupert Murdoch's daughter into a private kindergarten.
Which, again, is VERY selective pounding, since, during the primaries, I don't recall Hamsher having much to say about the fact that in 2006, Hillary lent her Senatorial presence to FauxNews' 10th anniversay birthday bash, and then let Murdoch hold a fundraiser for her.
I think the Clintons want in on the call of who gets that junior seat, and their call aint for a bright young attorney who happens to be Jack Kennedy's daughter.
Jane's screeds against Caroline look to me like more toting of the hod for Hillary. I'm surprised HuffPo is giving her so much airtime to do it.
Y O U are the MAN!
bushCo penile-enhancement, using blood, hubris, and money
W O W !!!!!!!
I want to steal this bit of NeoCon Viagra too, but I won't out of reverence for your low-tech GENIUSITY.
It's nice to gather around the Driftglass flame from time to time where the reflected light warms and informs our very souls.
Suzan, I'm flattered that you find something I put up here, at Chez Drift's, of interest. It's like I was shooting hoops in Michael Jordan's backyard, and you said:
"Nice move, tb!" :o)
And, if Bill Clinton had a time machine, would he risk cosmic catastrophe and alter the course of the Civil War by giving AK-47s to William Tecumseh Sherman just so, 100 years later, Marilyn Monroe could marry Cassius Clay and give birth to a daughter which he – Bill Clinton – could have sex with when she grew up and became a hot Clinton White House intern?
Dude, Comrade PhysioProf wants to get his hands on a baggie of whatever the fuck it is that you're smoking that leads your mind to shit like that! w00t!
tanbark, i read that nonsense about susan rice and hillary, and found it to be completely overblown on its face.
not quite the degree that hamsher went on caroline kennedy but equally ridiculous.
when there's a report that someone was seen slapping someone else, then you might have the beginnings of something. but i'd like to see less speculation and more brilliant coverage of the mouse circus like driftglass.
and cheers to steve guilliard, wherever he is. it was a lucky day when i found his blog lo these many years ago. he established a standard i think many would be advised to remember.
after 12 years i finally got a blog too.
Dear Karen, in the immortal words of somebody:
"We aint seen nuthin' yet."
When people talk about getting twofer with the Clinton's, this time they're talking about the clear possibility of getting two foreign policies. Just like Joe Lieberman, Hillary Clinton, to her toenails, has been AIPAC's handmaiden, and Israel is one of the two mid-east countries who do NOT want us to leave Iraq. (The other is Saudi Arabia) When it comes to Obama's extricating us from the mess (which Hillary helped create) the fox will be guarding the foreign policy henhouse.
And, as I pointed out, Susan Rice was a Clinton admin hand, who bolted to Obama. If you think that's not bookmarked in the Hillary computer, then I guess I'm talking with another person who believes that pointing out the negatives of putting Clinton in at State is unpatriotic.
Re: Hamsher's going after Caroline so diligently, it's also worth remembering that Ted helped Obama a lot, when he spurned Hillary. We are seeing clan warfare, and it's coming from the person that Obama so thoughtlessly has put up for his Secretary of State.
YOU tell ME: when have the Clinton's ever eschewed political payback? It's in their DNA, and I will guarantee you that that is going to override any modest gratitude for Obama's doing rehab on them.
There is this consolation for people like myself, who think that Hil and Bill, with the primary campaign she ran, consigned themselves to the dustbin of her junior Senate seat, and that she should have been left there:
She and her followers vastly overrated her power and political clout in the primary run, they're still doing it, and I expect they will keep on doing it...to the point that I believe it's likely that Obama will have to can her in his first term. (The second term is NOT guaranteed. In fact, if we're still in Iraq and spending that $10 bil a month, it's unlikely)
The problem is, that by giving her State, Obama has lowered the drawbridge and allowed she and the people who think that she's "politically savvy" and that she ran a decent and commendable campaign against him, to start taking over the castle keep. Getting them out is going to be a lot tougher than was letting them in.
