“But then why does she keep saying stupid, divisive things?” edition.
They only had time to run off one script this week before the Great MSM Mimeograph broke down, so everyone had to share.
Like watching a thousand bad high school drama clubs simultaneously stage

"A Streetcar Named Desire".
On “Face the Nation” Bob Schieffer asks Terry McAuliffe.
Schieffer: So, is Hillary is now running as the candidate of white people?
McAuliffe: She didn’t mean it that way. That’s not what she thinks.
And so forth.
On “Fox News Sunday” David Axelrod (Obama campaign manager) handled Wallace like a veterinarian handling a diarrhetic hamster.
Wallace: I know you’re going to say that Hillary Clinton has the right to stay in and run as long as she wants, but I don’t want that answer!
And we’re off…
Wallace (regarding Hillary’s “I’m the candidate of hard-workin’ Whitey!” comments): Why aren’t the words well chosen whether they’re offensive or not.
Axelrod: I’m sure Senator Clinton didn’t mean to conflate “hard working” and “white”.
Wallace: Oh didn’t she? Isn’t she really a nasty, race-baiting troll?
Axelrod: No.
Wallace: C’mon! Fight with her! Throw mud! Fight!Fight!Fight! You gonna throw your filthy, elitist money at her? Maybe buy her off with a job offer?
Axelrod: She hasn’t asked and we haven’t offered. I don’t think Senator Clinton is looking for a deal. I don’t think she’s looking for a cue or signal from us, and I think it would be demeaning to suggest otherwise.
Wallace: As regards her campaign debt, isn’t it true your people would be outraged if you paid her off!
Axelrod: No one is suggesting that. Shit, we need that money to bury you fuckers.
Wallace: Please fight her! Puhhleeeze! Say she’s a broke loser and needs to be bailed out. Say she’s stupid and racist! Gimme something here!
Axelrod: Fuck off, tiny clown.
Wallace: Isn’t it true that Michelle Obama hates Hillary Clinton and wants nothing to do with her being Vice President?
Axelrod: False. There has been no discussion. We have made no offers. They have made no offers.
Then, Howard Wolfson (Clinton campaign advisor)
Wallace: Why does Hillary keep saying mean things about Barack Obama?
Wolfson: West Virginia is a Key State. Everything starts on Tuesday in West Virginia.
Wallace: But aren’t you weakening the Party?
Wolfson: No. We’re bringing in new people. A million new voters. Well, Obama brought in 999,990 of them and we brought in 10, but still…
Wolfson: West Virginia is a Key State. Key. Key State. If Senator Obama wants to win, he needs to beat her in West Virginia. Because West Virginia is a Key State. Did I mention that? It’s the Keyingest!
Wallace: So you’re 20 million dollars in debt. What about having your Rich Uncle Barack help her retire her debt.
Wolfson: Fuck you. That’s way premature, and there have been no conversations. This is not about debt, or who the veep will be. Its about winning primaries and beating John McCain in the Fall.
On “Meet the Press” Punkin Haid Russert dutifully repeats the same interview -- almost syllable for syllable -- that everyone else is doing.
Punkin Haid: But Senator Clinton can’t overtake Senator Obama in the delegate count.
McAuliffe: It’s highly unlikely.
Punkin Haid: No, it’s impossible you doodiehead, (Takes out NBC’s abacus and rapidly flicks the beads around.)
McAuliffe: Meh.
Punkin Haid: Can you count?
McAuliffe: …"Highly unlikely."
McAuliffe: Anything can happen in politics, Timmy. Anything. In fact, wherever Big Russ is right now, I’m sure he’s looking down from Heaven, drinking a scotch, reminding us that, in politics, anything can happen.
Punkin Haid: Big Russ is alive and well and sitting in a Barca-Lounger right now wondering if you’re drunk.
McAuliffe: Meh.
driftglass: Is it true that to appease your hard-core base you have sunk all your nickels into one, last attempt to destroy Senator Obama regardless of the cost to the Party, and about which this random video clip
is not meant to imply anything at all?
McAuliffe: Look, driftglass, I’ll tell you what. These fine people will concede

just as soon as...
...just as soon as...
...leprechaun puppies start being born.
Yeah. That's it. Leprechaun. Puppies.
In New Orleans!
Sure. Absolutely.
When leprechaun puppies start being littered in New Orleans, we'll totally drop right out, throw our support to Barack Obama, and you'll not hear another peep out of us until 2009.
Oh fuck me.
On “This Week” . Same back-and-forth as everywhere else.
