Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Which is lower?

A pervert who uses his office to stalk children?

The Party gunsel

who uses his office to run interference for the pervert?

A cheap hustlebuck

and ambulatory cancer on the throat of democracy that hides his dead, brimstone heart behind an extra big Bible, and used his office to make sure his pals in the Marianas Islands could continue to use children as forced labor and prostitutes?

Or a sniveling little cur

who cowers behind children when the going get tough?

Remember this scene from the "Dead Zone"? The swaggering fascist who, in the end, shows his true colors and uses a child as a human shield?

Well, behold. Representative Thomas M. Reynolds (R - NY).

h/t Crooks and Liars
"Republican Tom Reynolds rented out a daycare facility today as he surrounded himself with kids and families, using them as protection from tough questions about specifics into the Foley messages."

As for me, I always thought that vicious simpletons with Messiah complexes

who abuse the public's trust and pimp the public's grief to send our young men and women off to die for lies, oil and Neocon Stroke Mag fantasies of Empire was about as low as you could get without having to drill into the Earth's lower mantle.

But hey, why decide!

The God of One Stop Shopping has co-located all of these strains of human depravity, debauchery and moral bankruptcy

down one convenient aisle.


dcnative said...

When the NewsHour had only two conservatives debating this, my first thought was, "WTF?! No Democratic voice at all?!" But to have David Frum as the asshole defending the child abuser and Richard Viguerie expressing the genuine disgust of the conservatives made a good point that perhaps somewhere in their cold, dark hearts, their consciousness is waking up. It probably did the Dems good to have both sides of that crowd arguing.

It's incredibly sick that it took something like this to do that and, of course, points clearly to conservatives' moral bankruptcy.

Can we finally really "do something for the children?" Maybe give them health care. Maybe get rid of pervs like Foley. Maybe start caring again about educating them.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride...

Anonymous said...

I make no distinction between perverts and those who harbor them. Twist in the wind, House Speaker Harkonnen. Twist.

I think we should take every word uttered by Republican congressmen about how Bill Clinton's sordid lusts were corrupting our young, and indeed the very fabric of our society, etc, take those words, put 'em all in a book--and what a large book it would be!--and cram that book up Denny Hastert's corpulent ass. And then he should be flogged, and made to run out of the Capitol, bleating, into the street, only to run into a mob of angry parents, who would set upon him with pitchforks and torches, and other assorted monster-killing farm and garden implements.

And then we extract the great big book from whatever is left of the ruins of the evil-pig man. And we grab the next-most senior House Republican. And repeat as neccesary.

Or, failing that, we could just have an election in a month or so and fire them all.

Anonymous said...

In the movie vein, anybody think that denny boy looks (and would squeal) like Ned Beatty ?

Anonymous said...

I keep waiting for the American public to have that epiphany, that moment of clarity when everything that went before suddenly takes on new meaning as reinterpreted through the unfogged lens of truth. Maybe the Foley scandal is that moment. I can only hope.


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jurassicpork said...

DG, we're about to have a really big problem. I was about to use that very same photo of Greg Stillson cowering behind that kid to illustrate that very same story in this weekend's Assclowns of the Week.

You're putting me out of a job, dude (well, an avocation, anyway). We really need to start operating on different wave frequencies.

Anonymous said...

Use it anyway, JP. Love your blog, too.

Anonymous said...

Perfection itself once again.

jurassicpork said...


I will, trust me.

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