Lastly, everytime Hillary opens her mouth, the media will be parsing every word to see if there's a:
"Fuck you! Mr. steal-my-manna!"
in between the lines.
I'm betting there will be such. There is nothing in Clinton's past that would indicate otherwise.
I'll take this a step further:
I think there's a 50-50 chance that Clinton will withdraw from the nomination for SecState.
I think that some of Obama's best people are appalled at the idea of having to deal with her at Foggy Bottom. Obama and they have kept a tight lid on that, but I think she's about one controversy away from their concerns becoming paramount, WITH Obama, and from being asked to withdraw.
It would be damaging to him to dump her in the middle of his first term, but look at it from her view: at that point, she would be politically naked. No Senate seat...no nuthin'...I think demand for Bill's $300K-a-pop speeches would drop, too. :o)
A lot can happen in the next 6 weeks. This aint a done deal yet.
I know I shouldn't go on like this, but TB, you bring it out in me.
If Obama is such a smart politician, what is he getting for the Hillary appointment?
For most of us non-Hill/Bill-salivaries, the fix that must have been in for this early move must have been incredibly powerfully motivating.
I know. I'm undoubtedly being overly paranoid now (so many days before Jan. 20).
But still.
Suzan, you ask a very good question, and I don't know the answer.
The possibilities:
The much-talked-about "Cabinet of Rivals" theory, wherein Lincoln seemingly hired every potential enemy he could, to join his cabinet. The idea being that there, he could control and stifle them. (it worked, pretty well, I think...:o) Gore Vidal nailed it, when he described Lincoln as: "This cool, aloof, genius.")
But, with Clinton, to me, that makes no sense. She's not the Majority Whip; not a committee chair (where the real power lies); not even the senior Senator from New York. The only way she could hurt Obama is by running her mouth at pressers. And I just don't think the Senate leadership (The same leadership that FINALLY joined in the dogpile that stopped her from going into Denver and ruining us) is going to ignore the fact that they will be enjoying a comfy congressional majority, courtesy of Barack Obama's coattails. If she tried to sandbag him on his mid-east policy I believe they would turn on her, and do it publicly.
She and Bill are, politically speaking, badly wounded by her losing a nomination that was all but in her hand. AND, by the way she lost it. Repeatedly, she did things that were just brickdumb, as well as incredibly cynical. If she stays in the Senate, she has zero slack to go after Obama, and no hand on the power levers there.
Did he think that her "experience" would make her a good Secretary of State?
How could he feel that way?
She helped create a bullshit-based, unnecessary, bloody, astronomically expensive, and unending, war in Iraq. And she never really recanted on her support of it, until her imploding primary campaign forced her to do it. With Iraq set to move back to the front burner (and it will) Hillary has no business having anything to do with Obama's foreign policy.
I'm not going to call the roll on all of her shit; been there/done that, as have a lot of other good progressives, but in the campaign she scorned him for that wonderfully courageous and perceptive speech he made in October of 2002, 8 days before she voted to authorize the invasion.
That little gibe, by itself, should have been enough to keep her out of his cabinet.
Did he just feel sorry for her, out there in the political wilderness?
I think Barack Obama IS a thoroughly decent and compassionate man. Whether or not to a fault, remains to be seen. But he's also a Chicago politician, and they don't raise Mother Teresa pols there, last time I checked. Some of the shit she (and Bill) pulled was way over the line, and when she speculated that she needed to stay in the race just in case, you know, political assassination reared it's ugly head, there was only one person she could have been talking about, and he was already the beneficiary of a level of vicious hatred that I haven't seen in a long time. It should have been enough to quash any forgiveness, at least to the extent of giving her the State Department.
I just don't know. But again, I'm certain of this; some of his bestest people had to be shitting green nickels when they heard that he was putting her up for State. They kept mum out of loyalty and maybe, wanting to keep THEIR jobs, but if Hillary gins up any more controversy in the next few weeks, there is going to be some serious cost/benefit analysis going on with Obama and his top braintrust, regarding asking her to withdraw between now and the hearings to confirm her.
