Friday, November 22, 2019

Peggy Noonan Renews My Faith... the theory that if you can just get a Republican Beltway Pundit one-on-one in a comfortable, quiet room...

...and then pin them down...

...and then just wallop them upside the head with terrifying facts about their party over and over and over again, eventually they will sue for peace.

After which they will, of course, squirm like a slug in a bucket of salt until they find a way wriggle out of their enforced epiphany and to revert their wretched, lying default settings at the earliest opportunity.  But when the moment comes when a  Republican Beltway Pundit's psyche has been torqued by the depravity of their party to the point where they momentarily can't take it anymore, we should pause to note the moment

Peggers in the Wall Street Journal today:
As to impeachment itself, the case has been so clearly made you wonder what exactly the Senate will be left doing. How will they hold a lengthy trial with a case this clear? Who exactly will be the president’s witnesses.
Of course, if one were less than charitable, one might be tempted to note that this has come almost exactly one decade after details about the Bush Administration torture program came to light.  Someone so rude as to remember such unpleasantness might go even further, and raid the Crooks & Liars archives for the irrefutable video evidence that Beltway Media was a shitpile of mealy-mouthed, wingnut-enabling Quislings long before Trump showed up.

And among the worst of the worst was Peggers:

Finally, by an odd coincidence, it turns out that my view of Peggy Noonan happens to be exactly the same as Peggy Noonan's view of torture by the Bush Administration.

It's hard for me to look at a great nation where Noonan's manifestly toxic opinions continue being broadcast out to the world and think, oh, much good will come of that.

The Tip Jar Is Open.


Batocchio said...

Noonan's said plenty of despicable things, but that clip remains her most morally decrepit moment to date. Let the torture victims eat cake; Noonan doesn't want to hear about it.

Robt said...

But what about the price of independent thought and basic humane stands on what any person has the right(s) to do to others from a superior vantage.

Will it upset the Brunch cocktail gossip? For these folks perhaps that is harsh interrogating.

What is notable in your vid clip is the absolute disregard for those that are ruled under them. The different justice systems we all have to survive under.

Their ability to write law from the low levels of general practitioner lawyers to basically type out pre written memos that any secretary could. That the low level lawyer carries more weight than the Attorney General or a SCOTUS.
The law*s) are only guides to be interpreted at any given moment in time by the person put in charge to oversee and reinterpret.

There are varying situations.
Ex republican REp, David Jolly clearly out of the fog of GOP lock step control. Left the party (he says) and is "free" to his speech.

Rep Justin Amash who retains his Conservative values, (Not republican ones). Took a evaluated conclusive stand that did not lock step with the march. Was excommunicated from his GOP church of obedience.
Nicole Wallace who has the ability to speak up on lawful and lawlessness as it pertains to the Trump era. But has not been able to come to terms with her devoted soul to GW Bush that she clings to dearly from what I think is what she does to make her feel as if she accomplished something in her life and she wasn't part of something bad. holding dear what is found in her Bible as False Pride.
many Veterans experience this Nichole syndrome. Did they sacrifice in war just over oil for oil corporations profits. Did they defend the freedom way of life.
Because admitting that your belief and sacrifice was something fed to you to give you the core vital essence to fight a crusade when it is something else.

Leaves you with a dirty feeling of being raped. Violated.

Like Nooners, her persona of purity, strong beliefs never questioning.

It is like she is imprisoned in her own prison, in solitary confinement at the Stockholm syndrome penitentiary. for life sentence.