Just a quick health tip to all you good people out there: Unless you are doing it for a class project or ironically, watching notorious liar Joe Scarborough reading aloud from Ron Fournier's Little Red Book before launching into a 90 minute truthercizing tirade about Hillary Clinton's emails is not a healthy way to start your day.
Sure, seeing Squint's enormous Gumby melon turn every shade of umber in the Pantone palette any time someone points out that he is, y'know, kinda sorta making things up is cartoon-funny, as is his ritual humiliation of his Stepford cohost. Also watching him shout down Joe Conason with "You called me a Nazi! Admit it!" every time Conason tried to make a point was technically amusing if you're one of those freaks who thinks Punch-n-Judy is a laff riot.
But seriously, now that it has become painfully obvious that, for whatever reason, Phil Griffin is hell bent on sinking the entire MSNBC enterprise by keeping reeking albatrosses like Scarborough wrapped around its neck, the minimally decent thing to do is to draw a privacy curtain around the killing floor while Mr. Griffin systematically dismembers something we once cared about and which is still gruesomely half-alive and thrashing.
some of your finest, right here:
Sure, seeing Squint's enormous Gumby melon turn every shade of umber in the Pantone palette any time someone points out that he is, y'know, kinda sorta making things up is cartoon-funny, as is his ritual humiliation of his Stepford cohost. Also watching him shout down Joe Conason with "You called me a Nazi! Admit it!" every time Conason tried to make a point was technically amusing if you're one of those freaks who thinks Punch-n-Judy is a laff riot.
I used the Gmail link to send a copy to my kindly gray-haired mother, in the hopes that she'll stop altogether, or at least reduce even further, the degree to which she punishes herself for knowing what's really going on by continuing to watch Squint and the Meat Puppet weekday mornings under the impression that Lori Klausitis' boss is worthy to grout Melissa Harris-Perry's toenails.
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