There is a tiny chamber of my heart that I reserve to feel some scrap of sympathy for the Moderate Republican army that is now painted into such a tight, little corner of Camp Quagmire. Were it not for the fact that it was my country they were marching into the abyss and my Constitution they were cutting into naked, blindfolded, genuine A.C. Delco car-battery-genitaled Gitmo Paper Dolls...I could almost pity the dumbasses in a detached kind of way.
Like watching the Dutch Tulip Economy implode from the safe distance of a history book, we now see the upper limits of how high and far into the future George Bush can throw a baldfaced lie before it hits the ground.
Turns out, it’s less than one year, and his arm is getting orders of magnitude weaker every day.
His Presidency has failed. Not the limited ignominy of being a one-term flop like his father, but is shaping up to be an Epic Failure. One for the ages. One that is already making Republicans look back on the Nixon Era as a Golden Age.
(I mean, can you imagine Nixon, at the height of Vietnam, white-shirted and black-tied, dress-socks and shiny shoes, pants cuffs turned up a trifle, scotch in one hand...bicycling all the way to hell and gone at Camp David and tossing out Little League first pitches...week after week after week?)
What leader – ever, in the history of the world – has decided to stake out five weeks in the middle of a disaster of a war that he started to laze around the fishin’ hole with Condi and Spanky and the rest of the Our Neocon Gang for a longer vacay that the average American can manage cumulatively over three years. And then decide to stay on paid cocktail hour...obstinately.
Loafing off in the middle of a war as a matter of....principle.
Jesus. No wonder the College Republicans gobble his dick like watermelon shooters. What could be more purely GOP that BBQ-ing ‘round the pool in the Most Exclusive, Secret-Service-Protected, Gated-Community in Christendom while the world goes up in flames?
But for those of us who aren’t besotted, inbred monarchists, at some point aren’t we obligated – as Maureen Dowd points out – to begin to notice that the President isn’t just utterly wrong anymore, but has actually lost his fucking mind? That the propeller on his Yale Beanie is spinning counter-clockwise even though he’s in the Northern Hemisphere? That he no longer even exchanges Christmas cards with reality?
And skimming along in the bottom quartile of the electorate – no longer invited even by proxy to the Party at the End of the Republic -- we find the Moderate Republicans, now begin to painfully embrace every truth were calling treason a few, short months ago. Almost pissing themselves in terror that they backed the wrong horse with the rent money, and the nag they bet it all on is not only not coming in Win, Place or Show...but has gone rabid-mad and is hunkered down on the clubhouse turn, smoking crack and kicking its jockey’s organs out onto the track one at a time.
The stands are empty and the race long run and lost, but still they persist – these scared-shitless Mods – believing that if they just keep clapping, the outcome will chance. These are the fuckers who flocked to the grandstands like the civilians at the beginning of the Civil War – with picnic baskets and Sunday-go-to-meetin’ clothes – to watch their President and his two-bit Ideology take the fight to the Bad Guys.
They were promised a video-friendly war like unto Iraq Part I. They were promised the copious hole-smoking of the evil men who attacked us four short year ago. Like the addled dopes they are, they were promised a whole lot of things that just are not and were never gonna be so.
They have tried for two years now to paint everyone as an arch traitor who has tried to point out to them that they have haven’t followed a Scipio Africanus into Carthage and history, but a cabal of mole-rats and Fiddle Gamers into a blind alley and disaster.
They have been told – for YEARS – how thoroughly and contemptibly they have been lied to. Flares were fired. Big Screaming Alarms were set off. But being the Tail Gunner Joe’s on the ol’ IQ Bell Curve, Moderate Republicans simply refused to believe what was happening as President Charles Ponzi and Vice Prez Billie Sol Estes practically cock-whipped them into bloody pulps.
Now the ones I know have grown plaintive and peevish. All the brave talk about bestriding the globe and stubbing out cigarettes on terrorist cells around the world is gone. So is any talk about WMDs, Iraq/9-11 links, imminent, etc. The Mods I know are in stubborn retreat on all fronts. Now all the talk is either desperately rationalizing why driving the country off the cliff wasn’t really their fault, or why the crash isn’t really as bad as the critics say, or just shiny conversational baubles designed to deflect their own words as they come roaring back from their own mouths last year to haunt them.
