Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down -- Part 1.

In which the Enron virus finally goes pneumonic.

And the criminally irresponsible and slightly-more-sleazy-than-simply-stabbing-grandma-and-stealing-her-Social-Security-check practice of "Mark to Marketing" that destroyed Enron becomes the official, public Bush Administration Foreign Policy.

Of course it has long been Dubya's Domestic Policy.

And Education Policy.

And Environmental Policy.

And Energy Policy.

If you are unfamiliar with "Mark to Marketing", it comes down to this: When liars are free to assert without challenge that no matter how bubonic-monkey-fucked things look now...if we just amortize the cost of this Administration's serial deceit, looting and general clusterfuckery into infinity, then eventually everything will be just ducky!

Watch this clip from "The Smartest Guys in the Room" (driftglass-certified as required viewing) and then ask yourself if there is any discernable difference whatsoever between the way Republican oilmen Skilling and Lay lied their way into wealth, power and bankruptcy and federal court...and the way Republican oilmen Bush and Cheney are lying us all into penury, slaughter and disaster...

Once again we are shown the true, monstrous face behind the oily, huckster ideology of Enron, and how it has become the central organizing principle of the criminal junta that now runs the GOP. The core-lie that in the great by-and-by the ROI on today’s losses will be so fucking awesome that America-hating Liberals need to shut the fuck up about the bloodshed, wreckage, corruption and incompetence in which we are in-up-to-our-noses drowning today...

...and in which we will be drowning tomorrow.

...and a full friedman from now.

...and even six or seven friedmans from now.

Really, until about 11 minutes before the Rapture things are gonna be pretty awful, but then look out!

It’s gonna be awesome I tell’s ya! Awesome-plus-waterslides-awesome!

On Fox News...Condi Rice, followed by little Billy Kristol, who yanks a page out of the “How to the Catapult Bush The First Into Action” playbook to run on GWI's fop of a son.

Namely calling Dubya a pussy and saying that the Middle East is falling into fire because he hasn’t beaten it hard enough.

“Weakness,” William the Wankerer writes, “is provocative.”

Ok, sure, but you know what’s even more provocative?


And more than that?

Being heavily armed and violently unpredictable.

And more than that?

Telling whole peoples that our intent is to conquer and “democratize” them. “Democratize” them to death, if necessary.

And more than that?

Saber-rattling when the whole planet knows your saber is wedged into the deserts of Iraq where it is slowly being sandblasted to slivers.

And more than that?

The hypocrisy of Gitmo...wrapped in a Flag.

The blasphemy of Abu Gharib...wrapped in a Bible.

See, Billy, actual provocation is always more provocative than some bad-acid-horror of perceived “weakness”.

And just for the record, you know what’s anti-provocative?

Genuine strength-plus-smarts-plus-statesmanship are anti-provocative.

You know; all of those values for which Neocons have such unreserved contempt.

Proceeding on, we also learn yet again that Condi Rice has officially joined Dubya in exurbs of Mendacious-Crazyville.

Every question about the blood and misery on the ground in the here-and-now is deflected by happytalk about the Great and Glorious Future Middle East where there will be a Payless on every corner and a soda jerk in every Malt Shoppe.

With all the glee and profligacy of a four-year-old who is just discovering the magic of lying, she guards her Sekrit Husband’s Big Lie with what I call Crane Technique Denial when seen among drunks and junkies.

Remember: “Crane technique: If done right, no can defend."

Also remember: “Sweep the leg, Lamont! Sweep the leg!”

Had to get that out of my system.

A promise of an upside so big and wonderful in faraway tomorrow-time that it will justify all of the track-marks and bruises, trashed property and arrests of today. If you just wait long enough. If you just keep handing your money and trust over to the con-man.

Condi: “...of course if we don’t have the will, they [terrorists] will succeed. Of course...American lives will be lost in bringing about that Middle East.”

Translation: Of course if you don’t believe in Iraqi Tinkerbell, it will all fall apart and then it’ll be your fault.

And this is where I twigged to the GOP Message of the Day, which was riffed on by virtually every Conservative Administration Stooge all morning long like a conga line of jazz musicians each working over “A Night in Tunisia”.

It’s "Mark to Marketing" run amok.

And why do Conservatives keep falling for this same shell game over and over again?

Because if you’re still standing with Dubya in his War against Reality you’re either so psychologically invested in the need to be right when you are so obviously and repeatedly wrong that you will say/do/believe/swear to/pray to anything that promises to keep you safe from the consequences of you own perfidy.

Either that, or you’re just a big ol’ hateful retard.

So it’s six-to-five and pick ‘em, baby.

Thence came Senators Chris Dodd and George Allan.

Dodd: Every Administration in history has believed in diplomacy and engagement.

Dodd: I cannot think of another time in my years of public service when things were this dangerously fucked up.

Dodd: We made a [terrible?] choice in Iraq. These are not new problems. North Korea was there. Iran was there. Bush treated the word diplomacy as if it’s a four-letter-word.

Like “work”.

Or “fair”.

Or “competent”.

End Part 1.


Anonymous said... sorry, you have a LACKEY sayin there's


historical VALUE to the report that says







condi has


ventured into the ominiversal sphere of MENDACIOUS-CRAZYVILLE??!!??!??

cause clean-n-sober-OBJECTIVE reality was OBVIOUSLY her kick once






(..NUDGE, nudge, wink, WINK...)

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