Friday, November 25, 2011

Professional Left Podcast #103


"Prosperity is the best protector of principle."
-- Mark Twain

Da' money goes here:


Mister Roboto said...

I liked Eric's letter. As for the following letter, I think cholesterol is unfairly demonized, but everything else about Velveeta is certainly awful. I would compare right-wing talk-radio to Spam and Velveeta sandwiches on Wonderbread. With Miracle Whip.

jim said...

"Pundit thought product" is from Awesome County.

I think a lot of the energy that drives the lapdogs of pseudojournalism is the quietly boiling resentment of knowing that the very best writers of real journalism tend so often to be progressive lefties (like Steve Guilliard, I.F> Stone or George Orwell). Corporations giving them epic access for herding opinions on a global scale can never compensate for their lost integrity ... or enfeebled ethics ... or lowered standards.