They don’t want to surrender, but in their own way I hear in them suing for peace.
Looking for terms.
I can hear it in their words, but more interestingly, see it incandescently illumination in their body language. Because the body tells.
My acquaintances can rip-and-read all the delusional, GOP-in-the-bunker-during-the-Fall happytalk they want...but the body knows and the body tells. It’s why you can beat some people at poker all night long. It’s why a woman who is self-conscious about the volume of her bee-hind might touch her skirt and smooth out a pleat and generally touch her tuchas during a conversation with a man she might find attractive. Why a painfully shy man might retire behind a beard-stroking, mirrored shades and a haze of cigarette smoke.
Their hearts is no longer with their President and his failed War. Unlike the mother on Fox News today who tragically lost a son in Iraq and just kept almost ritually incanting “9/11”, and “the people that attacked us” and “when the towers fell”, the Moderates haven’t welded themselves into the Denial Locker.
And the more the Koolaidians in their Party babble bizarrely on and on about the “truth” of things that have long been show patently to be lies, the more freely the Mods sweat right through their khakis and scramble to try to rationalize their way out of complicity in the mushrooming disaster that the Bush Administration is becoming.
Our job: kick out their crutches.
If they want to admit that their President is a Buffoon, that his chief henchman is a Traitor and that every inch of road to Iraq and Ruin has been paved with lies and looting from the start...fine. That the tent-poles that hold up the entire GOP are the Segregationists and the Christopaths...fine. But in onesies and twosies – whenever and wherever they pop up their heads and try to weasel out of their own rhetorical deadfalls – our job is to deny them succor and forgiveness until they own up to what they have done and explain their plan for getting us out of the cesspit into which they have driven us.
So what are the Moderates on my mailing list talking about these days?
Well the pall hanging over everything is Iraq. To the Moderates, Iraq is Mom getting caught fucking sheep. Although it is the firestorm that is igniting the very air we breathe -- the through-line that links virtually every major story -- among the Mods it has become The War that Dare Not Speak It’s Name.
Which is why we must talk about it.
But what else are the kids over at the Moderate table stitch-and-bitch jawing on about?
CALL: Guns.
Always with the fucking guns. I have to vote for the GOP no matter how fucknut in-sane they may be, ‘cause Liberals want to raise my taxes and take away my guns. Who will protect you mother?! Don’tcha love your mother?
RESPONSE: Like I fucking care.
Keep ‘em. Marry ‘em. Like I care about a deer hunter with a rifle, or a duck hunter with a shotgun. I care that the gangbanger down the street has better body armor and better ordnance than a combat soldier in Iraq.
You wanna play with guns? And not just jerk off on the gun range, but actually put into practice the principle behind the “Well-regulated militia” part of your favorite amendment?
Go to Iraq. Go to Iraq and get behind your President and his Excellent Adventure. They’ll give you all the guns you want and plenty to shoot at. The fight you have been lusting for your whole life isn’t at Camp Mommy’s Basement, it’s in Tikrit.
Put up or shut up, gunboy.
CALL: Impeachment didn’t count.
This one set me back on my heels because of the sheer audacity of it. My Moderate acquaintances are of the opinion that, since Clinton wasn’t actually removed from power, that it “didn’t count”.
And that we Liberals should all just get over it.
The impeachment of Bill Clinton is something of a hobby-horse with me. Since the day the Republican coupe d'etat came up short, I have always believed that it was the greatest gift the GOP could ever have given the Democrats. They piled up such sky-skimming mountains of fierce rhetoric about Truth and Lies and Justice and why the attempt to depose Clinton wasn’t partisan; it was nothing more than the impartial wheels of Constitutional Justice grinding out the fate of the President with an even-hand.
