Thursday, August 22, 2024

Today in “Rooster Taking Credit for the Sunrise” News...

Pundits explaining to other pundits how awesome they are, while conspicuously skipping over the part where they were hugely wrong and if their advice had been followed we'd all be screwed --

How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work
The Ezra Klein Show

-- never gets old.

In fact, it's been the stock-in-trade of toxic hacks like David Brooks for decades.  

And mark my words kids, from Mr. Klein's softball, carefully content-free "interview" with David Brooks back during Ezra Klein's Vox days ("Ezra Klein's 2019 Reboot of 'The Arena' With David Brooks Is Exactly What You Would Expect") , to Brooks babysitting Klein's podcast while he was away --

Kass’s view that the most distinctive thing about individuals isn’t their race, gender or class but “the ruling passions of their souls”; and what the biblical Exodus story can teach Americans about how to live together more harmoniously.

You can listen to the whole conversation by following “The Ezra Klein Show” on Apple, Spotify, Google or wherever you get your podcasts. View a list of book recommendations from our guests here.

This episode is guest-hosted by David Brooks, a New York Times Opinion columnist, whose work focuses on politics, culture and moral formation. 

-- you are witnessing the next generation of David Brookses warming up in the bullpen.

I Am The Liberal Media


Anonymous said...

MattY has already morphed into Brooks clone, I guess EK is next in line

Just another boomer said...

I believe the next gen Brookses are having a session at Applebee's salad bar.

The bunch of current-generation Brookses including Brooks doing a rate-a-record routine on the third night of the DNC should either do these sessions in group therapy or with alcohol, but privately in either case.

dinthebeast said...

Too bad it's not the pigpen, those hogs would know what to do with them...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Grung_e_Gene said...

*Biden withdraw Endorses Harris Democrats Unite DNC surges Harris/Walz past Trump*