Friday, December 02, 2011

Professional Left Podcast #104


"A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation."
-- Mark Twain

Also too, a short intro to "Ready Player One":

Da' money goes here:


RobSPL said...

Read. The. Last. Paragraph.

Sullivan in the article talks about how Krugman was right all along. Then at the very bottom of the article has the gall to talk about how Britain's economy is circling the drain due to Austerity Measures that he himself shamelessly promoted for over a year.

Yet he fails to mention that final point.

How does he get away with this?

Cirze said...

Because he knows he will be held as accountable as his heroes Rayguns and Top Gun Bush were?

Mister Roboto said...

Off-topic but interesting: How Obama's healthcare reform may have been deliberately designed to eventually lead us to a single-payer system.

steeve said...

Conflict of interest is an outdated concern. Back in the day there used to be policy debates, and it was important to be objective and unencumbered.

But now, the correct policy in all major areas is proven and obvious. So the people on TV are either correct or incorrect, and remain so regardless of conflicts.

If you take away Brooks's Exxon shilling, you're left with an always-wrong moron polluting the discourse.

Tom M said...

Mr. Robot, remember that obama's health plan was Edward's plan which he said would inexorably lead to single payer. So, yes that has been the idea, and it' s about fckin time.
See the latest OECD figures?