This is where body-language really counted. Mods seem as genuinely freaked by the fact that Dems haven’t forgotten about the Seven Year War against Bill Clinton, as they are by the fact that every single thing their President PROMISED them as a condition for mindless backing Operation Endless Clusterfuck has turned out to be a lie. And for exactly the same reason:
To stick to the rhetoric of Impeachment, Moderates now have to explain their own, deafening lack of interest in the lies and treasons of the Bush White House.
To dump the rhetoric of Impeachment, Moderates would have to concede that Liberals were right (yet again!); that Impeachment was nothing but a coup staged by the Radical Republican Party for nothing more than grubby, partisan gain.
It sure seems a whole lot like those who want to wave the American Swastika as a source of “pride”, and then rewrite history to efface the terrorism conducted under that banner. Then dictate to those who were fucked over by those terrorists that they have no business being offended by the flying of the lynching flag.
That Jim Crow didn’t count. That everyone else should just get over it so that they can warm themselves at the hearth of their liars history and traitors cause.
Sorry pal. Ain’t gonna happen. Your President is a liar, and over matters of life and death and war and peace. And you’re a hypocrite if you’re not going after him with at least the same fervor you devoted to hunting down Clinton for blowjobs.
And every time you say different, expect us to beat your teeth down your throat with your own damning words.
CALL: That Damned Electoral College.
This also caught me up short because it shows just how far up their asses the Mods are willing to plant their heads. This is purely a Shiny Object Distraction; my friend was much more animated -- talking all jut-jawed pissed-off -- about the EC that about, oh, say, Iraq. I half expected him to start in on the threat to national security posed by the Dangling Participle, which, IMHO, you can’t have too many of.
But since you brought my Mother into it...
RESPONSE: Didn’t you just got through telling me why the Second Amendment is constitutionally sacrosanct? An inviolate mathom from the 18th Century? So why is it the manifest will of the Founding Fathers untouchable when you want to jerk off with your Uzi...but the electoral college is a quaint powdered-wig custom of a bygone era that needs to be retired.
Me? The E/C is a silly relic, but it does have the beneficent side-effect of forcing a candidate to campaign in places other than to Potempkin Social Security crowds full of coached and cheering seat-fillers. It forces them to go where they do not want to go, and I think that’s a very good thing. Beyond that, I don’t give a shit, except that I’d be willing to wager that a popular vote is easier to steal.
CALL: It’s not who I voted’s what I voted against.
Ahhh. The protest vote defense. I wasn’t voting for the treasonous moral dwarves in the White House, I was voting against...something.
I’d’ve rather voted for McCain. I wuuuuv McCain. McCain would’ve save us.
RESPONSE: Well, basically, bullshit.Ok, first, that was 2000, and even if you were naive enough to vote for Bush out of some residual Clinton Hatred, you were also crave enough to vote for the man who ass-candled John McCain in as low and disgusting a bit of knee-cappery as these tired eyes had seen in a long, long while. Bush the AWOL coward dimwit fucked over McCain the war-hero. Period. You not only let him keep the ill-gotten gains from his thuggery, but you actually rewarded his for it in the general election.
But in 2004, McCain wasn’t running, was he? And by 2004 all the monstrous pathologies that Bush has always had festering away behind pancake makeup and a phalanx of handlers was on full display. If you supported the GOP in 2004, what were you voting against that was so important that you had to reinstall sociopaths in the White House?
As has been true of Moderates all along, they are more than happy to mooch off of others and sell out their country for a little slice of pie: they just like to do it while cowering in the shadows. Now the lights are on now. Blazing. There’s no hiding anymore. Put up or shut up.
CALL: The pedunda will swing back. And “Our Guys” will come back to power, or the Dems, or someone other than the Dominionists.
I see, so you’re relying on...physics to take care of this, rather than taking any personal responsibility for the mess you have made. Somehow, some way, by the magic of electoral thermodynamics or somesuch thing...the country will return to a state of equilibrium.
RESPONSE: Flail all you’d like. The more you struggle, the tighter the knot gets.
This is nothing more than the puling of a spoiled brat, sunk up to his chinny-chin-chin in his own broken promises and bad debt, who wants to skip out on paying his tab...while at the same time retaining his right to beat his chest and bellow that the poor, the weak and the dispossessed are really just “lazy” and “irresponsible” in full-throated righteous indignation. Whining that that no matter how much he shits things up, someone broom-pusher will come along and clean up after him, so we shouldn’t worry.
