Sunday, October 28, 2007

Coming soon to a paragraph near you.

“Rashomonotheism” (driftglass™, Googlewhack pending)

n: the realization that, although two groups or individuals initially and enthusiastically agree that there needs to be a moral system in which people can operate (and even agreement on the much of the language used to describe the attributes of such a system) upon even slight reflection it turns out that their comprehension of the core meaning of such fundamentals as...

Authority ("Because carbon dating and the fossil record say so." vs. "Because Yahweh and the Dear Leader say so.")

Values hierarchy (Constitution vs. "Fuck habeas corpus.")

Enforcement (Diplomacy and law enforcement always/ War only when survival is at stake are all other choices have been exhausted vs. "Let's get this fucking Armageddon ON!")

Consequences (Social safety net vs. "Fuck the poor.")

...are so radically different that you might as well be from two different species.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

Meeting a fellow American woman on a river cruise on the St. Lawrence. It's a low-key cruise where people read books. People on the boat seem to have some culture.

She tells me at dinner that there are too many civil liberties in this country (forgetting we were on Canadian waters, or not?)

It went downhill from there.

Thanks for giving my feeling of being on another planet a name.

darkblack said...

The 'judicious study of discernible reality' versus the Big Tall Wish Crew has become a defining argument of the times in which we live, simply because the spoiled children of the Right are unwilling to modify their tainted philosophy in the face of objective absolutes, and have devoted themselves towards breaking every toy in the box until they have their way.

The only appropriate response to those who would espouse such irrational canards is a slap to the face...No need to bother with countering arguments or attempts at reason and compromise.

Anonymous said...

Well, we have to find a way to deal with one another peacefully, somehow.

You know what I recommend, I think.