Monday, March 04, 2019

When Reading This From "Reason" Magazine...

...bear in mind that Nick Gillespie has always struck me as the kind of guy who would not only insist his girlfriend read "Atlas Shrugged" while he stood over her shoulder, but would insist that she read the "This is John Galt Speaking" part over and over again while he explained it to her to make sure she really got it.
Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie

It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion.

There is simply no potential candidate in the Democratic Party who wouldn't be absolutely blown off the stage by him. I say this as someone who is neither a Trump fanboy nor a Never Trumper. But he was not simply good, he was Prince-at-the-Super-Bowl great...
In case you were just passing by our planet and are looking to make sense of this, this is what we of call a "libertarian".  In this case, the giveaway is:
"I say this as someone who is neither a Trump fanboy nor a Never Trumper."
You see, libertarians of this type tend to be of the Übermensch variety: gliding above grubby humanity, amused and disappointed by the petty squabbles and concerns of us useless eaters.

Until, of course, they need Social Security.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.

"But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt, he will not listen to you."

Even thousands of years ago, some people just ignored the ludicrously obvious signs that they were making a mistake.

Be seeing you.

Ian said...

Anyone who thinks they can predict the voting behavior of 300+million people more than 18 months in advance is a complete fucking moron.

Mr XD said...

"Until, of course, they need Social Security"
And then they bitch and whine that it's not enough~

joejimtree said...

Prince at the Super Bowl good?

That is some heavy and despicable trolling.

Prince have could wiped him off the stage with one little stampette of his tiny purple heel, and the bastard would be weeping, hiding in the women's locker room, behind the gatorade machine.

Prince would have left the Super Bowl if Trump was there.

San Francisco Values said...

The Libertarians worship Ayn Rand. When she wrote Atlas Shrugged, she was well into a 30-year amphetamine addiction. Recovered, long-term meth addicts will tell you that, in most addicts, the drug performs a lobotomy on the conscience. More specifically, the supramarginal gyros portion of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for empathy and compassion. Most, literally, of Nazi Germany, including the "good German" civilians were meth addicts. The patented, over-the-counter drug was called Pervitin. Look it up.

More than 70 years after the Second World War, German author/researcher Norman Ohler finally made the connection between meth and the collective sociopathy and immorality of the German people in WWII. The book he wrote is Blitzed. It has been translated into 18 languages.

With any luck, someday someone will give Ayn Rand the same treatment, and her fans will realize they worship the drug-induced, amoral, paranoid, and faux-philosophical rantings of a speed freak. Her post addiction work product should be curated on the shelf and in the category of work by Phillip K. Dick. But the genuinely brilliant Dick acknowledged and owned his addiction. Rand just mistakenly assumed she was brilliant. As do her followers.

Neo Tuxedo said...

When she wrote Atlas Shrugged, she was well into a 30-year amphetamine addiction. Recovered, long-term meth addicts will tell you that, in most addicts, the drug performs a lobotomy on the conscience. More specifically, the supramarginal [gyrus] portion of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for empathy and compassion.

So did she start destroying hers before or after she was basically doodling "William and Alissa Hickman" in her notebooks? said...

Nah, she was a sociopath & serial killer fangirl long before she wrote Atlas Shrugged. She also signed up for Medicare as soon as eligible. And good for her, that is the point of universal programs.

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Prince at the Super Bowl comment is the prop to prove Old Fonzie Nick is not, in fact, a stone cold racist, ala Mark Meadows parading his black lady into the Congressional Hearing...