Sorry. Wrong again. And news flash: Ayn Rand just leapt from her unquiet grave to vomit in your faces over your genuinely staggering degree of intellectual dishonesty, laziness and moral cowardice. If you voted for this mess -- and one helluva mess it is, you must agree – you are responsible for it. The raging loons that run you party didn’t zoom down from the Duh-lympian Heights yesterday and seize you Party in the dead of night. No, no, no. You gave them your Party. You invite them into your Party. You tossed the Hell’s Angels the keys to the liquor cabinet, gun case and baby’s room of your Party and said, “Do whatever the fuck you want...jus’ gimmie my fucking tax cut.”
This is an apotheosis towards which the Dominionists have been working for two generations, and for 30 years you all have been getting weaker and wispier, and the Party of God members have been getting bolder and meatier.
Sorry guys; you go to war with the Falwell you’ve got, not the Falwell you’d like to have, and by doing so, you chose electoral power over principle and country.
CALL: “After Bush...who?” Again, to generally allay my fears, they raise this rhetorical question. That their bench is exhausted. After all, you think we’d elect Jeb?
RESPONSE: Are you kidding?
You elected a dry-drunk halfwit who was clearly unqualified to be President. Then he lied us into a war that is proving to be every bit the disaster you were warned it would be.
Then you re-elected him.
Please. Who the fuck are you trying to kid? If the GOP ran Secret Squirrel...or a sack of old lug nuts against Jesus Christ, you pinheads would be out in your “Old Lug-nut/Frist For a Better Tomorrow ’08” Tee Shirts” by the million, screaming yourself into serial embolisms.
Followed by a series of “Swift Crucifixion Veterans for What Is Truth?” ads, explaining how Jebus wasn’t really crucified, and might not even have been in Jerusalem during the exact time he said he was.
And those scourge marks, and his perforated side? Mere scratches...and probably self-inflicted.
I happen to agree that Bush has a special, irreproduceable hold on the GOP that will vanish from their arsenal in ’08, but please don’t expect anyone to believe that millions of your fellow Republican aren’t idiotic enough to vote for good ‘ol Lugnuts without batting an eye
CALL: Fuck everyone else.
This is really, really what Moderates are about. Cut through all of the bumper stickers and Rush-scripted bile...Moderates simply do not give a shit about anyone but themselves. Moderates care about their families, their buddies, their back yards and their bank accounts...and not one fucking thing more than that.
They look at Iraq and see a mess, but if their kid isn’t in the middle of it, they don’t care how many die. Or for what stupid reasons. They volunteered, so fuck ‘em. And since they view the world with near-perfect solipsism, they are unhampered by any sense of shared duty or empathy and stewardship.
Fuck the environment and the “tree huggers”. Fuck the poor and the weak, “lazy welfare cheats”. Fuck the past and the future. Fuck the air and the water. Fuck anyone and everyone that they are not related to by blood, and who don’t live within sight of them.
Promise to keep their SUV’s tanked up on the cheap, their guns sacrosanct and their taxes low and they will sit quietly by while thousands die. Or millions. Or billions. As long as their deaths do not inconvenience the Moderate Man, fuck ‘em. Fuck ‘em all.
And all of the “arguments” they kick up are intended simply to draw attention away from the fact that, in a very profound way, they are failed men. Morally bankrupt, but since they cannot admit that out loud, they stick to a Party and an Ideology that will let them celebrate their flat spiritual affect as if it were actually a virtue.
RESPONSE: Finally, an honest motive.
Riding on the same bus as Christopths and Segregatonists doesn’t faze a Moderate, but since they are not creatures of principle, the minute supporting the Republican Party starts to inconvenience them, they’ll bolt.
As the Administration policy continues to sink deeper into dark waters, the pressure from Reality on the hull continues to build and cracks continue to form. They are headed in the wrong direction at full-throttle, and the Mods are starting to get scared: one big breach and they could be crushed.
