Thursday, May 30, 2019

CNN Goes Hunting Wabbits

Here is a snip from my post the day after Donald Trump announced that he was running for president:
As I wrote a few years ago,the brain-caste of the GOP spent a 40 years and billions of dollars carefully breeding an army of reliably angry, paranoid, racists chumps. And they have been so successful at completely re-engineering the Right's ideological digestive system that they can no longer process any information which does not come to them in the form of Fox-approved Benghaaaazi goo.  

In other words, in order to win elections and rake in vast fortunes, the Conservative brain caste has painstakingly created the perfect feeding-ground for con men and demagogues like Trump, the louder and more bombastic the better. And from David Brooks and the Wall Street Journal and "Meet the Press", to Ann Coulter and the Washington Free Beacon and the Breitbart Collective, in one way or another, virtually everyone in the media makes bank by flattering Conservative meatheads and pandering to their delusions.
Here is a CNN panel today sneaking up veeeeery gingerly on the radical notion that Republican base voters (some of whom, they are keenly aware, are also CNN customers) may, in fact, be gullible rubes who are too fucked-in-the-head to cope with reality at all:

John Avlon:  Why does he think his supporters are such rubes? Why does he have such contempt for the intelligence and analytical abilities of his supporters? And the feedback loop you see and hear between him and some of the opinion hosts on Fox News is extraordinary — it’s unclear who is parroting whose talking points at this point.”
At this point the irreparably debased intelligence and analytical abilities of the Republican base are matters long settled by fact and history.  However with panels like these, the intelligence and analytical abilities of CNN pundits remains an open question, so lets us do a public service by explaining to by explaining to Mr. Avlon the source of certain unpleasant odors emanating from the decaying wreckage of our democracy which have been gagging the rest of us for decades but which, for some reason, are only now seeping into the HVAC system at CNN.

You see, Donald Trump thinks the Republican base are bigots and imbeciles, because they are bigots and imbeciles.

In fact, the entire modern GOP is built on the foundation of the racism and willful ignorance of the base, and is entirely dependent on keeping them so berserk with rage and lobotomized with Hate Radio and Fox News bullshit that they can literally be reprogrammed to believe anything the Party needs them to believe, whenever the Party needs them to believe it, even when (as is frequently the case) it is exactly the opposite of what the Party programmed them to believe yesterday.

And every day that Beltway pundits spend gathering around tables and somberly pretending otherwise is another day that our democracy dies a little more.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


bowtiejack said...

Kudos! Nailed it.

Random Troll said...

Perhaps you could do a comment/column (if you haven't already) on conflicting "truths".
By this I mean a list of (many) examples of "this' on Monday and 'that' on Tuesday and back to "this' on Wednesday.

Yes, I KNOW a lot of your work is exactly that...but I'm slow and stupid.
I need a list. Suitable for print-out. To post where MY tea-party trump-humper brother can see it.

Random Troll

Random Troll said...

Perhaps you could do a comment/column (if you haven't already) on conflicting "truths".
By this I mean a list of (many) examples of "this' on Monday and 'that' on Tuesday and back to "this' on Wednesday.

Yes, I KNOW a lot of your work is exactly that...but I'm slow and stupid.
I need a list. Suitable for print-out. To post where MY tea-party trump-humper brother can see it.

Random Troll