A handful finally fled or were run out of the mighty shitpile they had turned the Party of Lincoln into once the wind shifted slightly and the radioactive stank finally started blowing in their direction and they had the temerity to complain about it.
Another contingent still clings to the shitpile for dear life, but think a new Florida Man will save them from the consequences of the old Florida Man.
It won't.
Burn The Lifeboats
Been a while since a blog post title made me laugh out loud. Kudos.
If we could trap a republican base voter who only watches FOX or right winger media.
Put him in a cage to run experiments and tests.
If we ran tests on them like showing Jennifer Rubin's former right wing writings. Getting the experimental subject o acknowledge she is right wing.
Then show the same test GOP base voting rat the Jennifer Rubin's writing of today.
What might be the experiment's results? Final findings?
If this same experiment was ran again on group of GOP rest rats, would the percentages change Adding more test subjects trough the tests?
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