If the Moderates want to stand up and fight to turn their ship around, fine; I think we should applaud that. But as long as they keep trying to pour that new, sour wine into those old, lying skins, our job is simple and clear.
Kick out their crutches, anywhere and everywhere.
jesus! you rant as good as steve gilliard!
Oh, you, kid!
I'm trying to figure out where you are in the city.
Right on about moderates. They stand for nothing.
What's with all these spam ads on blogs? As if anyone would actually buy anything from them. Maybe the GOP is paying them.
God you're fucking good. You may recall one of HST's last articles, for Rolling Stone last year, in which he said that, compared to Bush, if Nixon were running for President today, he'd be considered a flaming liberal... and win. Also, don't forget the title of John Dean's latest book (WORSE THAN WATERGATE). The GOP's current agenda indeed makes the days of Nixon look a lot less sinister and even, well, innocent, by comparison. I mean, using the FBI and CIA to spy on DFemocratic National HQ? Pfft! Child's play.
Btw, if you're interested, my new Assclowns of the Week is up for your amusement (or bemusement). It's better than the last two, I think.
You do a great service enlightening us about the twisted logic we are likely to encounter -- I had no idea what they would dredge up.
And of course, even more fun, you knock it down in the most enjoyable way!!
-- Triozyg
You've said before that you have a bunch of partially-ready posts that only get published when you think of the right way to finish them. Posts like this one prove that your approach works wonderfully. I may print this one up and use it to fry a few moderates myself.
By the way, check out my souvenir popcorn tin site..
I'm kidding. Actually, it covers solar-powered nose-hair trimmer stuff.
You have written some epic rants, but this one stands above the crowd. You didn't even leave holes from which the rats might escape the sinking ship. Beautiful!
Almost pissing themselves in terror that they backed the wrong horse with the rent money, and the nag they bet it all on is not only not coming in Win, Place or Show...but is has gone rabid-mad and is hunkered down on the clubhouse turn, smoking crack and kicking its jockey’s organs out onto the track one at a time.
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,
And long ago somebody left with the cup,
But he's driving and striving and hugging the turns,
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns.
He's going the distance...
-- "The Distance", Cake
I read your blog every day and am always moved by your clarity and insight, although I didn't get the crutches bit until Part 2. Sort of like the scales falling from their eyes...
My boss is a conservative and he's always bitching about paying taxes because "it's not in the Constitution".
I know he takes dubious and questionable deductions, but he luvs the pretend president because he got a couple hundred dollar tax cut. I hope he gets audited.
I don't think we need to worry about Jeb Bush. His daughter is way too much into her drugs. Unless there's a plan for her to be redeemed by Jesus (like her Uncle Chimpface), we'll escape this dynasty.Free at last !
Having read Part 1, which was fairly short, I looked forward to Part 2. I figured it was going to be longer. So when it came up I immediately scrolled to the bottom to see...and sure enough, it was good and long. Yow!
But besides length, it was also so very dead on. How can any human being (I do not include psychopaths) support Smirky? Total insanity.
To Jim: Yeah, I agree, it's hard to believe that Jeb will take over. But remember that there's a constitutional amendment in the works that will repeal the 2-term limit. Kos thinks that's just crap, it'll take a long time to do it. But I dunno. If the Rethugs take the elections again in 2006, then they'll have 2 years to force it through. All they need is enough money and governors in their pocket.
Even if a Dem candidate is an absolute dog, a true criminal, vote for him/her. It doesn't matter in the big picture. The Rethugs must NOT have a chance to push through the term limit amendment.
Finally, I'd like to say this. The one and ONLY good thing that will come out of this war is the return of many men and women of incredible character, who have been put through the crucible. Look at Paul Hackett. He called Bush a piece of crap repeatedly and never backed down. Given that, as far as I'm concerned, he can do no wrong.
These guys have got to be encouraged to run. The Dems should grab all of these returning vets and put them up against the chickenhawks at every opportunity, no matter how unphotogenic they might be at first glance.
masterful again, driftglass.
i hope that you got to watch the sunday chats - i *love* those reviews.