George Stephanopoulos: Is Hillary a racist bint?
Reid: No. She didn’t mean what she said.
driftglass: You know, she and her husband have been doing that kind of a lot lately, this blurting out really stupid, inflammatory shit and then shrugging it off when they get called on it.
It has me a little worried.
Do think maybe it’s some kind of disorder? An freak outbreak of “Reagan Democrat” Coprolalia up in Chappaqua perhaps?
Reid: Obama’s going to do just fine in rural America.
Then, Carly Fiorina: failed Hewlett-Packard CEO and New McCain Surrogate.
Fiorina: John McCain hated Don Rumsfeld before it was cool!
Stephanopoulos: What about this stupid idea of a gas tax holiday?
Fiorina: It’s a great idea!
Stephanopoulos: But we can’t find a single economist who thinks it’s a good idea.
Fiorina: Fuck economists. Economists argue about theory. They’re idiots.
driftglass: And in that short exchange, perhaps the reason Ms. Fiorina failed so dramatically at HP has come loping into view.
And perhaps this question – “Do you think consulting professionals who labor mightily and after years of education to understand the consequences of economic actions is Teh Stoopid?” – will start being asked during HP CEO interview.
Then, onto the Round Table
Cokie: Everyone is so sexist and so disrespectful of poor Hillary.
Donaldson: No, people are god damn fucking tired of the fucking Clintons. They’re saying “We alibied for you all during the 90s.” We carried water for you people until our arms fell off. You don’t OWN the White House, and now that we have an alternative we’re gonna jump on it.
Then they all got giggly and braided each other’s hairpieces and played Vice Presidential Mystery Date
For several days
Cokie: Obama needs a Bible-thumping, gun-toting, white guy from a swing state.
Donaldson: So…someone who disagrees with him on everything?
Cokie: No, but someone who represents the people she’s carrying.
And so it went yawningly on and on.
Unremarkable really...until one notices that none of them are even bothering to speculate about what sort of veep Hillary Clinton should choose.
Ruh roh.
So here lies the mortal remains of the Clinton 2008 campaign.
Requiescat in Puerto Rico
Nobody--NOBODY--does it like Mr. D. Glass, Esq.
All praise and adulation on 1500+ posts. Please feel free to keep on going as long as it feels good...
I love your taut, concise rundown of the only news that America should watch!
Do you think they give McCauliffe oxygen via a hidden tube or something, because the man does not stop talking long enough to breathe.
So, if Hillary is Khan, then who is Spock? Who put on the oven-mitts and is doing the dirty dangerous work of getting the democracy engines back on line?
Spock (either Gore and/or Edwards) has wimped out and won't try to save the ship - apparently on the fear that Khan (Hillary) still has an infinitesimal chance of surviving and would hold a grudge. Spock is joined in the ship's engineering section by about 240 other uber-wimps (uncommitted SDs, espcially the 20-some Dem Senators).
Spock is US. It was the voters who stole the nomination from Billary.
I'll never understand your willingness to subject yourself to multiple Sunday morning yakfests, but I'm extraordinarily grateful that you do.
Your post was an outstanding piece of work.
Terry McCaullifflower said to Russert something to the effect that 'Your father is looking down on you, and would be proud.'
Only, Russert's dad, is alive.
Stupid fuckin fuck's. All of them.
It should be crystal clear as to why 2000/2004 went down in flames in the general. I've been saying this for years and finally that asshole proves me right every time he opens his pie hole. My gawd what are the drugs they're taking? Do they hear themselves? Can they fucking count? Even hillary is assuring the supers that they'll "stay ahead" in the popular vote. This is such a fucking joke.
Many Blessings to you Driftglass for watching this. Loved the "leprechaun puppies"...... :D :D The whole thing really... but PUPPIES!!! LOLOLOL Brilliant!
Just too good for words, Drift.
Too. Good. :o)
Over at GNB, Jim said, with bruising accuracy:
"At this point, she's campaigning for McCain."
This is all good, the leprechaun puppies are funny, but when it comes to DG being a real ole meanie spoilsport, the payoff line is
"...until one notices that none of them are even bothering to speculate about what sort of veep Hillary Clinton should choose."
I really think no one was supposed to notice that.
Please don't forget Keith Olbermann's breaking news last night - that both Wolfson and ...Solaris(?) are shopping book deals. Thus leading one to believe they don't expect to have much to do in the coming months.
So here lies the mortal remains of the Clinton 2008 campaign.
It doesn't shine, but it still stinks.
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