Thursday, September 28, 2017

ABC News' Chief Political Analyst Is Terrible At Politics And Analysis

Mr. Dowd now lives full-time in a lachrymose cocoon where he doesn't understand why anyone does anything, but firmly believes that the way out of this catastrophe (which people like Mr. Dowd helped create) is for everybody to just love everybody and never judge anything or say hard-but-true things about anyone, man!

Which is terrific for, say, a Unitarian Universalist pastor, but ridiculous for the chief political analyst of a major American teevee network.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


proverbialleadballoon said...

There is no 'pfft' with enough f's to express the amount of scorn necessary for 'I think being more kind and loving to all helps build a movement better than meanness and anger.' Everyone should be nice and kind to the nazis, why can't we all get along. David Brooks, Matthew Dowd, they pretend they arrived via ship yesterday and they were stranded on a desert island the last 10 years. Why is this viewpoint, from someone who knows nothing about anything and never even heard of any of these people before, considered 'expert'? rhetorical question.

trgahan said...

The Dowd/Brooks/et al. "Golly, everyone's so mean and angry!" kabuki theater reminds me of the condescending, gloating, twice voting Bush supporting family members that in 2007 were suddenly saying "guess the whole system is terrible."

Funny how conservatives always strike this "it's all fucked" stance when liberals are about to turn the weapons conservatives used to get here back on them.

BTW..Don't worry about my family members, their son made the inauguration this past January. Guess the system isn't so bad anymore.

Robt said...

"David, in order to build a movement and momentum you got to let people grow and come at their pace. Let evolution happen my friend."

* Does Dowd hold this ideology for ISIS, the KKK, NAZIS ?
Will Putin and Kim Jung Un come around on their own? And where is it (exactly) that Dowd thinks they will arrive at eventually on their own?
Is there any limitation for Dowd of death and suffering of others until they reach this plateau he envisions?

"I think being more kind and loving to all helps build a movement better than meanness and anger."

* So if only Dowd and others have sex with Putin. He won't gas Syrians or attack American elections?

*Has Dowd explained this simple world peace strategy to Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and the Plaistinians?

Unknown said...

"Seriously, why do they lie when it is so easy to prove otherwise???"

Because people in the media, say the Chief Political Analyst at ABC, won't come out and say "THIS GUY IS LYING. HE IS A LIAR.", but instead says something rhetorical and mealy-mouthed that can be plausibly denied if the Right ever freaks out about it.

Their cowardice is our downfall

dinthebeast said...

"Let evolution happen my friend."
I'm not your friend, and neither is Mitt Romney. And letting evolution happen is cool unless they're trying to teach it in the schools, right?

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

Leaving Alabamy's Roy Moore to evolve on his own, is like waiting for a bullet lodged in your skull to eventually work its way out by its self.

Potomacker said...

When it has been concluded that it is not a flaw, it must be a feature of the system.