Right on. One thing we have to realize is this is more or less a cultural war, and people are VERY gun-shy about jumping ships in a culture war. It's not about Bush, it's about being a Republican. Proud, and selfish, and after for me and mine and well..screw yours.
The racist south, after intigration, really kind of rearranged themselves towards the mega-church, that put forward the idea of ultra-materialism as being the way of salvation. But doesn't the Bible say that's wrong? Well, it says that abortion and homosexuality are worse!
And GUN CONTROL?!? Don't they know that gun control is pretty much dead, killed by one of our own? Bowling for Columbine killed the anti-gun movement, when people realized that the problem wasn't the guns. It was the arrogance, and the absolute lack of care that people have for other human beings. It's the culture.
That's what we're fighting against. People who believe that sacrifice is a sign of weakness, and it's for other people. People who support and believe in an "up or out" culture, where unlimited escalation of everything, the keeping up with the Jonses, is taken to a whole new level.
We're right, and they're a bunch of immoral bastards. Simple as that. They have no ethics. They've been successful by pretending, because the moral shield of modern Christanity has been protecting them...and it's that shield that we have to smash.
Almost pissing themselves in terror that they backed the wrong horse with the rent money, and the nag they bet it all on is not only not coming in Win, Place or Show...but has gone rabid-mad and is hunkered down on the clubhouse turn, smoking crack and kicking its jockey’s organs out onto the track one at a time.
Uncle Drifty, y'all are truly priceless! :-D
Oh, and I have a question for you, Drift. In light of the epiphany that is beginning to dawn on the Moderates (and by that I assume you mean mainstream, Main Street conservatives who prefer their Kool-Aid in small doses rather than the mega-pitchers of the stuff preferred by the Christopaths), what do you think would happen if BushCo were to attack Iran and call for the reinstatement of the draft with no exceptions for kids going to college?
A lot of these dumbasses still believe all of the bullshit the radio junkie feeds them. my fil finally got too embarrassed to send me anymore of his shit after I laughed at a grown man believing anything a junkie said. The last one was a forwarded chain letter. I laughed at the fools and hit reply all. I'm sure it pissed off a lot of wingnuts.
Sorry, no Sunday retro today. Running on fumes for a couple of weeks; after yet another commitment, had meant to pay blog visits yesterday afternoon (jurassicpork always puts out a great buffet) crank out another post or two, etc.
Made a couple of tweaks, started reading the news of the world, stretched out for a minute and closed my eyes to check for light leaks...and woke up to find it was 6 a.m.
Off to slouch after the buck for awhile.
A most sincere "thank you" to you all for the kudos; they're sending me out the door today with a skip in my stride and a song in my heart.
Of course, the song is "Let's Get It On", but that's just me :-)
Thanks for the nod, Driftie, but it don't mean shit if they haven't a link (a blogroll wouldn't be a bad idea, either).
I thought I was the only one who had fragments of blog entries waiting for the rest to materialize in some coherent form. I've made about 195 blog entries but have written maybe a dozen that I just never got around to finishing.
Great stuff, as usual, Drifty. As that archetypal, selfish moderate might put it, "we want more, more, more!".
I agree with you (and Karmakin), the core value driving moderates is selfishness, pure and simple. From a systems theory perspective, the neocon strategy is truly elegant, because their policies are creating an environment that fosters more selfishness, and therefore, more Republican voters. It's a self-sustaining feedback loop.
But there are limits, of course. When I was in college, I took a Biology lab course where I studied the effects of certain chemicals on the chromosomal structure of the common fruitfly. At the end of the course, I took home the bottle of flies I had grown in culture for my experiment, set it on the shelf, and generally forgot it.
Because the bottle was stoppered, there was no way for water, nutrients, or air to enter - it was a completely closed system. After the original generation of flies died, I was amazed to see that a second generation hatched from the remaining culture and carcasses of the first generation. When the second generation died, another hatched, and then another, and another. Each generation was successively smaller and less vigorous, and the environment inside the bottle turned almost black as the culture deteriorated and successive generations of fly carcasses accumulated.