Not incidentally, this is why people like Digby are referring to this situation as "the hoohah about Hillary". They desperately want both the media and the bloggers to stop talking about it.
It's why Hamsher can rip Caroline Kennedy using the accusation that she didn't do enough to "help us" (As a lifetime progressive, I thought Caroline's endorsement of Obama was a GREAT help. :o) ) while, for the duration of Hillary's campaign, having piss-little to say about Clinton's taking repeated shits on the progressive wing of the party.
I think they know that the hay is not yet in the barn for Hillary's rehab project. All of the people opposed to it are NOT outside of the Obama tent, pissing in. :o)
I've got my fingers crossed that we'll see an implicit admission that he made a mistake putting her up, as she withdraws. It would cost him some enmity from the people who are so emotionally attached to Clinton that nothing she can say or do will separate them from her, but that would be a small price to pay for truly getting a fresh start, and for avoiding the problems that I'm certain she's going to cause him if she becomes Secretary of State.
Thank you sooooooooo much (bowing as I type).
You have nailed it (again). And I'll take your reasoning one step further (calling down the wrath of the gods, I'm sure).
Yes, she/they have tak(en) repeated shits on the progressive wing of the party.
And she/they are politically speaking, badly wounded by her losing a nomination that was all but in her hand. AND, by the way she lost it. Repeatedly, she did things that were just brickdumb, as well as incredibly cynical.
And the final blow for most of us outside the inner circle - Some of the shit she (and Bill) pulled was way over the line, and when she speculated that she needed to stay in the race just in case, you know, political assassination reared it's ugly head, there was only one person she could have been talking about, and he was already the beneficiary of a level of vicious hatred that I haven't seen in a long time. It should have been enough to quash any forgiveness
Now to get to the Chi pol part (which has been the part that didn't add up for me until I read your very fine historical dissection): maybe it's revenge at its coldest.
Once she is confirmed, Senate seat in other hands (and think of the poetic justice of it going to sweet Caroline - her betrayer) . . . well need I go on?
Then the gong sounds.
End of the round.
Until recently, I had not thought of Caroline as a possible replacement, but the more pissing and moaning I hear from Hamsher, who has shaved points for Clinton for lo, these many moons, the more I think that she might be just the ticket.
It's all about who gets input on this, and how much? I think the Kennedy's are now on Hillary's shitlist, but they are still powerful, and I think that the whole political situation is so dicey that anything could happen, including, as I've speculated, Obama's canning Clinton in the first two years of his term.
If that went down, I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary went right out and filed for that NY seat. And if Caroline Kennedy is sitting in it, and has not embarassed herself, then she'll be a tough row to hoe, for Hillary.
This is going to be something of a litmus test. Will Obama reward the Kennedy's for their critical support by using some throw-weight on behalf of Caroline? I think there will be some pressure for that, and why not?
Who does Hillary want in that seat? If she can poker-deal out some influence in it, they will be beholden to her. But if it's putting her at loggerheads with Obama, then it's one more minus for her, as she awaits confirmation as SecState.
It would be intersting if, at her next public appearance, a reporter asks if she has a preference for her replacement, and whom might it be? :o)
A very cynical take, Suzan, that Obama is setting all this up to iceberg the H.M.S. Triangulator to the bottom of the North Atlantic, once and for all.
tb smiles broadly...:o)
If he's doing THAT, then all is forgiven, and he's a combination of Lincoln and FDR that won't whoa, and we're in better shape than I thought.
God, I hope it's true! :o)
Your own special "truthiness" has got me laughing out loud now.
You rock, brother!
to iceberg the H.M.S. Triangulator
I got all fucking GIDDY at the though of what Suzanne proposes!! Oooooooooo IF ONLY!!! This could be funner than I thought! Great stuff Suzanne and TB. LOVES it!! :lol:
Hey, MJ!
It made my day too!!!!!
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