Yes, it's grotesque, but it's easy to see parallels between my flies in a bottle and the "culture" and "environment" we see in America, today.
As an ex-Biologist, I believe evolution is real, and that the "survival of the fittest" principle holds in any closed system.
If the goal is to see who becomes king of the hill at the expense of those at the bottom, the Rayndian neocons are exactly on course. But if moderates think that they can benefit by "drafting" behind the neocons as they drive that Hummer headlong through crowds of unsuspecting working class Americans, they are mistaken. With every succeeding generation, there will be fewer and fewer moderates with the opportunity to live parasitically. Eventually, they, too, will fall to the bottom of the bottle, their assets depleted and exploited by someone higher up in the food chain.
The challenge is that calling a halt to this path of degeneration requires that moderates look beyond this year's tax return, and consider what might happen to the next generation (or if they're too selfish to think about their kids, whether this unsustainable path will still allow them to buy that vacation house in 10 years).
Not to put too much pressure on you, Drifty, but it's folks like you who are our best hope for finding a way out of this bottle we've put ourselves in.
We've got two Dem Senators, a Dem guv, and so forth, so I'll have to pass. I have, however, very seriously considered moving to Iowa somesuch other place where moving a few hundred votes from here to there might make a difference.
A no-exception draft tomorrow and this war would be over in two months. The Mods and country-club GOP know the game is over, but they're kids aren't coming home in boxes so they don't give a shit, and never will. I think the Fundies would be delighted, OTOH: this is, after all, the run-up to Armageddon for them and so so more bodies they throw on the pyre, the more merrily they'll dance around in the firelight.
Today, Atrios linked to some wingnut that was defending, sort of, The Bell Curve and the guy said that Atrios was really, really angry. Pish! [dismissive wave of hand] Drifty--and the Rude Pundit--are really, really angry.
I work in the banking industry and I know *tons* of the sorts of people that Drify reams; it's very much a "I have mine, fuck everyone else" mentality. I think "Man, if if wasn't for realizing that I was homosexual when I was 6 and proceeding to question everything about everything for the rest of the time, I'd have ended up like THEM".
And, oh yes, kick their crutches out. My epithet of choice: "Vichy Quisling collaborationist swine". Yeah, it's a little too HST, but oh well. One thing I never hesitate to bring up to those sorts of people these days: we hippies, we tree-hugging dope-smoking hippies WERE RIGHT and you were wrong. Buwahahahahaha!". Mmmmmmm.....schadenfreude.......
Oh Selah.
Same old Drift...just shredding wingnut ass. :o)
I too, think they are in retreat, some, but lots of them (and the ones farther out on the denial-pier, as the tropical cyclone yclept "Iraqibabe" bears down on them and drops into the minus integers for barometric pressure) are STILL bragging about the "good things" being accomplished in Iraq, and complaining about all the "negative" focus from the MSM.
I had a brief conversation with a "fellow South Carolinian" at a gas station in Conway, S.C., yesterday.
He saw me looking ruefully at the pump numbers flying like Bill Bennetts's Atlantic City lemons, apples, and oranges, and, as he filled up his BIG Ford pick-up, said:
"It's enough to make you want to whip somebody's ass, aint it???"
I said: "Yes it is, but let me ask you this: who do we blame for it...?"
He was taken aback at my invitation for a brief moment of semi-rational thought, but quickly recovered and informed me that that it was the fault of the people who wouldn't allow the oil companies to drill in our national parks and reserves.
I smiled and nodded my approval at his razor-keen assessment of the situation (eschewing the opportunity to ask him if the billion dollars a week which we are pissing into the sands of Mesopotamia and the coffers of Halliburton, might have anything to do with it) and finished filling my aging but very reliable and economical little Toyota truck, and drove off, glancing at HIS $41-bucks-and-counting donation to the BushCO petrodactyls.
Despite that, he smiled at me as I pulled out. I think I made his day with the intellectual challenge I tossed him, which he handled with such clever aplomb, AND, to (He assumed...) a like-minded student of petro-reality. :o)
Man there is alot of comment spam I have noticed. Is there any way to remove it from the blogs?
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